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Mar. 6 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues ((Added on Mar. 10 15:17 (UTC+9))

2025.03.06 Thursday 14:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Mar. 6 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

Known Issues

These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where when the date changes while logged into the game, the number of Solo Descent Raid attempts does not reset

ㄴ The Solo Descent Raids can be used correctly after exiting and restarting the game, or moving to the Select Character or the Select World window and entering the game again.

- Issue where effects of Skill 'Black Plague' used by other users are not visible

- Issue where the trigger is repeated only after a certain amount of time once the trigger operates after using the Frost Bomb (Unique Item Equipped) Skill

- Issue where the event end date is incorrectly displayed on the in-game 1+1 Diamond event banner.

※ The 1+1 Diamond event products will be on sale until 03/12 (Wed). ((Edited on Mar.7 16:30 (UTC+9))

- Issue where the [Royal Attendance Pass] is placed in the Convenience tab of the Cash Shop.

※ The Convenience tab is scheduled to be removed.((Edited on Mar.7 16:30 (UTC+9))

- The issue where the effect does not change when using Frost Strike after equipping the [Cherry Blossom Flurry Frost Strike Skill Skin]

((Added on Mar. 6 17:29 (UTC+9))((Edited on Mar.7 16:30 (UTC+9))

- An issue where the [Night Banquet Counterattack Skin] was abnormally displayed in Beauty Shop

└ If the skin was purchased abnormally, it will be retrieved and the gold will be refunded during a future maintenance. ((Edited on Mar.10 15:17 (UTC+9))

◈ Bug Fixes

※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

■ Gear

- The issue where the Relic effect doesn't work when using [Frost Bomb] while equipping Relic gear [Cold Comfort] has been fixed.

- The issue where the effect of Relic gear [Aquila's Eternity] abnormally persists in certain situations has been fixed.

- The issue where the Divine Set Option [Blessing of the Plains] 8-set option [Additional Chaos DMG on every hit if Movement Speed is at 1300 or above +%] was not applied has been fixed.

■ Skills

- The issue where Skill Rune [Firebomb Shot] operates abnormally and intermittently fails to hit has been fixed.

- The issue where the game abnormally terminates when activating Giant mode after summoning [Abyssal Knight] through Abyssal Fusion has been fixed.

■ Chaos Dungeon

- The issue where some movement skills cannot be used in certain areas of the [Traces of Memory Triah] Chaos Dungeon in the mobile environment has been fixed.

■ Arena

- The issue where the forfeit notification doesn't appear when moving to the character selection screen or world selection before clearing after entering the Arena has been fixed.

■ Monsters

- The issue where damage cannot be dealt to the Golden Ring Boss stages 1 and 2 when attacking with Whirlwind Barrage has been fixed.

■ Attendance

- The issue where Revival Scrolls appear in the New/Returning Attendance rewards in Hardcore Mode has been fixed.

■ Crafting

- The issue where the crafting function cannot be used normally in certain situations has been fixed.

■ Character Info

- The issue where the effect of [Increase when STR/DEX/INT is above ~] is applied only when achieving a higher value than the required condition has been fixed.

■ Zodiacs

- The issue where the threat alert effect persists on the screen when HP is maintained at 1% while the [Ascetic] node is activated in Zodiac Specialization [Executioner] has been fixed.

- The issue where movement through mine carts and portals is intermittently impossible when progressing through Eunos and Chaos Dungeons with the [Enlargement] node activated in Zodiac Specialization [Torch] has been fixed.

■ UI

- The issue where the tooltip for Royal Gift Reward items on the right side of the Royal Attendance flickers in windowed mode on PC has been fixed.

- The issue where the Prologue Skip button overlaps with the Quest Details view area has been fixed.

Improvements and Other Changes

The following improvements and changes have been made with this update.

■ Zodiacs

- The Zodiac Traits page has been improved to display slots even when Zodiac Stones are not equipped.

■ Items

- An improvement has been made to display a warning notification when disassembling coupon items.

We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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