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Jan. 11 Update (Edited on Jan. 11 11:50 (UTC+9))

2024.01.09 Tuesday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.


Our next update will take place on Jan. 11 (Thu) 2024.

Please see below for more details.


※ The following information may change when the update takes place.

※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details may be subject to change.

Improvements and Other Changes

※ These are the improvements and changes that will come into place with the update.


■ Orbs

- Orbs will be improved so that the quantity to be used can be set and used at once.


■ Items

- The currently owned amount will be displayed on items that have a limit on how many can be obtained.

- Time limits will be displayed on items that will be deleted.


■ Tutorials

- A tutorial for setting favorite items will be added.


■ Bounties

- Powerful Foe/Escort monsters will no longer overlap with monsters that have a bounty.


■ Black Market (Edited on Jan. 9 16:26 (UTC+9))

- All items sold at the Black Market will be changed.

※ Items that are currently being saved at the Black Market can be purchased.

- The limit on the amount of currency that can be owned according to Friendship per faction will be removed.

- The following item will be added to the items sold at Gemstone of Courage Shop.

> Emergency Request Random Chest


■ Auction House

- Items will be able to be instantly searched in the Auction House by selecting them in the inventory of the Auction House Sale tab.


■ Storage

- The Runes in Rune Storage will also be displayed in the inventory of the Rune Compendium.


■ Skills

- Thorn Explosion will activate even more closer to the location of the user's cursor.


※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.


◆ Wings

1 new Wings will be added to Costumes.

  ✔ You can find the new Wings in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.


 - Evermund's Blade (M/F): Can be obtained through the event, 'Coco's Great Adventure'.

◆ Pets

New Pets will be added.

  ✔ You can find the new Pets in the [Pet] menu.


■ Totwoba

 - Totwoba: Can be obtained through the event, 'Coco's Great Adventure'.

◆ New Skill Skins

5 new Skill Skins will be added.


■ Rare Skill Skins

- Heartless Combo

- Arctic Frost Strike

- Fury Cold Outburst

- Void Thorn Explosion

- Blue Flame Earth Blow

◆ Beauty Shop Improvements

- Products that were released before will be viewable in the Beauty Shop.

◈ Other (Added on Jan. 11 10:46 (UTC+9))


Additional rankings will be updated to the game in future Seasons instead of through the Jan. 11 (Thu) 2024 update due to development issues.

We would like to sincerely apologize for the delay in the update schedule.


◆ Coco's Great Adventure Event

 - 'Coco's Great Adventure' will begin.

* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Jan. 11 (Thu) 2024.

Bug Fixes

[Jan. 11 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues] (Added on Jan. 11 11:50 (UTC+9))

We hope that these update details will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.


Thank you.

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