◈ Balance Changes
※ These are the balance changes that have been made for Characters, Runes, Monsters, and other various content.
◆ Changes to Runes
■ Some Skill Rune Tooltips/Balance Changes
▼ Skill Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Skill Rune – Green (Dexterity)
▼ Skill Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
■ Some Link Rune Tooltips/Balance Changes
▼ Link Rune – Red (Strength)
▼ Link Rune – Green (Dexterity)
■ Increase of Rune Growth Maximum Level
- The maximum level for Rune (Skill/Link) Growth will be increased from Lv.30 → Lv.35.
* When the maximum Growth level is expanded through Rune Candor Upgrade, you can grow beyond the increased maximum Rune Growth level (up to Lv.40).
- You can access the Rune Growth feature by visiting NPC Mystic Pauline in town or in Saluto.
- The level required to use Skill Runes and Link Runes over Lv.27 will be decreased.
┗ Lv.35: (Before) Lv.85 → (After) Lv.80
┗ After Lv.40: (After) Fixed on Lv.85
◆ Relic: Level Increase
The maximum level of Relics and Avatars will be increased and a new Link Skill will be unlocked.
✔ You can use features related to Relics and Avatars by pressing the V key or the Menu (☰) button at the top of the screen to get to Relic.
■ Level Increase of Relics and Avatars
- The maximum level of Relics will be increased from Lv.90 → Lv.105.
- The maximum level of Avatars will be increased from Lv.30 → Lv.35.
With the increase in the maximum level of Avatars, the conditions needed to summon the next Avatar after summoning one will also change.
┗ (Before) Reach Avatar Lv. 30 → (After) Reach Avatar Lv. 35
- Changes will be made to the Active Skills of some Avatars.
✔ Please check the game for more details on the Active Skills of Avatars.
■ Avatars: New Link Skills
- With the increase in Avatar level, there will be new Lv.31, Lv.33, and Lv.35 Growth Effects.
- With the new Growth Effects, you can unlock the Avatar Active Skill’s new Link Skill.
✔ Please check the game for more details on the Link Skills of Avatars.
※ All the Divinity Points you have used on your Avatars before the Jan. 25 (Wed) 2023 update will reset after the update.
◆ Features
■ Alchemy
- The Currency needed to craft Hyper Regeneration Energy will be changed as follows.
■ Pets
- The cooldown time of Pet Abilities will also change.
└ Before: 10 mins/After: 3 mins
◆ Items
■ Essence
- You will be able to use Quality Birth Essences on Unidentified Magic and Rare Gear.
- You will be able to use Quality Modification Essences on Unique Gear.
- The Enchant effect of Alyssa Essence will be increased.
(Before) Randomly re-imbues options to Rare Gear above Lv.70, and imbues a higher tier with higher chances.
(After) Select and fix 1 option for Rare Gear above Lv.70, whilst other options are randomly imbued.
As the option reaches its maximum, the essence imbues a higher tier with a higher chance.
※ Fixed options that can be selected with Alyssa Essence include options with low chances, including Authority Options.
■ Orbs
- The maximum number of Orbs you can use will be increased from 50 to 60.
■ Chaos Orbs and Chaos Stars
- The current Chaos Orbs and Chaos Stars will change to Chaos Orbs (Tier 6) and Chaos Stars (Tier 6) respectively.
- Only Charms below Tier 4 can be used on a Chaos Orb (Tier 4).
- Only Charms below Tier 6 can be used on a Chaos Orb (Tier 6).
- Only Charms below Tier 7 can be used on a Chaos Orb (Tier 7).
- When changing a Chaos Orb (Tier 7) to a Chaos Star, 3 options will be ultimately granted as the Charm option selected for the Chaos Orb option is added.
■ Charms
- From Episode 3, Charms will be dropped.
- The required condition for opening all Charm slots will be changed to completing the Act 10 Quest, Another Beginning.
- A Tier 7 will be added for Charms.
※ You can obtain Tier 7 Charms from the Charm Special Chests that you receive as Void Rift rewards.
※ Monsters of at least Lv.115 will also randomly drop Tier 7 Charms.
You also have the chance to obtain them at the Alchemy Desk through Charm Synthesis.
◆ Changes to Zodiac Traits
■ New Zodiac Traits
- New Zodiac Traits will be added to the game.
✔ Please check the game’s Zodiac Menu (Z key) for more details on the new Zodiacs.
- Some parts of Specialization 2 – Greed and Specialization 2 - Creek will be changed.
✔ Please check the game’s Zodiac Menu (Z key) for more details on the changes to these Specializations.
◆ Potion Shop – Additional Products
- Visit Brown’s Potion Shop in Saluto for the new 'High HP Potion' and 'High Mana Potion'.
◆ Ore Shop – New Product
- A new product, 'Darkness Energy’, will be added to the Ore Shop.
※ You can access the Ore Shop by visiting NPC Ore Collector Joyce in town or in Saluto.
◆ Changes to Guild Accessory Chests
- You will be able to obtain Tier 30 Guild Accessories with the Guild Accessory Chests.
◈ New Products
◆ Convenient Feature – Pet Slots
✔Pet Slots, a new convenient feature for Pet Abilities, will be added to the game.
