Greetings, Rune Hunters.
Our next update will take place on Nov. 7 (Thu).
Please see below for more details.
※ The information may change when the update takes place.
※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details may be subject to change.
◈ Season Re:Birth |
◆ New Mode: Re:Birth
The Re:Birth Mode is a new mode that takes the best of the Origin mode where the fun of Gear farming is maximized and the existing fun of Gear crafting of UNDECEMBER.
✔ Re:Birth Mode differs from the existing Origin mode, including that you can enchant Gears, that Gear item drop rate and Option imbue chance are different, and that the Legendary Gears are not dropped.
✔ In this Season, only Re:Birth Mode is available, and Normal Mode and Hardcore Mode are not open.
■ About Re:Birth Mode
- A new Season Mode, Re:Birth Mode, is open during the Season Re:Birth.
- Season Normal and Hardcore Modes are unavailable during the Season Re:Birth.
- Exclusive tutorial quests for the Re:Birth Mode will be added.
Quests | Rewards |
Talk to Croco in Misty Isles | Magic Upgrade Essence x3 Rare Upgrade Essence x3 |
Perform Enchant x1 | [Re:Birth] Gear Essence Bundle x1 |
Contents of Re:Birth Gear Essence Bundle
Contents | Amount |
[Exclusive] Magic Upgrade Essence | 90 |
[Exclusive] Magic Birth Essence | 90 |
[Exclusive] Magic Imbue Essence | 90 |
[Exclusive] Magic Change Essence | 90 |
[Exclusive] Rare Upgrade Essence | 30 |
[Exclusive] Rare Birth Essence | 30 |
[Exclusive] Rare Imbue Essence | 30 |
[Exclusive] Rare Change Essence | 30 |
[Exclusive] Quality Birth Essence | 30 |
[Exclusive] Quality Modification Essence | 10 |
■ Drop Rules for Re:Birth Mode Items
- All Gears obtained in the Re:Birth Mode are dropped with Options, without any empty slot, and no Legendary Gear is dropped in the Mode.
- All Gears obtained in the Re:Birth Mode are dropped identified.
- All Gears obtained in the Re:Birth Mode have higher chances of high-tier options.
■ Re:Birth Mode Buff
- The following enhanced effects are applied in the Re:Birth Mode.
Re:Birth Mode Effects |
+150% Rune EXP Bonus |
+100% Relic EXP Bonus |
+50% Character EXP on Kill |
Chaos Points Discount 50% |
+100% Gear Drop Chance |
◈ Content |
◆ Chaos Dungeon
- A new Tier 12 boss monster, Reborn Serpens, will be added.
※ Serpens appears when you enter the dungeon using the Greater Chaos Card (Terror of Darkness).
※ The Greater Chaos Card (Terror of Darkness) can be crafted only through Alchemy in the Re:Birth Mode.
※ You can enter the Tier 12 Chaos Dungeon only in the Re:Birth Mode.
◆ Exodium Dungeon
■ Changes in Conditions to Enter Hard Difficulty
- The Hard Difficulty of Exodium Dungeon will be changed to be only available with Tier 12 'Exodium Card (Kustodia Temple)'.
◆ New Descent Raid
Kustodia's final boss, Teneo, will appear in the Raid with more sophisticated and powerful patterns.
- You can attack Teneo in the Descent Raid.
- Teneo appearing in Descent Raid has [Physical/Chaos] Element.
- New Runestones can be obtained by chance upon clearing Teneo Raid.
◆ Descent/Guild Raids
■ Season/Standard Integrated Matching for Descent Raid
- Descent Raid Matching will be improved to integrate the Season/Standard Matchings.
■ Descent Raid Schedule
- More information on the schedule will be announced through a separate notice.
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
■ Guild Raid Schedule
- More information on the schedule will be announced through a separate notice.
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
◆ Solo Descent Raids
■ Solo Descent Raids Schedule
- The detailed schedule is available through the link below.
- A part of Ochogneel's patterns in Solo Descent Raid will be adjusted more adequate for single play.
◆ Void Rift
- The Void Rift rotation for Season 5 will end and the rotation for Season Re:Birth will begin.
