Greetings, Rune Hunters.
Our next update will take place on Jul. 18 (Thu).
Please see below for more details.
※ The information may change when the update takes place.
※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details may be subject to change.
◈ Season 5 |
◆ Season 5 Challenge
- New Challenges regarding Kustodia Island and Ancient Monsters will be added.
- Certain rewards and required points will be changed and added.
Total Points | Obtained Reward | Given Amount |
10 | Ring of the Beginning and the End | 1 |
30 | [Exclusive] Rune Rare Upgrade Essence Selection Chest | 1 |
40 | Ancient Faith Footsteps Effect | 1 |
50 | [Exclusive] Charm Tier Rare Change Essence | 15 |
70 | [Exclusive] Rune Candor Essence | 3 |
100 | [Season Challenge] Legendary Title Ticket | 1 |
140 | [Exclusive] Authority Essence | 3 |
180 | Ancient Faith Dash Effect | 1 |
200 | [Exclusive] Rune Legendary Upgrade Essence Selection Chest | 1 |
230 | [Exclusive] Unique Change Essence | 5 |
270 | Peculiar Ancient Beings Portal Coupon | 1 |
300 | [Exclusive] Charm Legendary Upgrade Essence | 2 |
330 | [Exclusive] Alyssa Essence | 5 |
360 | Ancient Priest Hat Costume Coupon | 1 |
390 | [Exclusive] Skill Rune Engraving Stone | 1 |
420 | [Exclusive] Link Rune Engraving Stone | 1 |
450 | Ancient Priest Outfit Costume Coupon | 1 |
500 | [Exclusive] Vesper Essence | 3 |
540 | [Exclusive] Charm Legendary Reversion Essence | 1 |
600 | [Exclusive] Rune Engraving Stone Selection Chest | 1 |
650 | [Exclusive] Legendary Reversion Essence | 1 |
690 | [Exclusive] Charm Legendary Reversion Essence | 2 |
◆ General
- Changes will be made so that Legendary Unique Gear will no longer drop.
◈ Character |
◆ Character Traits
Changes will be made to certain character traits as Legendary Unique Gear can no longer be obtained.
Affluence | |
Previous Stat | Changed Stat |
Legendary Unique Gear Drop Chance +5% | Gold Gain Amount +15% |
※ Character Traits are reset with the start of a new season.
◆ God's Blessing
- God's Blessings can be set through the 'Rune Hunter Registration Office' at Town.
※ God's Blessings and Character Traits are reset with the start of a new season.
◆ Rune Master
The Rune Master Level EXP from Season Mode will be merged into Standard Mode after the Jul. 18 (Thu) update.
The Rune Master Points required for Rune Cast, Trigger, and Skill Slot Expansions exclusive to Rune Master will be adjusted.
■ Rune Cast Expansion Cost
Stage | Previous Cost | Changed Cost |
1 | 50 | 2 |
2 | 50 | 4 |
3 | 50 | 6 |
4 | 50 | 8 |
5 | 50 | 10 |
6 | 50 | 12 |
7 | 50 | 14 |
8 | 50 | 16 |
9 | 50 | 18 |
10 | 50 | 20 |
11 | 50 | 22 |
12 | 50 | 24 |
13 | 50 | 26 |
14 | 50 | 28 |
15 | 50 | 30 |
16 | 50 | 32 |
17 | 50 | 34 |
18 | 50 | 36 |
19 | 50 | 38 |
20 | 50 | 40 |
21 | 50 | 42 |
22 | 50 | 44 |
23 | 50 | 46 |
24 | 50 | 48 |
25 | 50 | 50 |
26 | 50 | 52 |
27 | 50 | 54 |
28 | 50 | 56 |
29 | 50 | 58 |
30 | 50 | 60 |
31 | 50 | 62 |
32 | 50 | 64 |
33 | 50 | 66 |
34 | 50 | 68 |
35 | 50 | 70 |
36 | 50 | 72 |
37 | 50 | 74 |
38 | 50 | 76 |
39 | 50 | 78 |
40 | 50 | 80 |
41 | 50 | 82 |
42 | 50 | 84 |
43 | 50 | 86 |
44 | 50 | 88 |
■ Quick Slot and Trigger Skill Slot Expansion Cost
Stage | Previous Cost | Changed Cost |
Quick Slot 1 | 50 | 10 |
Quick Slot 2 | 100 | 25 |
Quick Slot 3 | 200 | 50 |
Quick Slot 4 | 300 | 100 |
Trigger Slot | 10 | 10 |
◆ Stat
The efficiency of ‘Item Drop Rarity’ stat for Gear and Essences will be increased.
The maximum applicable values for ‘Item Drop Chance’ and ‘Item Drop Rarity’ stats will be increased.
Stat | Previous Stat | Changed Stat |
Item Drop Rarity | (Max) 500% | (Max) 2,500% |
Item Drop Chance | (Max) 500% | (Max) 1,000% |
The option string "% Chance to deal Maximized DMG on hit" will be changed to "Maximization Chance +%"
◈ Content |
◆ Scenario
■ New Episode - Kustodia
- A new area, Kustodia, will be added.
Begins with the ‘Journey's Crossroads’ quest after completing Act 13.
- New Monsters
- 2 Boss Monsters, 6 Unique Monsters, and 7 Normal Monsters will be added.
- New Relationships
- New NPCs will be added to Kustodia.
◆ Ancient Being Purification Event
■ New Field Event Called ‘Ancient Being Purification’ Added
- Starting with the Season 5 update, the new ‘Ancient Being Purification’ event will occur.
- Ancient Monsters have become enraged by the Contaminated Tears of God, and will appear around the ‘Strange Megalith’ object that are randomly located within a Chaos Dungeon.
- Hunt the Ancient Monsters affected by the ‘Strange Megalith’, and purify the Tears of God to begin filling up the specific energy.
- Once the energy gauge reaches 100%, the ‘Danger Level’ increases by 1, and you will start feeling the presence of ‘Rampaging Ancient Monsters’.
- The ‘Danger Level’ can be increased up to a total of 3.
- A horde of powerful unique monsters can be summoned based on the accumulated Danger Level, and all of the accumulated Danger Levels will be consumed upon summoning.
※ Only the Danger Level decreases and the remaining energy will be maintained.
- Even after the Danger Level is consumed, it can be increased again by building up the energy gauge again, and repeat the purification of Ancient Beings.
- ‘Rampaging Ancient Monsters’ will have a low chance of dropping ‘Exodium Cards’ upon being defeated, a material required to enter the ‘Exodium Dungeon’.
