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Issue Regarding Payment In In-Game Paid Shop on iOS

2025.02.03 Monday 16:30 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Issue where prices of certain packages for certain currencies in the Paid Shop were set higher than the intended prices on the Apple App Store has been found.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issue, and please see below for the affected products and the measures taken.

Issue Regarding Payment In In-Game Paid Shop on iOS

■ Affected Product List

- Lunar New Year Essence Package

- Lunar New Year Charm Essence Package

■ Affected Currencies


■ Additional Distribution of Diamonds

- For purchasers of the concerned products, additional Diamonds equivalent to the difference between the incorrect price and the correct price will be given.

  1. Lunar New Year Essence Package: Additional 222 Diamonds (Paid 215, Free 7)
  2. Lunar New Year Charm Essence Package: Additional 222 Diamonds (Paid 215, Free 7)

※ These Diamonds will not be sent via mail but will be added to the Diamonds you own.

※ This measure will not be applied to accounts to which the refund is given.

■ Inquiry

- If you have any further inquiries regarding the purchased products, please contact Support via the link below.

[Go to Support]

We apologize again for the inconvenience this issue caused.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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