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UNDECEMBER New Product and Package Sales

2025.03.06 Thursday 14:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.  


We would like to inform you about the new products for sale and the changes in certain product's purchase limit after the Mar. 6 (Thu) 2025 update.

Please see below for more details about the products, or check out the [Paid Shop] in the game.

Please refer to the information below when using the Paid Shop.

◆ UNDECEMBER New Product and Package Sales


■ Purchase Product   

- The products can be purchased with the [G Key] in the game or at the top right screen in the [Paid Shop].

■ New Product List (Currency Shop)

- The products listed below can be purchased until before Mar. 12 (Wed) 2025 23:59 (UTC+9).



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

2,120+2,120 Diamonds

USD 44.99

1 Time Per Account

Diamond 2,000 + 2,240 (Bonus)


4,260+4,260 Diamonds

USD 89.99

1 Time Per Account

Diamond 3,964 + 4,556 (Bonus)


■ New Product List (Summon Ticket Package)

- The products listed below can be purchased until before the next season's Scheduled maintenance.



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Gear Event Summon Ticket Package Ⅰ

USD 24.99

1 Times Per Month Per Account

Diamond 1,128 + 52 (Bonus)


Gear Summon Ticket (Event) Chest


Gear Event Summon Ticket Package Ⅱ

USD 44.99

1 Times Per Month Per Account

Diamond 2,000 + 120 (Bonus)


Gear Summon Ticket (Event) Chest


Gear Event Summon Ticket Package Ⅲ

USD 89.99

1 Times Per Month Per Account

Diamond 3,964 + 296 (Bonus)


Gear Summon Ticket (Event) Chest


Transcendent Unique Shard Selection Chest


■ New Product List (Step Up Package)

- The products listed below can be purchased until before the next season's Scheduled maintenance.



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Purchase Requirement

Step Up Package Ⅰ

USD 44.99

1 Time Per Account

20 Gear Summon Ticket (Event) + 20 (Bonus)



Step Up Package Ⅱ

USD 44.99

1 Time Per Account

20 Gear Summon Ticket (Event) + 20 (Bonus)


Step Up Package Ⅰ

Step Up Package Bonus Chest Ⅰ


1 Time Per Account

Transcendent Unique Shard Selection Chest


Step Up Package Ⅱ

Step Up Package Ⅲ

USD 89.99

1 Time Per Account

40 Gear Summon Ticket (Event) + 50 (Bonus)


Step Up Package Ⅱ

Step Up Package Bonus Chest Ⅱ


1 Time Per Account

Transcendent Unique Shard Selection Chest


Step Up Package Ⅲ

Step Up Package IV

USD 89.99

1 Time Per Account

40 Gear Summon Ticket (Event) + 50 (Bonus)


Step Up Package Ⅲ

Step Up Package Bonus Chest Ⅲ


1 Time Per Account

Hamal's Devotee Crown Coupon


Step Up Package IV

Hamal's Devotee Robe Coupon


Unique Shard Selection Chest


■ New Product List (Limited Period)

- The products listed below can be purchased until before the next season's Scheduled maintenance.



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Trials of Power Package Ⅲ

USD 44.99

3 Time Per Week Per Account

Diamond 2,000 + 120 (Bonus)


Exodium Card (Kustodia Temple) Tier 12 Chest


Trials of Power Chest Ⅲ


Season Content Chest Ⅱ


Soul Stone Essence Chest

400 Diamonds

3 Time Per Week

Soul Stone Essence Chest


■ New Product List (Daily Shop)

- The products listed below can be purchased until before Mar. 19 (Wed) 2025 23:59 (UTC+9).



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Spring Greeting Fruit of Growth

200 Diamonds

1 Time Per Day Per Account

Fruit of Growth


- The products listed below can be purchased until further notice.



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Traces of Memory Selection Chest

50 Diamonds

10 Time Per Day Per Account

Traces of Memory Selection Chest


■ New Product List (Beauty)

- The products listed below can be purchased until further notice.



Purchase Limit

Product Content (Main + Bonus)

Total Amount

Hamal's Knight Costume Package

2,250 Diamonds

1 Time Per Account

Hamal's Knight Helmet Coupon


Hamal's Knight Armor Coupon


Hamal's Blessing Coupon


Sweet Dreams Costume Package

2,250 Diamonds

1 Time Per Account

Sweet Dreams Hat Costume Coupon


Sweet Dreams Bathrobe Costume Coupon


Sweet Dreams Pillow Costume Coupon


Cherry Blossom Attachment Costume Package

1,875 Diamonds

1 Time Per Account

Cherry Blossom Flurry Dash Effect Coupon


Cherry Blossom Flurry Footsteps Coupon


Cozy Night Costume Package

1,875 Diamonds

1 Time Per Account

Cozy Night Cucumber Face Mask Costume Coupon


Cozy Night Top Costume Coupon


Cozy Night Bottoms Costume Coupon


Cozy Night Slippers Costume Coupon


※ The Beauty Coupons obtained from the above product can be disassembled, and upon disassembly, you will receive [Mileage Ticket].

■ To Note

Gear Summon Ticket (Event) Chest and Gear Summon Ticket (Event) obtained from packages will be removed after the scheduled maintenance for the next season.

Unique Shard Chest obtained from packages will be removed after the scheduled maintenance for the next season.

※ Any unused Unique Gear Shards will be deleted before the next season update. Based on the quantity held at the time of deletion, Gear Summon Ticket Selection Boxes will be distributed.

└ The exchange rate will be 1 Gear Summon Ticket Selection Box for every 10 shards (regardless of type).

└ The compensation will be rounded up based on the number of shards held. (Example: If you have 2 shards, you will receive 1 box)

※ The sales period and some of the product contents may be subject to change.

※ You must have enough space in your Bag to receive the purchased products.

※ You can see the contents of Chest items through View Info [i] in the item's tooltip in the game.

※ For more information on chances for chance-type items, please check the ▶Notice of our official website.

※ The refund guidelines and terms of service are available within the game and FLOOR. [Refund Guidelines and Terms of Service]

※ For inquiries about the product, please contact FLOOR Support. [Go to Support]

※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.

Thank you.    

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