- The chance of obtaining higher-tier Exodium Cards increases based on the ‘Danger Level’.
Card Tier | Card Name |
Tier 3 | Exodium Card (Kustodia Island) |
Tier 6 | Exodium Card (Kustodia Island) |
Tier 9 | Exodium Card (Kustodia Temple) |
Tier 12 | Exodium Card (Kustodia Temple) |
◆ Exodium Dungeon
■ New Content Called 'Exodium Dungeon' Added
- Set in the main stages of Season 5, the Kustodia Island / Temple, users can enter the dungeon by using Exodium Cards at the Chaos Statue.
- Exodium Cards can be obtained from unique monsters from the new field event, ‘Ancient Being Purification’.
- The Exodium Dungeon is compromised of multiple islands, each with a Waypoint at the end of the island for traveling between them.
- Users can clear a total of 7 island locations, including the starting point.
- Interacting with Waypoints will prompt a choice to move to the next island, and the key item rewards are randomly determined across each island.
- When selecting and moving to the next area, the area that was not selected becomes inaccessible for the duration of the dungeon run.
- 1-3 Monster Statues of various looks appear in each island.
- Interacting with the Monster Statue will summon monsters with grade corresponding to the statue’s image.
- A ‘Temple Altar’ will be present at the final 7th Island. Interacting with the altar will summon additional horde of monsters based on the types of monsters defeated on previous islands.
- The dungeon can be cleared by defeating Boss, which can be accessed through the Abyssal Rift.
- There is a low chance of obtaining ‘Greater Exodium Card (Sanctum of Prophecy)’ from the Exodium Dungeon.
- Only Tier 12 exists for the Greater Exodium Card (Sanctum of Prophecy), which can be used to summon the new Final Boss of Season 5.
※ Defeating the Final Boss has a very low chance to drop new Innate Unique Gear that can only be obtained from this boss.
※ The number of Innate Unique Gear type varies between Normal and Hard Difficulties, with all Innate Unique Gear being available on Hard.
◆ Drop
■ Gear
- The drop rates for Gear will be adjusted.
- Season 4 Unique Gear will be dropped in Standard Mode.
- Season 3, Season 4 Unique Gear will be dropped in Hardcore Mode.
- New Season 5 Unique Gear will be dropped in Hardcore Mode.
■ Essence
- The drop rates for Essences will be adjusted.
◆ Attendance
■ New/Returning Attendance
A New/Returning Attendance will be added, offering daily rewards for 28 days.
- The New/Returning Attendance rewards can be obtained for a total of 28 days, and only lasts for one season.
- The New/Returning Attendance can overlap with the Normal Attendance.
- Attendance will be account-wide, regardless of Standard/Season.
■ New/Returning Attendance Rewards
Day | Item | Amount |
1 | Improved Magic Skill Rune Selection Chest | 1 |
2 | Improved Magic Link Rune Selection Chest | 1 |
3 | Stat Elixir Selection Chest | 50 |
4 | [Exclusive] Rune Rare Upgrade Essence Bundle | 1 |
5 | Resurrection Scroll | 10 |
6 | Gemstone of Courage | 10,000 |
7 | [Exclusive] Traum’s Crystal | 1 |
8 | [Exclusive] Skill Rune Rare Upgrade Essence | 1 |
9 | [Exclusive] Link Rune Rare Upgrade Essence | 1 |
10 | Greater Light Element | 200 |
11 | [Exclusive] Rune Legendary Upgrade Essence Selection Chest | 1 |
12 | [Exclusive] Charm Rare Upgrade Essence | 10 |
13 | [Exclusive] Charm Rare Change Essence | 25 |
14 | [Exclusive] Charm Legendary Upgrade Essence | 2 |
15 | Star Memory Selection Chest | 3 |
16 | Traces of Creation Bundle | 3 |
17 | [Exclusive] Authority Essence | 5 |
18 | [Exclusive] Unique Change Essence | 3 |
19 | [Exclusive] Alyssa Essence | 5 |
20 | [Exclusive] Vesper Essence | 3 |
21 | [Exclusive] Unique Gear Selection Chest | 1 |
22 | [Exclusive] Legendary Upgrade Essence | 2 |
23 | Apollyon's Bone Chest | 5 |
24 | [Exclusive] Quality Modification Essence | 5 |
25 | [Exclusive] Legendary Reversion Essence | 1 |
26 | [Exclusive] Legendary Memory Expansion Stone | 2 |
27 | [Exclusive] Legendary Chaos Upgrade Stone | 2 |
28 | [Exclusive] Rune Engraving Stone Selection Chest | 1 |
※ New/Returning user status will be maintained until the end of the New/Returning Attendance (End of the Season).
※ The attendance will not be displayed for users who do not meet the criteria.
※ Unclaimed Attendance Rewards will be deleted at the end of the attendance period.
■ Normal/Royal Monthly Attendance
A Normal Attendance will be added to offer 28 days of rewards each month.
- A Normal Attendance will be added to offer 28 days of rewards each month.
- The Normal Attendance begins on Aug. 1st, and will remain available for the month.
- More rewards can be obtained by purchasing the Royal Ticket.
- The Royal Ticket can be purchased up to 1 day before the end of the Attendance.
- Upon purchasing the Royal Ticket, Rubies can be used to receive all attendance in advance for days preceding the last attendance day.
- If the Ticket is purchased in the middle of the month, all previous Royal Bonus Rewards can be claimed for previously attended days.
- Attendance will be account-wide, regardless of Standard/Season.
※ Normal/Royal Attendance starts on the 1st of each month. (First starts on Aug. 1, 2024 at 00:00 (UTC+9))
※ Unclaimed Attendance Rewards will be deleted at the end of the attendance period.
※ Further reward details will be available in the upcoming Attendance Notice and in-game.
◆ Descent/Guild Raid
- The Descent Raid monsters' levels will be increased from 160 to 165.
■ Descent Raid Schedule
- More information on the schedule will be announced through a separate notice.
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
■ Guild Raid Schedule
- More information on the schedule will be announced through a separate notice.
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
◆ Solo Descent Raid
■ Solo Descent Raid Schedule
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
■ Solo Descent Raid
- The Solo Descent Raid monsters' levels will be increased from 160 to 165.
- The Nerf Timer System will be applied.
- Certain UI related to Solo Descent Raids within the game will be improved.
◆ Spire of Barrier
- The maximum level of Spire of Barriers will be increased to 165.
◆ Void Rift
- The Void Rift rotation for Season 4 will end and the rotation for Season 5 will begin.
- Your Void Rift progress, Rank Points, and reward history will be reset.