- Your Void Rift progress, Rank Points, and reward history will be reset.
- The boss monsters of each area will also change once the Void Rift is reset.
- You will not be able to receive previous rewards once the period ends, so please collect all rewards before the maintenance takes place.
- Re:Birth Void Rift will take place for 1 week.
◆ Drop
■ Gear Item
- Adjustments will be made so the Season 5 Unique Gears are dropped in the Standard Mode.
- New Unique Gears are dropped in The Re:Birth Mode.
◆ Black Market
- The Black Market’s Friendship level, saved items, and Pirate’s Coins will be reset.
- Season 5 Unique Gears will be added to Unidentified Unique Chest and Undying Unidentified Unique Chest in the Standard Mode Black Market.
- As new Unique items are added and improved, the contents of Unidentified Unique Chest and Undying Unidentified Unique Chest will be changed.
◆ Energy Effects
■ Energy Effect Rebalancing
- Buffs and Stat values of Energy Effects will be changed.
- '% Energy Debuff Effect Reduction' Stats for each Element will be added.
※ 'Energy Effect +%' Option affects buffs and debuffs of each Energy Effect as before, and '% Energy Debuff Effect Reduction' Stats will be added as Stats to affect debuffs of Energy Effects only.
- 5 Link Runes to obtain the Energy of each Element will be added.
◆ Monsters
■ Changes in Drops of Resurrected Champions of Gods
- In the Standard Mode, Champions are adjusted to drop all Unique Gears that have appeared until Season 5.
- In the Re:Birth Mode, Champions have a high drop rate for Unique Gears of Transcendent or higher Grade that has been added in Season Re:Birth, and the Unique Gears dropped in the Standard Mode are also dropped.
■ Balance Adjustment for Chaos Dungeon Bosses
- Stats of Chaos Dungeon Bosses are increased.
■ Changes in Drops of Bottomless Abyss Monsters
- Monsters in the Bottomless Abyss will drop Apollyon's Bone with a low chance.
■ Puru
- Puru’s HP will be adjusted so Puru can be defeated after the proper number of strikes.
Location | Strike Count |
Act Stage | 10 times |
Chaos Dungeon Tier 1 - 5 | 20 times |
Chaos Dungeon Tier 6 or above | 30 times |
◆ Vaults
■ Improvements to Vault Rewards
- The rewards from the Vaults of every grade appearing in Combat Area will be drastically increased.
- The Vault in Grave Robber King's Underground Vault is excluded from the change.
◆ Purify Ancient Being Event
■ Addition of Chaos Stone
- Chances for the Purify Ancient Being event in the Chaos Dungeon will be adjusted.
- A new Chaos Stone to start the Ancient Being event will be added.
- The ‘Exodium Card’ drop rate in the Purify Ancient Being event will be adjusted.
◆ Alchemy
■ Exodium Card Synthesis
- ‘Exodium Card’ will be added to the Alchemy Synthesis list.
- You can synthesize low-Tier Exodium Cards to obtain a high-Tier Exodium Card.
◈ Items |
◆ Gear
■ Arcane Gears
- Changes will be made so Tier 35 Arcane Gears are no longer dropped.
■ Gear Item (Edited on Nov. 11 12:10 (UTC+9))
- The maximum tier and the maximum grade of Chaos Orb will be extended to Tier 10 and Ancient grade.
※ ‘Ancient Chaos Orb (Tier 10)’ can be obtained and traded only in the Re:Birth Mode.
◆ New/Improved Unique Gears
■ New/Improved Unique Gears
- 5 new Unique Gears will be added.
- 7 existing Unique Gears will be improved, and 7 higher-grade Unique Gears will be added.
※ Legendary Unique Gears you already own will remain.
※ Legendary Unique Gears you already own are unavailable for the Divine Grade Enchant. (available after using a Legendary Unique Reversion Essence)
■ New Prologue Unique Gears
- 14 new Unique Gears obtained from playing the story before entering Malo Front will be added.
※ New Prologue Unique Gears are dropped upon defeating a monster 'Souk' in Malo Canyon.
※ New Prologue Unique Gears are not given when you skip the Prologue.
◆ Essence
■ Essence
- Drop rates of Ancient/Divine Essences will be adjusted.
