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Bug/PSA: Spica's Wisdom Wording is Misleading

[oai] iao
2025.01.23 Thursday 00:09 (UTC + 9)


The unique helmet Spica's Wisdom, which can be gained from the Three Year Anniversary chest from Season Challenges, is far worse than it seems.

It has a buff called Hyperfocus which supposedly provides "1% Barrier Recovery on Attack Hit" and "1% Barrier Recovery on Spell Hit".

The unique wording led me to believe that I would get an instant 1% of maximum barrier per hit, much like the "+X Barrier on Hit" options. There doesn't seem to be any point to have unique wording otherwise.

In reality what it actually does is just 1% Barrier Absorb, which is FAR worse. With it on, I can see it simply adds 1.2% (because it also has 20% increased Hyperfocus effect, which is pointless considering there's an absorb rate cap) to the Barrier Absorb stats in my character panel.

For any spell caster this is useless because it's easy to get Barrior Absorb elsewhere. The difference in wording is misleading. Please either change it to work how it says or, at the very least, correct it to explicitly say Barrier Absorb. However, if it stays as Barrier Absorb, Hyperfocus is nearly pointless.

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