Greetings, Rune Hunters!
Our next key update will be taking place on Jan. 25 (Wed) 2023.
Please refer to the information below for details.
※ The following information may change when the update takes place.
※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details are subject to change.
※ The following information is related to the new content that will be added through the update.
◆ Episode 3: Ortemis
- The new episode, Episode 3: Ortemis, is coming!
✔ You can begin the new Episode by starting the quest, To Ortemis, after finishing Episode 2.
* You can get to Saint Lapia Hospital through the portal in Advena Sanctuary.
■ New NPCs, Areas and Monsters
- New Ortemis NPCs and areas will be added to the game.
- New Boss Monsters and Normal Monsters will be added to the Ortemis area.
■ Random Buff
- 7 new random buffs will be added to the existing ones that appear all around the game. The existing random buffs will also be changed.
- 5 new random buffs, which will only be applicable to the monsters that appear in the Ortemis area, will also be added.
■ Scenario Compendium
- The Main Quest/Sub Quest Compendium and Journals of ‘Episode 3: Ortemis’ will be added to the game.
- To receive rewards, complete the Compendium by finishing Quests and collecting Journal items.
■ Episode Ranking
- After clearing Act 11, you can reset your Episode Ranking and your Challenge Episode Ranking.
- However, characters will not be able to participate in the Rankings if they do not meet the conditions needed to participate.
* The conditions for participating for each Ranking can be found on the Ranking Page within the game.
■ Challenge Difficulty
- A new Challenge Difficulty will be added to the game, which will allow players to try Act Quests and Stages at a higher difficulty level.
- The new difficulty will open during the Act 11 Quest, To Ortemis.
- You can try Challenge Difficulty in the ‘Episode 3: Ortemis’ Scenario.
- You can freely change your settings between Challenge Difficulty and Normal Difficulty through the ‘Saint Lapia Hospital’ Waypoint or the World Map.
- Normal Difficulty will be automatically cleared if you clear Challenge Difficulty, and you can get rewards for both difficulty levels.
- If you choose Challenge Difficulty, the quest you take on will be the same as the one for Normal Difficulty, but the monsters that appear will be stronger.
- With Challenge Difficulty, you will be able to receive more valuable rewards and other special rewards, such as Stardust of Evolution.
※ To Note
- Partying is not available for Challenge Difficulty.
- With Challenge Difficulty, your Resurrection Limit is 3.
- To move to another Episode’s area or to Saluto whilst in Challenge Difficulty mode, you must first change your settings back to Normal Difficulty.
- If you change from Normal Difficulty to Challenge Difficulty, any open Chaos Dungeons will be closed.
◆ Archmages of Caspol: Trischema
- ‘The Three Archmages: Trischema’ raid is here to test your strength.
│The three Archmages of Caspol were placed under an eternity of torment for creating the Chaos Statue.
│Bring down judgment upon those who did not act to prevent the consequences of completing divinity.
■ New Raid Details
- The required level for entering the raid is Lv.85 and the party size is up to 8 players.
- ‘The Three Archmages: Trischema’ is a raid that involves a Lv.110 Raid Boss with a Chaos Element.
- With this new raid, new achievements and titles will be added.
- Available rewards for clearing the raid include Gemstone of Courage and Runestone Selection Chests.
- You can enter the new raid through each Act Town or the Recruitment Board in Saluto.
- Once you enter the raid, you will be randomly matched with other players. If you enter the raid as a pre-existing party, you will only need to recruit players to fill up missing spots.
- You can only enter The Three Archmages: Trischema raid once per week, and the entry count will reset every week on Monday/Thursday at 09:00 (UTC+9).
- However, your entry count will only count once you have cleared the raid. In other words, you will be able to try again if you fail to clear the raid.
◆ Descent Raid – Season 4
- A new season of Descent Raids is coming!
✔ You can enter the new raid through each Act Town or the Recruitment Board in Saluto.
