Jan. 11 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Jan. 16 19:17 (UTC+9))
UNDECEMBERGreetings, Rune Hunters.
Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Jan. 11 (Thu) 2024 UNDECEMBER update.
Please see below for more details.
※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.
◈ Known Issues |
※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.
- Issue where the shortest route is not taken when moving to certain tiles in 'Coco's Great Adventure'
- Issue where Runes that are being stored in the Storage are displayed in the Rune Transfer Bag
- Issue where the Total Playtime Event rewards cannot be obtained (Added on Jan. 11 14:20 (UTC+9))
- Issue where an error message is displayed when Coco's Great Adventure items are purchased or obtained when 20 or more Reroll Tickets are owned during Coco's Great Adventure Event (Added on Jan. 16 19:17 (UTC+9))
◈ Bug Fixes |
※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.
■ Stages
- The issue where Movement Skills could not be used properly in certain locations of Act 5's Stormy Snowfield has been fixed.
- The issue where the Memories of War quest occasionally did not progress properly in Act 11 has been fixed.
■ Chaos Dungeons
- The issue where Movement Skills could not be used while progressing through certain Chaos Dungeons on mobile devices has been fixed.
- The issue where the Dungeon, Santa's Cabin, could be entered as a party has been fixed.
- The issue where the Resurrected Champion of God occasionally appeared in incorrect places has been fixed.
■ Void Rift
- The issue where combat with Void Ilya’s Illusion was completed abnormally has been fixed.
- The issue where the refresh time for Void Rift content was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
■ Auction House
- The issue where unnecessary buttons were displayed in the Authority filter of the Auction House has been fixed.
■ Shop
- The issue where damage skins and speech bubbles disappeared from your purchase list when all weapon and attachment costumes were purchased in the Crusade of Glory Shop has been fixed.
■ Paid Shop
- The issue where the info screen did not close when selecting View Item Info after obtaining identical Wings through the 'Collector's Treasure House' has been fixed.
■ Items
- The issue where the number of max stacks was not reflected in the Earth Blow skill when 'Mountain Root' was equipped has been fixed.
- The issue where the 'Immune to Movement Speed Decrease' effect was applied abnormally in the Lacrima Statue has been fixed.
■ Skills
- The issue where the stats related to the range of 'Weaken Totem' were displayed abnormally in certain languages has been fixed.
- Frost Strike [Source] has been improved like the below to fix the issue where the strikes occurred abnormally.
> Cold Explosion of Frost Strike [Source] activates on an identical target again after a 0.5 s cooldown.
> Cold Explosion of Frost Strike [Source] only damages up to 3 targets.
> Cold Explosion of Frost Strike [Source] inflicts 2.5 times more damage compared to before.
■ UI
- The issue where the brightness of Beauty UI decreased when activating Guide of Illusion has been fixed.
- The issue where the Quest HUD disappeared in certain situations during quest navigation has been fixed.
- The issue where the character screen was displayed as black in certain situations when opening the Character Info screen has been fixed.
■ Enchant
- The issue where Rare Fixed Essences could not be used in certain situations has been fixed.
■ Crafting
- The issue where certain Unique Gear could not be selected during Crafting has been fixed.
■ Controller
- The issue where certain input keys did not function on controllers has been fixed.
We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.
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