◆ Material
■ Chaos Cards
- A new Greater Card, 'Greater Chaos Card (Terror of Darkness)', will be added.
※ The Greater Chaos Card (Terror of Darkness) can be crafted only through Alchemy in the Re:Birth Mode.
■ Content Material
- A new content material, 'Otherworld Key (Might)', will be added.
※ It is used as the material of the Greater Chaos Card (Terror of Darkness).
※ You can obtain it by chance in the Re:Birth Mode when you defeat the Serpens at the Chaos Dungeon Domain of Might.
◆ Runestone
■ New Runestones will be added.
Grade | Item | Stat | Min Stat | Max Stat |
Unique | HP Conditional Critical DMG Increase Runestone | Critical DMG at 80% or more HP +% | 45 | 60 |
Unique | HP Conditional Minion Critical DMG Increase Runestone | Minion Critical DMG at 80% or more HP +% | 45 | 60 |
Unique | HP Conditional Sentry Critical DMG Increase Runestone | Sentry Critical DMG at 80% or more HP +% | 45 | 60 |
◆ Return Scroll
- The Return Scroll previously existed as an Item will be removed.
(Return Scrolls you have will be automatically removed.)
- From the Season Re:Birth, you can activate a Return Portal without the Return Scroll.
◈ Runes |
◆ New Skill Runes
■ Red Rune
- The Absolute's Hammer
■ Blue Rune
- Black Plague
◆ New Link Runes
■ Red Rune
- Extract Earth Energy
- Extract Fire Energy
■ Blue Rune
- Extract Cold Energy
- Extract Lightning Energy
■ Green Rune
- Extract Poison Energy
◆ Change in Rune Grade
■ Condense Fire
- The base Grade will be changed from Rare to Normal.
◆ 'Sealed Rune Chest' Item Added
■ Blue Rune
- Black Plague
◆ Improvements to Skill Runes
- ‘Explosive Slash’ and ‘Judgment of Light’ Runes will be improved.
■ Explosive Slash
- The Stat that affects the explosion of Explosive Slash skill will be changed from ‘Area of Effect’ to ‘Weapon Range’.
- Both slashing damage and explosive damage will be affected by the ‘Weapon Range’, and the ‘Area of Effect’ tag will be removed from the skill.
■ Judgment of Light
- The effect of Judgment of Light stacks will be changed from ‘Area of Effect +%’ per stack to ‘Area of Effect +’ per stack.
- Through the [Verity] Awakening, the Skill’s effect is changed so the stacks remain even when a skill other than the Dark Judgment is used.
◆ Improvements to Link Runes
■ Center of Gravity
- ‘Focus’ tag will be removed from the unavailability condition of the Center of Gravity.
- ‘Max Maintain Position Stacks’ increase and ‘Critical DMG’ Stats are added to the Runes linked to the Center of Gravity.
■ Extract Energy
- The existing effects of the ‘Extract Energy’ Link Rune will be changed drastically.
◆ Balance Adjustments to Skill & Link Runes
- With the Nov. 7 (Thu) update, the balance for certain Runes will be adjusted.
Affected Skill Runes | |
Ice Crystal Arrow | Whirlwind Barrage |
Ogre Arrow | Electric Ball |
Cross Slash | Throw Explosive |
Rapid Shot | Poison Orb |
Frost Bomb | Arctic Shard |
Earth Blow | Shockwave Arrow |
Blade of Death | Firebomb Shot |
Unleash Lightning Shot | Lightning Arrow |
Dark Judgment | Lightning Wave |
Bombardment Arrow | Combo |
Explosive Slash | Frost Strike |
Frost Thorn | Frost Strike [Source] |
Freeze Arrow | Poison Rain of Arrows |
Icy Arrow | Whirlwind Slash |
Lightning Strike | Scorching Arrow |
Affected Link Runes |
Center of Gravity |
Precise Sentry |
Noble Sacrifice |
Minion Presence |
Convert Physical Damage |
Convert Fire DMG |
Convert Cold DMG |
Convert Lightning DMG |
Convert Poison DMG |
Warrior's Shadow |
Shadow Archer |
◆ Certain Awakened Runes Reset
- Due to balance changes after the Nov. 7 (Thu) update, certain Runes' Awakening will be reset.