■ Descent Raid Details
- A new season of Descent Raids, Cursed Zodiac Walker: Vilam, is coming!
- The required level for entering the Vilam Descent Raid is Lv.80, and the party size is 8 players.
- Descent Raids are special raids that you can only enter at certain times during the day.
- Once the raid is available, you can challenge the boss by either creating a raid party or matching.
- You can obtain a Unique Runestone once you defeat the Descent Raid boss.
- The Runestone you can obtain from the Descent Raid is Lv.100.
■ Shadow Mirror
- Collect Shadow Mirror Shards to complete the Shadow Mirror and receive rewards upon clearing the Descent Raid.
- You can still defeat the boss without completing the Shadow Mirror, but you won’t be able to receive the Clear Reward.
* Shadow Mirror Shards can be obtained from the field or through Chaos Dungeon drops.
* You cannot obtain any more Shadow Mirror Shards once the Shadow Mirror is fully completed.
■ Additional Rewards
- Defeating the Descent Raid Boss can lead to additional rewards such as DMG Rewards and Clear Rewards.
┗ DMG Rewards – Can be obtained depending on your highest Total DMG score from your encounters.
┗ Clear Rewards – Can be obtained by repeatedly defeating the Descent Raid boss after completing the Shadow Mirror.
※ Please note that the image above was taken when an event was taking place. The number of rewards for when an event is not taking place is different.
■ To Note
※ Details and rewards may be subject to change.
※ Descent Raids take place through seasons (2 weeks per season, 1 week break).
◆ Chaos Dungeon Renewal
- With the update, the Chaos Statue Level will be reset and new content and features will also be added.
✔ Chaos Dungeons can be accessed through the Chaos Statue in Saluto.
✔ You can only enter Saluto after completing the Act 10 Quest, Another Beginning. In Saluto, you can not only access the Chaos Dungeons, but also other content that is not related to Episodes, such as Relics and the Void Rift.
✔ The Chaos Statue can only be used when all the Act 11 Main Quests have been cleared.
✔ The Chaos Dungeon quests that you could access through NPC Leon will be hidden from the game’s UI until the Chaos Statue opens again.
※ Please check the game for more details.
■ Chaos Statue Level and Chaos Card Reset
- With the update, the Chaos Statue level will be reset to 1.
- All the Chaos Cards you own will be converted into Chaos Tickets.
- Chaos Tickets can be exchanged for various rewards through the Exchange Item tab with Peddler Brown in Saluto.
※ For more details, please refer to the notice on our Chaos Ticket Exchange Event, which will be released later.
■ Change in Chaos Dungeon Difficulty
- The maximum difficulty of the Chaos Dungeons will be increased.
┗ The maximum level of monsters and gear drops will be raised from Lv.100 → to Lv.120.
■ Chaos Dungeon Stages
- Part of the Chaos Dungeon stages will be changed to an Episode 3: Ortemis stage.
■ Chaos Stones
- Memory Runes, which are Chaos Stones that can be registered along with Chaos Cards, will be added.
- If you create a Chaos Dungeon with only a Chaos Card, Chaos Stones will be generated randomly.
- If you register a Chaos Stone (God’s Resonance Stone/Memory Rune) before entering a Chaos Dungeon, it will
trigger the Authority/Memory Rune effects.
* Memory Runes can be used with Normal Cards and Authority with Rare Cards and above.
* The random generation of each Realm Authority will take place after the Trial for each Realm has been cleared.
┗ E.g.) Alyssa's Authority → Generated randomly from Statue Level 2 or higher
┗ E.g.) Boreal's Authority → Generated randomly from Statue Level 4 or higher
* Chaos Stones (God’s Resonance Stone/Memory Rune) cannot be registered to Unique Grade cards or cards that are higher than Tier 11.
✔ Memory Runes
: Memory Runes can be registered on Chaos Cards of Normal Grade or higher.