- The boss monsters of each area will also change once the Void Rift is reset.
- The maximum level of Void Rifts will be increased to 165.
- The stats of certain monsters appearing in the Void Rift will be increased.
- You will not be able to receive previous rewards once the period ends, so please collect all rewards before the maintenance takes place.
- Each Void Rift will take place for 2 weeks.
◆ Constellation of Time
- The Constellation of Time, Powerful Emotions, and Zodiac Stone Engravings will be reset.
- The maximum monster level of Constellation of Time will be increased to 165.
- The product list of the Shop of Time will be updated.
Shop of Time Product List | |
Before | After |
[Exclusive] Rare Fixed Essence | [Exclusive] Rare Imbue Essence |
[Exclusive] Rare Expansion Essence | [Exclusive] Rare Imbue Essence |
Emergency Request Random Chest | Faded Treasure Chest |
Memory Rune Random Chest | Faded Treasure Chest |
God’s Resonance Stone Random Chest | Faded Treasure Chest |
◆ Chaos Dungeons
- The Chaos Statue Level, Chaos Cards, and Content Material will be reset.
- The maximum monster level will be increased to 165.
- When upgrading Traces of Memory Card to Lv. 35, the Debuff Skill Rune Effect +% value will be adjusted from 250 to 150.
- The Chaos Compendium and Chaos Stone features will be removed from the Chaos Statue.
- New Chaos Rune and Chaos Ring features will be added to the Chaos Statue.
※ 'Chaos Runes’ are runes that can be equipped to the Chaos Statue with various conditions that provides powerful buffs when certain conditions are met.
※ 'Chaos Runes’ can be obtained from Chaos Dungeons and the Black Market.
※ The progression for 'Chaos Ring’ increases when specific Chaos Dungeons are cleared, offering rewards upon reaching certain points.
※ Up to 3 ‘Chaos Ring’ rewards can be saved. Progression will not increase if the save slots are full, even if dungeons are cleared.
- Chaos Points and Trigger Event features will be added.
※ 'Chaos Points’ are points bound to the Chaos Statue, which resets at the end of each season.
※ 'Chaos Points’ can be earned by clearing dungeons, and certain guaranteed events can be triggered by using the ‘Chaos Points’.
※ ‘Chaos Points’ are deducted when opening a Chaos Dungeon.
※ Only 1 event per category can be selected and triggered with Chaos Points.
- Chaos Dungeon difficulty will be added.
※ Hard Mode can be selected from the Chaos Statue.
※ The current Chaos Dungeons were played in Normal Difficulty, and Hard Difficulty becomes available at Chaos Statue Lv. 20.
※ Hard Difficulty is significantly more challenging than Normal, and does not allow Resurrections.
※ Legendary Card or higher missions will no longer be available in Normal Difficulty, and will instead be in Hard Difficulty.
◆ Eunos Dungeons
- The level of some monsters in certain Eunos El Dorado Dungeons will be increased.
◆ Rune Hunter's Resolve
■ Rune Hunter's Resolve Buff
- 'Rune Hunter's Resolve', which increases the amount of Statue EXP obtained when playing Chaos Dungeons, will be put into effect.
※ The stats for 'Rune Hunter's Resolve' will be different for each buff period.
Active Buff Period (UTC+9) | Additional EXP +% |
Aug. 15 (Thu) 00:00 - Sept. 12 (Thu) 00:00 (UTC+9) | 25% |
Sept. 12 (Thu) 00:00 - Oct. 10 (Thu) 00:00 (UTC+9) | 50% |
Oct. 10 (Thu) 00:00 - Nov. 7 (Thu) 00:00 (UTC+9) | 100% |
◆ Black Market
- The Black Market’s Friendship level, saved items, and Pirate’s Coins will be reset.
- Season 4 Unique Gear will be added to Unidentified Unique Chest and Undying Unidentified Unique Chest in the Standard Mode Black Market items.
- [Exodium] Unidentified Unique Chest and [Exodium] Undying Unidentified Unique Chest will be added to the Hardcore Mode Black Market items.
※ - Season 5 Unique Gear will be added to [Exodium] Unidentified Unique Chest and [Exodium] Undying Unidentified Unique Chest.
◆ Energy Effects
■ Rebalancing of Energy Effects
- Buffs and stat values for Energy Effects will be changed.
# Before
Energy | Stat | Value |
Earth Energy | Physical DMG Taken (-%) | 3 |
Fire Energy | DMG per Stack +% | 30 |
Cold Energy | Decrease Element DMG Taken % | 3 |
Lightning Energy | Status Effect Rate per Stack + | 6 |
Poison Energy | Attack Speed +% | 6 |
Cast Speed +% | 6 |
# After
Energy | Stat | Value |
Earth Energy | DMG upon Attack +% | 20 |
DMG upon Spell +% | -10 | |
Fire Energy | DMG upon Spell +% | 20 |
DMG upon Attack +% | -10 | |
Cold Energy | Maximized DMG +% | 4 |
Critical Chance +% | -2 | |
Lightning Energy | Critical DMG +% | 10 |
Maximization Chance +% | -1 | |
Poison Energy | Attack Speed +% | 3 |
Cast Speed +% | 3 | |
Movement Speed % Increase | 3 | |
Resource Cost +% | 3 |
◆ Journal
■ New Scenario Compendiums Added
- 4 new Scenario Compendiums will be added.
- Faith and Truth
- Kustodia Island
- Select
- Divine Cipher
◆ Monsters
■ Max Monster Level Increased
- The maximum monster level will be increased to 165.
■ Statue Effect Immunity Passive added to Resurrected Champion of Gods
- The passive effect will activate when the Champion is afflicted with Stun, Freeze, Bind, or Blind.
- When the effect is activated, all status effects on the Champion will be removed, while granting immunity to all status effects for 15 s.
- This effect has a cooldown of 30 s.
■ Drop Changes for Resurrected Champion of Gods
- Season 3 and Season 4 Unique Gear will be dropped in Standard and Normal Modes.
- New Season 5 Unique Gear will be dropped in Hardcore Mode.
◈ Features |
◆ Storage
New item slots will be added within the Storage.
- Essence Storage
- Legendary Reversion Essence
- Divine Upgrade Essence
- Divine Reversion Essence
- Divine Imbue Essence
- Ancient Upgrade Essence
- Ancient Reversion Essence
- Ancient Imbue Essence
- Material Storage
- Croco's Shoddy Fragment
- Croco's Chaos Shard
- Croco's Precious Fragment
◆ Alchemy
Some adjustments will be made to Alchemy List and Mastery.