- Pet Slots will be used when you purchase and activate Pet Abilities in the Convenience tab of the Paid Shop.
- There will be 4 Potion Slots where you can equip non-combat buff potions (increase in item probability etc.)
You will be unable to equip combat potions and combat buff potions.
- You can use the Alt key or press the icon to change the slots, and you can also use Auto Potion.
◆ Rune Hunter Pass Season 6
- A new season of Rune Hunter Pass will begin!
- Rune Hunter Pass Season 5 will end after the Jan. 25 (Wed) 2023 maintenance.
Players can complete missions and obtain rewards up until maintenance begins. Rewards can no longer be obtained once maintenance is complete.
If you have any activated rewards, please collect them before maintenance takes place.
※ Please check the game for more details when the season begins.
◆ Statue Level Up Pass
- The Statue Level Up Pass has been renewed, and a Statue Level Up Pass Ⅰ and Ⅱ has been added.
- You can buy a Statue Level Up Pass from Event at the top of the screen. Once you have bought the pass, you can obtain special rewards by reaching the different Chaos Statue Levels.
- You can collect your rewards from the Event Menu.
- Once you have bought the pass, you will be able to receive a large amount of Gold every time you reach a Statue Level (Lv.1-Lv.10/Lv.11-Lv.20).
- After the update, the tabs related to purchasing products and rewards for the current Statue Level Up Pass will be deactivated. Therefore, please ensure that you collect all available rewards before the update.
- Depending on the level you reach, you can receive [Exclusive] Skill Rune Legendary Upgrade Essences and [Exclusive] Rune Legendary Upgrade Essence Selection Chests.
■ To Note
※ Details and rewards may be subject to change.
※ Activated rewards from reaching certain levels much be collected directly.
※ The rewards for this product can only be collected after you have bought a Statue Level Up Pass.
※ The same or a similar product may return for sale in the future.
◈ Developments and Other Changes
※ These are the developments and changes that will come into place along with the update.
◆ Developments
✔ Tooltips
The explanation for the Zodiac (Stra-Cycle) Effect will be edited for clarity.
✔ Alchemy
- A ‘Receive All’ button will be added for the Slot results for completed Alchemy.
- Changes will be made so that [Exclusive] Materials are used first and are marked among the materials for some Transfer and Combining items.
✔ Settings
- We have made changes so that those who have experienced black screens after changing their color settings on certain mobile devices, will see normal screens again.
✔ Chaos Card Missions
- There will changes to the rewards for Rare Chaos Card Missions.
┗ Changes will be made to the Gear list to fit with Monster Levels, and there will be an increase in Gear Level.
- There will be changes to the rewards for Legendary Card Missions.
┗ Some artifacts below Gear Tier 31 will be dropped as rewards.
✔ Exploration Rate
- Rewards for Exploration Rates have been changed so that they can be obtained when a certain percentage (%) has been reached.
✔ Authority
- The following new Authority Options have been added to the game.
◆ Changes to Disassembling
- [Exclusive] Fixed Essence Pieces will also be dropped.
- The disassembling for Gear Options will change as the Gear Tier increases.
◆ Other Changes
✔ Void Rift – New Season
- The previous season of Void Rift will end, and a new season will begin!
- Your Void Rift progress, Rank Points, and reward history will be reset every season.
- The boss monsters and levels of each area will also change once the Void Rift is reset.
- You will not be able to receive the previous season’s rewards once the season ends, so please be sure to collect all rewards before maintenance takes place.
- The Void Rift season will take place for 3 weeks.
✔ Storage
- A section for Crafting Materials will be added to Material Storage.
- A ‘Move All’ button will be added to Storage.
└ Press the button on the bottom right to automatically store all Inventory items with the purchased items in Storage.
✔ Salvis’s Gift Package
- Salvis’s Gift Package (I, II) will not be available to purchase after the Jan. 25 maintenance.
◈ Bug Fixes
✔ Tooltips
- The issue where part of the explanation for Sephdar Authority Option was displayed incorrectly will be fixed.
- The issue where the tooltip for the Frost Sphere Count for the Icy Arrow Skill was displayed incorrectly will be fixed.
✔ Skills
- The issue where the 'Increase DMG upon Spell’ effect of the Barrier Absorb Link Rune did not take place when used on the Illusion Hook Skill will be fixed.
✔ Fighting Spirit
- The issue where the Legendary Effect, ‘0.5% Element DMG Taken per Stack’, did not apply to Fighting Spirit Effect + n% in certain circumstances, will be fixed.
✔ Monsters
- The issue where Inqubo’s Invincibility did not disappear in the Void Rift will be fixed.
- The issue where the Darkness Debuff in the Unique Chaos Dungeon, 'Grave Robber King’s Underground Vault', did not apply to summoned Abysslings (Minions and Sentries summoned by players), will be fixed.
✔ Other
- The issue where items could only be collected through Pet Ability when items were dropped at specific locations in some areas will be fixed.
- The issue where characters’ skins became dyed when they wore certain costumes will be fixed.
└ Applicable Costumes: Visage of Infinite Awakening, Light's Resonance Helmet, Scouter Helmet (Female), Silver Oath Mark (Female)
We hope you are looking forward to your new adventures in Ortemis!
Thank you.
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