: You will be able to find Traces and Remnants in Chaos Dungeons that have been created with Chaos Stones.
: Activate the Traces and Remnants to summon monsters to the area.
* The Trace and Remnant props have different grades, and the number of monsters that appear will depend on that grade.
: If you defeat a Specific Monster (Unique Grade), Crafting Materials and Memory Pieces, which are new card materials that you can farm from Dungeons, will be dropped.
✔ Traces of Memory (New Dungeon)
: You can enter the Traces of Memory Dungeon with the Traces of Memory Chaos Card, which is completed by collecting and combining Memory Pieces (4 types).
: All monsters in the Traces of Memory Dungeon will drop Crafting Materials at random.
* As the Traces of Memory Dungeon is an extension of the game’s content, you can obtain even more Crafting Materials.
: Although Traces of Memory is a Chaos Card, it does not have tiers. Instead, its monsters’ levels are influenced by the Statue Level.
* If the Chaos Statue Level is 20, the level of the monsters that appear will be up to Lv.110.
: The level of Traces of Memory can be increased through Card Growth. Depending on the growth level, monsters of up to Lv.120 can appear.
■ Addition of Boss Dungeons and Trials
- 4 types of Chaos Boss Dungeons (Tier 11) will be added to the game.
* Realm of Aquilla, Realm of Vesper, Realm of Capri, Realm of Miraseti will be added, and you will only be able to enter these realms with Greater Chaos Cards.
■ Reward by Chaos Level
- There will be changes to Reward by Chaos Level, which is dependent on the Chaos Statue Level.
■ Chaos Card Growth
- You will be able to grow all Chaos Cards up to Lv.10, regardless of the card’s tier.
└ This is applicable to Tiers 1-11 and Traces of Memory Cards.
- When using cards as materials to grow a Chaos Card, the applied Growth EXP will be increased.
- When growing Tier 1-11 cards or Traces of Memory Chaos Cards, the accumulated EXP required for higher levels will be lowered.
- Effects will be added according to the level to which Chaos Cards are grown.
■ Chaos Card Automatic Growth
- With the new update, you will be able to grow Unidentified Chaos Cards.
- A new, convenient feature will be added where you can set your desired growth level on the Chaos Card registration screen. This will mean that your card will grow automatically to the set level every time you enter the dungeons.
- The auto-growth feature for Chaos Cards can only be used with Darkness Energy to grow cards.
◆ Chaos Dungeons – 2 New Unique Dungeons
- New Unique Dungeons will be added to the Chaos Dungeons.
✔ You can access the new Unique Dungeons by registering a Unique Chaos Card at the Chaos Statue in Saluto.
■ Malo Front in Chaos
- You must rescue residents from Malo Front, which has been destroyed by the Dimps and Bandits, and defeat Chief Pakuso.
- A vast number of Dimps and menacing Bandits will come to attack you.
- Also, in certain areas of the road to town, there will be Elite Monsters guarding Treasure Chests.
■ Hermit's Furnace
- At the Hermit’s Furnace, a place full of bubbling rusty water, you will meet the legendary Blacksmith.
- When you interact with the Blacksmith, he will begin grinding his anvil and monsters will start appearing in the vicinity at the same time.
- As the Wave progresses, the monsters that appear will get stronger, and boiling rusty water will rise from the ground and get in your way.
- You will be able to receive a special reward from the legendary Blacksmith if you manage to defeat the Final Boss.
◆ Runes
■ New Skill Runes
- 16 new Skill Runes will be added to the game.
✔ You can obtain the new Skill Runes through synthesis or other various game content.
✔ List of New Skill Runes
▼ Skill Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Skill Rune – Green (Dexterity)
▼ Skill Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
■ New Link Runes
- 20 new Link Runes will be added to the game.
✔ You can obtain the new Link Runes through synthesis or other various game content.