■ Alchemy List (Before)
Brewing | Synthesis | Combining | Formula | Transfer |
HP Potion | Skill Rune | Orb | Formula | Rune Transfer |
Healing Potion | Link Rune | Essence | - | Guaranteed Transfer |
Mana Potion | Runestone | Essence Piece | - | Partial Transfer |
Concentration Potion | Charm | Convert | - | Reversion Partial Transfer |
Enhance Potion | Chaos Card | Chaos Card | - | Reversion Guaranteed Transfer |
- | Zodiac Stone | Essence Bundle | - | - |
- | Artifact | Other Bundle | - | - |
- | - | Unique Gear | - | - |
- | - | Traces of Memory | - | - |
- | - | World's Memory Tier | - | - |
- | - | World's Memory Grade | - | - |
- | - | Upgrade Stone & Expansion Stone | - | - |
- | - | Others | - | - |
■ Alchemy List (After)
Brewing | Synthesis | Combining | Transfer |
Normal Elixir | Greater Chaos Card | Essence | Rune Transfer |
Magic Elixir | World's Memory Tier | Rune Essence | Gear Partial Transfer |
Rare Elixir | World's Memory Grade | Convert | - |
Unique Elixir | Traces of Memory | Upgrade Stone & Expansion Stone | - |
Origin Orb | Essence Bundle | Others | - |
Stat Orb | Other Bundle | - | - |
Resist Orb | - | - | - |
DMG Orb | - | - | - |
■ Changes to Alchemy Mastery
Tier 1 | Name | Seek Efficiency | Swift Handling Ⅰ | Swift Handling Ⅱ | Master of Bargaining Ⅰ | Modified Recipe Ⅰ |
Effect | Enhance Potion Duration +% | HP Potion Cooldown Recovery Speed +% | Mana Potion Cooldown Recovery Speed +% | Combining Price Discount +% | Synthesis Acceleration +% | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | |
2 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 2 | |
3 | 6 | 9 | 9 | 3 | 3 | |
4 | 8 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 4 | |
5 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 5 | 5 | |
Tier 2 (Required Points 10) | Name | Enhance Elixir | Invigorating Tonic Ⅰ | Invigorating Tonic Ⅱ | Master of Bargaining Ⅱ | Modified Recipe Ⅱ |
Effect | Enhance Potion Effect +% | HP Potion Effect +% | Mana Potion Effect +% | Combining Price Discount +% | Synthesis Acceleration +% | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | |
3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 7 | |
Tier 3 (Required Points 20) | Name | Unique Brewer | Bursting Energy Ⅰ | Bursting Energy Ⅱ | Master of Bargaining Ⅲ | Modified Recipe Ⅲ |
Effect | Able to produce Unique grade potions | HP Potion Recovery Speed +% | Mana Potion Recovery Speed +% | Combining Price Discount +% | Synthesis Acceleration +% | |
1 | - | 2 | 2 | 6 | 6 | |
2 | - | 4 | 4 | 7 | 7 | |
3 | - | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | |
4 | - | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | |
5 | - | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
Tier 4 (Required Points 30) | Name | Endless Fountain | Absolute Perfection | Spring of Inspiration | Master of Bargaining Ⅳ | Modified Recipe Ⅳ |
Effect | Instantly removes Stun, Freeze, and Bind status effects upon using Enhance Potion | Instantly removes Bleed, Burn, and Venom status effects upon using HP Potion | Upon using Mana Potion, Mana Cost -% for 5 s | Combining Price Discount +% | Synthesis Acceleration +% | |
1 | - | - | 15 | 9 | 9 | |
2 | - | - | - | 10 | 10 | |
3 | - | - | - | 11 | 11 | |
4 | - | - | - | 12 | 12 | |
5 | - | - | - | 13 | 13 | |
Tier 5 (Required Points 40) | Name | Beast's Breath | Excavator's Soul | Pinnacle of Alchemy | - | - |
Effect | Upon using Movement Speed Increase Enhance Potion, Enhance Potion Effect +% | Upon using a Chance Increase Enhance Potion, Enhance Potion Effect +% | Alchemy Mastery EXP Gain Increase +% | - | - | |
1 | 20 | 50 | 1 | - | - | |
2 | - | - | 2 | - | - | |
3 | - | - | 3 | - | - | |
4 | - | - | 4 | - | - | |
5 | - | - | 5 | - | - |
Formula Page Tab Removed
- Various Enhance Potions will be available for brewing without Formula Pages.
◆ Disassemble
Items received upon disassembling gear will be adjusted.
- Various Essence Pieces that were obtained from disassembling gear will be removed.
- Rewards that were available by chance upon disassembling will be removed.
- ‘Croco's Shoddy Fragment’ can now be obtained depending on the item’s Tier/Level/Grade/Quality.
- Fragments obtained from disassembly can be used to purchase items from the Blacksmith’s Exchange Shop.
Items received upon disassembling certain materials will be adjusted.
■ Crafting Material
Material | Given Reward | Amount (Before) | Amount (After) |
Traces of Creation (Weapon) | Star Memory (Weapon) | 6 - 20 | 12 |
Traces of Creation (Armor) | Star Memory (Armor) | 6 - 20 | 12 |
Traces of Creation (Accessory) | Star Memory (Accessory) | 6 - 20 | 12 |
■ Charm Slot Upgrade Material
Material | Before | After | ||
Given Reward | Amount | Given Reward | Amount | |
Star Fuser High Upgrade Stone | Traces of Creation (Weapon) | 2 - 8 | Croco's Shoddy Fragment | 30 |
Traces of Creation (Armor) | 2 - 8 | - | - | |
Traces of Creation (Accessory) | 2 - 8 | - | - | |
Star Fuser Upgrade Stone | Star Memory (Weapon) | 6 - 20 | Croco's Shoddy Fragment | 3 |
Star Memory (Armor) | 6 - 20 | - | - | |
Star Memory (Accessory) | 6 - 20 | - | - |
Additional items for disassembly will be added.
- Chaos Card
- Charm, Chaos Orb, Chaos Star, Chaos Rune
- Zodiac Stone
- Skill Rune, Link Rune, Runestone
- Artifact
◆ Episode Skip Ticket
The quality of items within bundles acquired from using Episode Skip Tickets will be upgraded.
Item | Before | After |
Skill and Link Rune | Skill Rune (Rare) / Link Rune (Magic) | Skill Rune (Legendary) / Link Rune (Rare) |
Charm and Chaos Orb | Tier 4 | Tier 6 |
Mysterious Element | 2,300 | 11,500 |
◈ Items |
◆ Gear
■ New Normal Gear
- 41 new Tier 35 Normal Weapons, and 96 new Tier 35 Normal Armor, Accessory, Off-hand gear will be added.