✔ List of New Link Runes
▼ Link Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Link Rune – Green (Dexterity)
▼ Link Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
■ New Skill Rune Engraving & Awakening
- New Skill Rune Engraving & Awakening will be added to the game.
✔ You can engrave/awaken Runes at each Act Town or by visiting Mystic Pauline in Saluto.
✔ Skill Rune Awakening Options List
▼ Skill Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Skill Rune – Green (Dexterity)
▼ Skill Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
▼ Link Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Link Rune – Green (Dexterity)
▼ Link Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
◆ New Content - Crafting
- A new feature called Crafting will be added to the game.
- You can find the Crafting feature at the Alchemy Desk, and you can use the feature after completing the Act 11 Quest, Message from Salvis.
✔ What is ‘Crafting’?
- Through Crafting, you can add Crafting Options to your gear items’Prefix/Suffix Options.
- Crafting levels can increase through growth.
The higher the Crafting level, the higher the Tier Option level and probability will be. Also, new Crafting Options will be added.
- However, the tier of the existing option that you are Crafting will determine the tier of the options that you can obtain.
Therefore, even though the Crafting level increases, the tier of the options that you can obtain may not increase.
■ Normal Crafting
- With Normal Crafting, you can select one of the Prefix/Suffix Options and add a Crafting Option.
- You can only add a Crafting Option to one Prefix/Suffix Option, and that Crafting Option will be selected randomly.
- You will need Traces of Creation and Star Memory for Normal Crafting.
* You can check the probability of the different Crafting Options being selected on the screen that appears when you press Crafting Options.
* If an option already has a Crafting Option, the existing option will be removed and the new option will be imbued instead.
■ High Crafting
- High Crafting allows you to add a new Crafting Option to an item that already has a Crafting Option.
- High Crafting allows you to randomly add a Crafting Option to Prefix/Suffix Options that do not have a Normal Crafting Option.
- High Traces of Creation are needed for High Crafting.
■ Crafting Option Reset
- You can remove all Crafting Options that have been imbued on gear on the Crafting Option Reset screen.
- Traces of Disintegration are needed for resetting your Crafting Options.
■ To Note
※ Please note that if a gear option that has a Crafting Option is removed or changed, the imbued Crafting Option will also be reset.
※ The imbued Crafting Option for gear will be removed when Crafting is reset, so please ensure that you proceed with resetting carefully.
※ Including High Crafting Options, up to 2 Crafting Options can be imbued on gear.
※ As the Crafting level increases, you will need more Star Memory and Currency to grow to the next level.
※ For Normal Crafting, the higher the level of the registered gear, the more Star Memory will be required.
※ You can get Star Memory by disassembling Traces of Creation.
◆ New Enchant
- Charm Tier Magic Change / Charm Tier Rare Change will be added to the game.
└ Charm Option Tiers are reassigned randomly according to the Charm Tier.
◆ Alchemy – New Brewing and Combining Methods
- New Brewing recipes and methods for Combining will be added to the game.
✔ Brewing and Combining features can be found at the Alchemy Desk.
■ Brewing – High Potions
- Brewing recipes for High Potions will be added to the game.
* Recipes for High Healing Potions andHigh Concentration Potions will be unlocked once the Act 11 Quest, To Ortemis, is completed.
■ Combining – Crafting
- Crafting will be added to the Combining feature.
- You can change a particular type of Star Memory to another type by using a fixed amount.
■ Combining – Traces of Memory
- Traces of Memory will be added to the Combining feature.
* The recipe will be unlocked once the Act 11 Quest, Message from Salvis, is completed.
- Collect and combine the Memory Pieces from the Chaos Dungeon Memory Runes to create a Traces of Memory Card. You can then use a Chaos Upgrade Stone to raise the grade level of that card.
■ Combining – Other
- The option to combine Hyper Regeneration Energy Bundles will also be added.
- Combine Hyper Regeneration Energy with a Philosopher's Stone to create Bundles that you can register at the Auction House.
- A new feature will be added for the Alchemy of some items, where exclusive materials will be needed for Brewing and Combining.
◆ New Achievements & Titles
✔ Go to ‘Journal’ in Menu to see the different Achievements and Titles that are available.
- Not only are new Achievements being added, but some of the current completion levels for Achievements will also be expanded.
- 7 new Titles will be added to the game.
◆ Maximum Mastery Level Increase
- The maximum Alchemy Mastery and Enchant Mastery level will be increased.
✔ You can check your Mastery levels through your Journal by pressing the H key or the Menu (☰) button at the top of your screen.
■ Enchant Mastery
- The maximum Enchant Mastery level will be increased from Lv.31 → Lv.40.
■ Alchemy Mastery
- The maximum Alchemy Mastery Level will be increased from Lv.31 → Lv.40.
- The Mastery EXP that you obtain when combining Blue, Red, or Green Elements will also be increased (1 EXP per combination → 2 EXP per combination).
* EXP for combining Chaos Elements will remain the same (4500 EXP per combination).
- The maximum level of Alchemy Mastery Effect will also change.
※ Only one Effect can be activated from the Effects outlined in the yellow rows.
◆ Runestones
- 5 new Runestones will be added to the game.
- New Runestone options will be added to the game.
◆ Items
■ 44 New Higher Level Unique Gear
- 26 Higher Level Unique Weapons, 12 Armors, and 6 Accessories will be added to the game.
✔ Higher Level Unique Gear can be obtained through drops and other various game content.
* Please check the in-game Item Compendium for more details on Higher Level Unique Gear.
■ 60 New Unique Gear
- 26 Unique Weapons, 27 Armors, and 7 Accessories will be added to the game.
✔ New Unique Gear can be obtained through drops and other various game content.
* Please check the in-game Item Compendium for more details on the new Unique Gear.
■ Higher Tier Gear
- Higher Tier Weapons, Armors, and Accessories will be added to the game.
✔ Higher Tier Gear can be obtained through drops and other various game content.
■ New Chaos Dungeon Items
- New Chaos Dungeon items can be obtained through Alchemy and other various game content.
- New Unique Chaos Cards, Malo Front in Chaos and Hermit's Furnace, will be added to the game.
■ Crafting Materials
- Crafting materials will be added to the game.
- Crafting materials can be obtained through various game content.
✔ Star Memory and Traces of Creation will be dropped in Chaos Dungeons that have been created with Memory Runes.
✔ High Traces of Creation and Traces of Disintegration will only be dropped with Greater Chaos Cards (Land of Authority) and in the Unique Chaos Dungeon, Hermit's Furnace.
■ New Consumable Items
- 4 new consumable items will be added to the game.
✔ New consumable items can be obtained through the Shop and other various game content.
✔ New Essences can be obtained through various game content.
◆ Chaos Ticket Exchange Event
- A new event, the Chaos Ticket Exchange Event, is coming!
- You can exchange your Chaos Cards for various event items.
- The number of tickets you get depend on the Tier and Grade of the cards you own.
* For more details, please refer to the event notice that will be going up on Jan. 25 (Wed) 2023. Details will also be available within the game.
◆ Episode 3: Ortemis Celebration Event
- We have prepared various events to celebrate the new Episode update.
* For more details, please refer to the event notice that will be going up on Jan. 25 (Wed) 2023. Details will also be available within the game.
◆ New Costumes
■ Outfits/Helmets
- 4 new Outfits and Helmets will be added to the game.
✔ You can find the new Outfits and Helmets in the Beauty → Costume Menu.
■ Portals and Medallions
- 1 new Portal and 7 new Medallions will be added to the game.
✔ You can find the new Portal in the Beauty → Portal Menu, and the Medallions in the Beauty → Medallion Menu.
■ Pet
- 1 new Pet will be added to the game.
✔ You can find the new Pet in Menu → Pet.
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