■ Gear Options and Tier Expanded
- Normal Gear Tiers will be expanded to Tier 35.
- Normal Gear Option Tiers will be expanded to Tier 14.
- Authority Option Tiers will be expanded to Tier 14.
■ New Item Grades Added
- New ‘Ancient’ and ‘Divine’ grades will be added.
- New ‘Divine Set Effects’ for Divine grade gear will be added.
※ When upgrading Unique gear to Divine grade, 1 of 8 Divine Set Effects is randomly assigned.
※ The set effect becomes active upon equipping a certain number of items with the same Divine Set Effect.
Divine Set Types |
Blessing of the Plains |
Doublesideness |
Child of the Stars |
Deep-rooted Tree |
Ring of Cycle |
Maggot Executioner |
Path of Prosperity |
Research and Experimentation |
- New ‘Ancient Options’ for Ancient grade gear will be added.
※ When upgrading to Ancient grade, an Ancient Prefix/Suffix option is randomly assigned based on a set rate.
◆ Essences
Adjustments will be made to the % range and imbue chance for Quality Birth and Modification Essences.
- Quality Birth / Modification Essences can be repeatedly used upon all gear items with quality.
◆ Runestones
New Runestones will be added.
Grade | Tier | Option | Stat |
Magic | 1 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 33 |
Magic | 2 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 39 |
Magic | 3 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 48 |
Magic | 4 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 60 |
Magic | 5 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 72 |
Magic | 6 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 84 |
Magic | 7 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 96 |
Magic | 1 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 33 |
Magic | 2 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 39 |
Magic | 3 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 48 |
Magic | 4 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 60 |
Magic | 5 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 72 |
Magic | 6 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 84 |
Magic | 7 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 96 |
Magic | 1 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 33 |
Magic | 2 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 39 |
Magic | 3 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 48 |
Magic | 4 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 60 |
Magic | 5 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 72 |
Magic | 6 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 84 |
Magic | 7 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 96 |
Magic | 1 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 33 |
Magic | 2 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 39 |
Magic | 3 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 48 |
Magic | 4 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 60 |
Magic | 5 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 72 |
Magic | 6 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 84 |
Magic | 7 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 96 |
Rare | 1 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 33 |
Rare | 2 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 39 |
Rare | 3 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 48 |
Rare | 4 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 60 |
Rare | 5 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 72 |
Rare | 6 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 84 |
Rare | 7 | DMG when Thorn Explosion is equipped +% | 96 |
Rare | 1 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 33 |
Rare | 2 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 39 |
Rare | 3 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 48 |
Rare | 4 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 60 |
Rare | 5 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 72 |
Rare | 6 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 84 |
Rare | 7 | DMG when Trick Shot is equipped +% | 96 |
Rare | 1 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 33 |
Rare | 2 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 39 |
Rare | 3 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 48 |
Rare | 4 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 60 |
Rare | 5 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 72 |
Rare | 6 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 84 |
Rare | 7 | DMG when Wings of Ignition is equipped +% | 96 |
Rare | 1 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 33 |
Rare | 2 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 39 |
Rare | 3 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 48 |
Rare | 4 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 60 |
Rare | 5 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 72 |
Rare | 6 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 84 |
Rare | 7 | DMG when Vision Shift is equipped +% | 96 |
◆ Chaos Cards
Options exclusive to Hard Mode will be added to Rare grade or above cards.
Grade | Option Name |
Rare or above | Remove Immunity to Bleed |
Remove Immunity to Burn | |
Remove Immunity to Chill | |
Remove Immunity to Shock | |
Remove Immunity to Venom | |
Remove Immunity to Stun | |
Remove Immunity to Wound | |
Remove Immunity to Freeze | |
Remove Immunity to Blind | |
Remove Immunity to Bind | |
Remove Immunity to Movement Speed Decrease | |
Curse of Power | |
Curse of Withering | |
Curse of Weakness | |
Curse of Speed | |
Curse of Pain | |
Curse of Fire | |
Curse of Cold | |
Curse of Lightning | |
Curse of Poison | |
Dodge Rate % Dampening | |
Block Expertise % Dampening | |
Debuff Rate + | |
Crowd Control Rate + | |
DoT Rate + | |
Attack Enhance Skill Rune Effect % Dampening | |
Defense Enhance Skill Rune Effect % Dampening | |
Attack Aura and Seal Effect % Dampening | |
Defense Aura and Seal Effect % Dampening |
◆ New/Improved Unique Gear
■ New/Improved Unique Gear
- 10 new Unique gear and 4 new Innate Unique gear that can be obtained from the new Final Boss will be added.
- 8 existing Unique gear will be improved, and 8 Higher Unique gear will be added.
※ Changes will be made so that Legendary Unique (Ancient Unique) gear will not be dropped in Stages and Contents.
※ Existing Legendary Unique Gear in possession will be retained.
※ Existing Legendary Unique Gear cannot be upgraded to Divine grade. (Available after using Legendary Reversion Essence)
◆ Alchemy
- Guaranteed and Reversion Partial Transfers will be removed.
- Use of Star of Regression/Gear Guaranteed Transfer Stone will be changed in the Season 5 2nd Update.
- The use of materials mentioned above will temporarily restricted until the update.
- ‘Gear Guaranteed Transfer Stone’ and ‘Star of Regression’ will be renamed to fit their new purpose.
※ Please note that the items in possession will not be removed, and just renamed.
◆ Alchemy Materials
- Changes will be made so that the following materials will not be dropped.
- Life Powder
- High Life Powder
- Major Life Powder
- Mana Powder
- High Mana Powder
- Major Mana Powder
- Drug Mixture
※ Changes will be made so ‘Drug Mixture’ can no longer be obtained from ‘[Guild] Mysterious Guild Seal Chest'.
◈ Runes |
◆ New Skill Runes
■ Blue Rune
- Wings of Ignition
- Vision Shift
◆ 'Sealed Rune Chest' Added
■ Blue Rune
- Wings of Ignition
- Vision Shift
◆ Improvements to Skill Runes
- Improvements will be made to ‘Mark of Focus’, ‘Counterattack’, ‘Spinning Dagger’, ‘Poison Area’, ‘Firebomb Shot’, ‘Rune Knight’, ‘Whirlwind’, and ‘Fierce Strike’ Skill Runes.
■ Mark of Focus
- The effect of ‘Mark of Focus’ will now also apply to Sentries.
■ Counterattack
- The strike range of ‘Counterattack’ will be slightly adjusted.
■ Spinning Dagger
- Some of the skill effects for ‘Spinning Dagger’ will be changed.
■ Poison Area
- Some of the skill effects for ‘Poison Area’ will be changed.
- The strike range of ‘Poison Area’ will be slightly adjusted.
- ‘Area of Effect’ tag will be added to ‘Poison Area'.
■ Firebomb Shot
- Some of the skill effects for ‘Firebomb Shot’ will be changed.
■ Rune Knight
- Pattern will be improved to have all Rune Knights use the Absorb Abyssling skill faster after being summoned.
- Pattern will be improved to have all Rune/Abyss Knights use the Absorb Abyssling skill more often.
■ Whirlwind
- The strike count of ‘Whirlwind’ will be changed to only hit once per spin.
■ Fierce Strike
- The maximum strike point of ‘Fierce Strike’ will be reduced from 400 to 250.
◆Improvements to Link Runes
- Some of the skill effects for ‘Time Warp’ will be changed.
◆ Balance Adjustments to Skill & Link Runes
- Some of the Rune balance will be adjusted with the Jul. 18 update.
Name |
Whirlwind |
Quick Slash |
Whirlwind Slash |
Thorn Explosion |
Charge Release |
Frost Bomb |
Condense Fire |
Flames of Death |
Bombardment Arrow |
Spinning Dagger |
Blade of Death |
Shield Charge |
Leap Attack |
Fire Blow |
Activate Trap |
Sprint |
Amplify Trap DMG |
Warrior's Shadow |
Shadow Archer |
Time Warp |
Disarm |
◆ Certain Awakened Runes Reset
- Due to the balance changes after the Jul. 18 (Thu) update, certain Runes' Awakening will be reset.
※ Users who have Runes that will be reset will be given Engraving Stones and gold depending on the type of the Rune.
- The Runes that will be reset are as below.
Name |
Mark of Focus [Source] |
Condense Fire [Origin] |
Spinning Dagger [Source] |
Spinning Dagger [Origin] |
Spinning Dagger [Verity] |
Whirlwind [Verity] |
※ Please visit the link below for more details on the improved Skill Runes.
◈ Zodiacs |
◆ Improvements to Zodiacs
- Improvements will be made to ‘Installation Expert’, and ‘Go-Getter’ nodes in the ‘Greed’ Specialization.
■ Installation Expert
- | Before | After |
Installation Expert | +15% Trap DMG | 5% chance to gain Installation Expert Effect for 3 s upon using Trap Skill (Additional Trap Installation +2, Trap DMG 15% Increase) |
15% chance to install 2 additional Trap upon using Trap Skill |
■ Go-Getter
- | Before | After |
Go-Getter | +2 Max Trap Install Count | +2 Max Trap Install Count |
+5% Additional Trap Installation Chance | +30% Installation Expert Trigger Chance |
- Changes will be made to the options and values of the following nodes.
● Trait Ⅱ - Forest
- Melee DMG +5% → Critical Rate +5%
- Projectile DMG +5%, Sentry Projectile Speed +5%, Minion Attack Speed +5% → Critical DMG +3% (Including Sentries and Minions)
- Bestial Energy
※ Melee DMG +15% → Physical DMG +15%
- Deft Throw
※ Projectile DMG +15% → Projectile Speed +15%
※ Minion Attack Speed +15% → Abyssling Projectile Speed +15%
● Trait Ⅲ - Eunos
- Minion Starting Node
※ Minion Cast Speed +10% Added
● Trait Ⅲ - Gem
- Starting Node
※ Melee DMG +10% → DMG +10%
● Trait Ⅵ - Breath
- Area of Effect +5% → Area of Effect +3%
- Weapon Range +5 → Weapon Range +3
- Ruthlessness
※ Area of Effect +10%, Area DMG +15% → Area of Effect +8%, Area DMG +20%
- Annihilation
※ Area of Effect +20, 5% Area DMG Amplification → Area of Effect +15, 6% Area DMG Amplification
- Monkey Arm
※ Weapon Range +5, Strike DMG +15% → Weapon Range +3, Strike DMG +20%
- Sweep
※ Weapon Range +15, 5% Strike DMG Amplification → Weapon Range +10, 6% Strike DMG Amplification
● Trait Ⅵ - Flow
- One-Armed Warrior
※ Cast Speed when 1-handed weapon is equipped +5% Added
- Sentry Starting Node
※ Sentry Attack Speed +3%, Minion Attack Speed +3% Removed
- Sentry Attack Speed +5%, Minion Attack Speed +5% → Sentry Attack Speed +5%, Minion Attack Speed +5%, Minion Cast Speed +5%
- Ambidextrous Person
※ Cast Speed when 2-handed weapon is equipped +5% Added
- Watcher
※ Cast Speed when Dual Wielding +5% Added
- Substitute
※ Stat +2, Perfect Attack Dodge +7%, Perfect Spell Dodge +7% → Stat +2, Perfect Attack Dodge +3%, Perfect Spell Dodge +3%
● Trait Ⅶ - Dust
- Desertification
※ Area of Effect +50, Strike DMG +5% → Area of Effect +30, Strike DMG +20%
● Trait Ⅶ - Ortemis
- Certainty
※ 15% Melee DMG Dampening, Area of Effect +50, Weapon Range +30 → 12% Melee DMG Dampening, Area of Effect +30, Weapon Range +20
● Trait Ⅸ - Typhoon
- Raging Wind and Waves
※ 15% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Physical Main Element DMG hit
→ 10% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Physical Main Element DMG hit
- Mighty Wind
※ 25% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Physical Main Element DMG hit
→ 20% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Physical Main Element DMG hit
● Trait Ⅸ - Pleasure
- Blaze Shower
※ 15% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Fire Main Element DMG hit
→ 10% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Fire Main Element DMG hit
- Advent of Blaze
※ 25% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Fire Main Element DMG hit
→ 20% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Fire Main Element DMG hit
● Trait Ⅸ - Air Pressure
- Cold Shower
※ 15% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Cold Main Element DMG hit
→ 10% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Cold Main Element DMG hit
- Roar of Coldness
※ 25% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Cold Main Element DMG hit
→ 20% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Cold Main Element DMG hit
● Trait Ⅸ - Mold
- Electric Shower
※ 15% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Lightning Main Element DMG hit
→ 10% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Lightning Main Element DMG hit
- Lightning Flash
※ 25% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Lightning Main Element DMG hit
→ 20% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Lightning Main Element DMG hit
● Trait Ⅸ - Minstrel
- Poison Shower
※ 15% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Poison Main Element DMG hit
→ 10% Critical Rate Dampening, 2.5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Poison Main Element DMG hit
- Poison Strike
※ 25% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Poison Main Element DMG hit
→ 20% Critical Rate Dampening, 5% chance to deal double maximized Main Element DMG on Poison Main Element DMG hit
◈ System |
◆ Shop
- Products related to Chaos Stone and Alchemy Recipe will be removed.
- Some changes will be made to the items from the Reward Chests received based on the purchase count of Croco’s Support Chest to become tradable.
◆ Enchant
- Normal and Avatar gear will now cost Gold to enchant.
- The Gold Cost will vary based on the Gear Level, and the Essence Type used.
Description | Level | Gold Cost |
Normal Essence (Basic) | 1 | 1,000 |
Normal Essence (Basic) | 40 | 2,000 |
Normal Essence (Basic) | 80 | 3,000 |
Normal Essence (Basic) | 120 | 4,000 |
Normal Essence (Basic) | 160 | 5,000 |
Magic Essence (Bulk) | 1 | 200 |
Magic Essence (Bulk) | 40 | 400 |
Magic Essence (Bulk) | 80 | 600 |
Magic Essence (Bulk) | 120 | 800 |
Magic Essence (Bulk) | 160 | 1,000 |
Magic Essence (Basic) | 1 | 2,000 |
Magic Essence (Basic) | 40 | 4,000 |
Magic Essence (Basic) | 80 | 6,000 |
Magic Essence (Basic) | 120 | 8,000 |
Magic Essence (Basic) | 160 | 10,000 |
Rare Essence (Bulk) | 1 | 400 |
Rare Essence (Bulk) | 40 | 800 |
Rare Essence (Bulk) | 80 | 1,200 |
Rare Essence (Bulk) | 120 | 1,600 |
Rare Essence (Bulk) | 160 | 2,000 |
Unique Essence (Bulk) | 1 | 1,000 |
Unique Essence (Bulk) | 40 | 2,000 |
Unique Essence (Bulk) | 80 | 3,000 |
Unique Essence (Bulk) | 120 | 4,000 |
Unique Essence (Bulk) | 160 | 5,000 |
Unique Essence (Basic) | 1 | 800 |
Unique Essence (Basic) | 40 | 1,600 |
Unique Essence (Basic) | 80 | 2,400 |
Unique Essence (Basic) | 120 | 3,200 |
Unique Essence (Basic) | 160 | 4,000 |
Legendary Essence (Bulk) | 1 | 8,000 |
Legendary Essence (Bulk) | 40 | 16,000 |
Legendary Essence (Bulk) | 80 | 24,000 |
Legendary Essence (Bulk) | 120 | 32,000 |
Legendary Essence (Bulk) | 160 | 40,000 |
Legendary Essence (Basic) | 1 | 1,600 |
Legendary Essence (Basic) | 40 | 3,200 |
Legendary Essence (Basic) | 80 | 4,800 |
Legendary Essence (Basic) | 120 | 6,400 |
Legendary Essence (Basic) | 160 | 8,000 |
Divine Essence (Basic) | 1 | 16,000 |
Divine Essence (Basic) | 40 | 32,000 |
Divine Essence (Basic) | 80 | 48,000 |
Divine Essence (Basic) | 120 | 64,000 |
Divine Essence (Basic) | 160 | 80,000 |
Ancient Essence (Basic) | 1 | 32,000 |
Ancient Essence (Basic) | 40 | 64,000 |
Ancient Essence (Basic) | 80 | 96,000 |
Ancient Essence (Basic) | 120 | 128,000 |
Ancient Essence (Basic) | 160 | 160,000 |
◈ Beauty |
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ New Costumes
3 new Outfits/Helmets will be added.
✔ You can find the new Outfits/Helmets costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Normal Sailor Top (M/F): Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].
- Normal Sailor Bottoms (M/F): Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].
- Normal Sailor Shoes: Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].
- Normal Sailor Hat: Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].
- First Navigator Top (M/F): Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
- First Navigator Bottoms (M/F): Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
- First Navigator Shoes: Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
- First Navigator Hat: Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
- Ancient Priest Outfit: Can be obtained through [Season Challenge Rewards].
- Ancient Priest Hat: Can be obtained through [Season Challenge Rewards].
◆ Wings
3 new Wings will be added.
✔ You can find the new Outfits/Helmets costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Refreshing Summer Duck Tube: Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].
- Age of Exploration Wheel: Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
- Ring of Destiny: Can be obtained through the [Collector Treasure House] in the [Paid Shop].
◆ Attachments
✔ You can find the new Attachment costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Refreshing Summer Dash Effect: Can be found through [Pirate Captain's Treasure Hunt Event].
- Refreshing Summer Footsteps: Can be found through [Pirate Captain's Treasure Hunt Event].
- Ancient Faith Dash Effect: Can be obtained through [Season Challenge Rewards].
- Ancient Faith Footsteps: Can be obtained through [Season Challenge Rewards].
1 new Portal will be added.
✔ You can find the new Portal in the [Beauty] > [System] menu.
- Peculiar Ancient Beings Portal: Can be obtained through [Season Challenge Rewards].
◆ Pet
1 new Pet will be added.
✔ You can find the new Pets in the [Pet] menu.
- Teor: Can be purchased with the coupon that will be given to users as part of a login event.
◆ Skill Skins
2 new Skill Skins will be added.
- Starfish Wings of Ignition: Can be obtained through the [Mileage Ticket Shop] in the [Paid Shop].
Can be obtained through [Random Skill Skin Purchase] in [Beauty].
- Summer Fun Vision Shift: Can be obtained through the [Mileage Ticket Shop] in the [Paid Shop].
Can be obtained through [Random Skill Skin Purchase] in [Beauty].
◆ Special Effect
A new special effect will be added to certain costumes.
- First Navigator Top (M/F): The special effect will be triggered when walking or using a skill after equipping it.
◈ New Products |
◆ Collector's Treasure House 'Exodium' & Croco’s Support Chest ‘Exodium’
■ Sales Period
- After the Jul. 18 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Season 6 Update
■ Purchase Product
- These products can be purchased from the Collector's Treasure House or Croco's Support Chest tabs in the [Paid Shop].
■ Collector's Treasure House 'Exodium'
- 'Exodium' will be added to the Collector's Treasure House.
- 'Exodium' consists of new and existing products.
- 'Exodium' can be accessed by using 'Diamonds x50' or 'Exclusive Ticket' each time.
* Purchase 1 Time = Diamonds x50, Purchase 10 + 1 Times = Diamonds x500
- Once you purchase a Collector's Treasure House 'Exodium', you can obtain Normal/Magic/Rare/Unique/Legendary grade Treasure Chests according to set chances.
※ You can check the obtainable rewards in the game.
■ Croco's Support Chest 'Exodium'
- 'Exodium' will be added to Croco's Support Chest.
- 'Exodium' consists of new and existing products.
- 'Exodium' can be accessed by using 'Rubies x50' or 'Exclusive Ticket' each time.
* Purchase 1 Time = Rubies x50, Purchase 10 + 1 Times = Rubies x500
- Once you purchase a Croco’s Support Chest 'Exodium', you can obtain Normal/Magic/Rare/Unique/Legendary grade Treasure Chests according to set chances.
※ You can check the obtainable rewards in the game.
■ To Note
※ The contents of the recommended rewards will be available until Nov. 7 (Thu).
※ The current contents of the recommended rewards will change after the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance.
※ Exclusive Tickets will be removed after the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance.
※ Excluding the [Combined] tab, Bonus Points for the [Exodium] tabs will be reset at the end of the sales period.
※ You can view chest contents and chances by pressing the Treasure Chests for each grade in the relevant section at the top right of the screen.
※ Please note that chances are rounded to 5 decimal places and therefore may not add up to 100%.
※ For more information on chances for chance-type items, please check the ▶Notice of our official website.
※ Products and sales periods may be subject to change.
※ If you obtain more than one of the same costume, you will receive a Mileage Ticket instead.
※ Please note that Chaos Cards obtained through these products will be converted into Chaos Tickets at the end of the Season.
※ Please note that the color of the border around items on the screen that appears when you purchase the product is not related to the game’s item grades.
◆ Statue Level Up Pass
The Statue Level Up Pass, which is a product where you can claim rewards every time you level up the Chaos Statue, will be added.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Statue Level Up Pass Period
- After the Jul. 18 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Season 6 update
◆ Statue Level Up Pass?
- Level up the Chaos Statue to certain levels to obtain various rewards that correspond to each level.
- Statue Level Up Pass rewards start from Lv. 1 and go up to Lv. 20, increasing by increments of 1 level.
- You can purchase the Statue Level Up Pass once per mode, and your Pass progress will only apply to the mode in which the Pass has been purchased.
└ E.g. Playing in Season Normal Mode will not affect your Pass in Season Hardcore Mode.
■ Statue Level Up Pass Rewards
- Statue Level Up Pass Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Statue Level Up Pass and reaching the required Chaos Statue levels.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the Pass period ends.
※ You can only obtain Statue Level Up Pass rewards if you purchase the Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ Rune Hunter Growth Pass
The Rune Hunter Growth Pass, which is a product where you can claim rewards every time your character levels up, will be added.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Rune Hunter Growth Pass Period
- After the Jul. 18 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Season 6 update
■ What is the Rune Hunter Growth Pass?
- Level up your character to certain levels to obtain various rewards that correspond to each level.
- Rune Hunter Growth Up Pass rewards start from Lv. 5 and go up to Lv. 100, increasing by increments of 5 level.
- You can purchase the Rune Hunter Growth Up Pass once per mode, and your Pass progress will only apply to the mode in which the Pass has been purchased.
└ E.g. Playing in Season Normal Mode will not affect your Pass in Season Hardcore Mode.
■ Rune Hunter Growth Pass Rewards
- Normal Rewards: Obtain by reaching the required character levels.
- Premium Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Premium Pass and reaching the required character levels.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ Premium Reward Details
- When you purchase the Rune Hunter Growth Premium Pass and reach the required Pass levels, you can obtain Premium Rewards as well as Normal Rewards.
- With Premium Rewards, you can claim Rewards that are of higher value.
- Purchased Premium Passes are only active during the current Pass period, so please ensure that you obtain your rewards before the Pass period ends.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the Pass period ends.
※ You can only obtain Premium Rewards if you purchase the Premium Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ Season 5 Zodiac Pass 1
The Zodiac Pass product will be updated.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Zodiac Pass Period
- After the Jul. 18 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Aug. 14 (Wed) maintenance
■ What is the Zodiac Pass?
- Purchasing a Zodiac Pass applies the following benefits during the Pass period:
Alchemy Slot +1, Alchemy Acceleration +50%, Zodiac Free Reset
- By clearing Zodiac Pass missions, you can collect EXP and raise your Pass level. You can then obtain the various rewards corresponding to each level.
- Pass Rewards are available for up to Level 25, and you can only obtain rewards for each level once.
- You can purchase the Zodiac Pass in either Standard Mode or Season Mode (Normal, Hardcore) from your account.
- For Zodiac Passes that are purchased in Season Mode, Pass missions, Rewards, and levels will be shared with all Season difficulty modes.
└ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Hardcore Mode will not affect your gameplay in Standard Mode.
└ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Hardcore Mode will affect your gameplay in Season Normal Mode.
■ Zodiac Pass Rewards
- Normal Rewards: Obtain by increasing your Zodiac Pass level.
- Premium Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Premium Pass and increasing your Zodiac Pass level.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ Premium Reward Details
- When you purchase the Premium Zodiac Pass and increase your Pass level, you can obtain 'Premium Rewards' as well as Normal Rewards.
- With Premium Rewards, you can claim rewards that are of higher value, such as Guild Exclusive Rune Selection Chests.
- Purchased Premium Passes are only active during the current Pass period, so please ensure that you obtain your rewards before the Pass period ends.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Once the Zodiac Pass period ends, your progress level, points, and rewards will be changed and reset.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the Pass period ends.
※ You can only obtain Premium Rewards if you purchase the Premium Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◈ Events |
◆ Pirate Captain's Treasure Hunt Event
- 'Pirate Captain's Treasure Hunt Event' will begin!
* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Jul. 18 (Thu).
◆ Chaos Ticket Exchange Event
- The 'Chaos Ticket Exchange Event' will begin!
* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Jul. 18 (Thu).
◆ Storage Product Discount Event (From When Season 5 Begins - Until Before the Aug. 14 Maintenance)
- Storage Activation Products will be sold at a 20% discount for 1 month after the season begins.
- Activate Chaos Card Storage
- Activate Charm Storage
- Activate Zodiac Stone Storage
- Activate Material Storage
- Activate Content Material Storage
- Activate Rune Storage
- Activate Essence Storage
- Activate Jewel Storage
※ Storage Activation Products can be seen through [Paid Shop] > [Normal Shop] > [Convenience].
◈ Bug Fixes |
- More information on this will become available through a separate notice.
We hope that these update details will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.
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