※ Users who have Runes that will be reset will be given Engraving Stones and Gold depending on the type of the Rune.
- The Runes that will be reset are as below.
Affected Skill Runes |
Explosive Slash [Origin] |
Whirlwind Slash [Source] |
Scorching Arrow [Source] |
Judgment of Light [Verity] |
Extract Energy [Source] [Origin] [Verity] |
※ Please visit the link below for more details on the improved Skill Runes.
◈ Zodiacs |
◆ Improvements to Zodiacs
■ Zodiac Trait IX
- Effects of Tier 9 Nodes are improved, and Zodiacs to reduce the Energy Debuff Effects will be added.
■ Zodiac Specialization
- Minion Specialization (Water Shadow, Islands, Seedling, Coal) Nodes will be renewed.
◈ System |
◆ Zodiac Walker
- As Zodiac Walker becomes obsolete, new systems, ‘Zodiac Runner’ and ‘Zodiac Sprinter’, have been added.
Product Name | Zodiac Runner | Zodiac Sprinter |
Subscription Period | 7 days, 28 days | 7 days, 28 days |
Functions | Can purchase the Zodiac Runner Gift Box | Can purchase the Zodiac Runner, Sprinter Gift Box |
Accelerates Alchemy crafting time by 50% | Accelerates Alchemy crafting time by 100% | |
Auction House Registrations per account +3 | Auction House Registrations per account +6 | |
Trading Post Registrations per account +3 | Trading Post Registrations per account +6 | |
Free Costume Dye | Free Costume Dye | |
Free Armor Dye | Free Armor Dye | |
Daily Free Items +5 | Daily Free Items +10 | |
Maximum Completable Bounties +3 | Maximum Completable Bounties +5 | |
Black Market Saved Items +3 | Black Market Saved Items +5 | |
- | Auto Disassemble | |
- | Expand Bag +100 |
※ A Zodiac Runner can be upgraded to a Zodiac Sprinter during the subscription period.
※ The upgrade requires 1 Diamond per 1 remaining hour, and any time less than an hour is provided as a bonus.
- A new Gift Box obtained via Zodiac Runner or Zodiac Sprinter will be added.
Product Name | Zodiac Runner | Zodiac Sprinter |
Contents | Resurrection Scroll x1 | Darkness Energy x300 |
Identification Scroll x5 | Unstable Rune Hunter Elixir x1 | |
Major Light Element x10 | Fountain of Wisdom x3 |
◆ Storage
- A new function in the Storage, ‘Withdraw All by Grade’, will be added.
◆ Guide Book
- The ‘Guide Book’ system that provides information about in-game content will be added.
- Certain content in the Guide Book can be accessed immediately.
- Guide pages in the Guide Book can be seen after the relevant tutorial is unlocked.
◆ Tutorial
- Tutorials are added to Rune Guide Pop-up and Navigation.
◆ Inventory
- Option Filter will be added to Inventory Filters.
◆ Settings
- A new game setting, ‘Minimize Effects’, will be added.
◆ Quests
- (Main/Sub/Tutorial) Effects to enhance the visibility of certain NPCs/monsters/objects to complete certain quests will be added.
- Certain sub quests in Malo Front will be removed, and their quest rewards will be integrated to the main quest rewards.
- Certain Skill Runes and Link Runes granted upon clearing Acts will be changed.
◆ Attendance
■ Normal/Royal Monthly Attendance
- The reward system for Royal Attendance will be adjusted.
└ Before: Bonus rewards in addition to the Normal rewards
└ After: Exclusive rewards for Royal Attendance separated from the Normal rewards
◆ Skip Episode (Added on Nov. 8 10:56 (UTC+9))
■ Episode Skip Ticket
- Episode Skip Ticket will be changed so that it will not be displayed in the Paid Shop unless there is a character in your account that completed the Act 13 quest 'Your Own Story'.
◈ Beauty |
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ New Costumes
3 new Outfits/Helmets will be added.
✔ You can find the new Outfits/Helmets costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Safe Journey Camper's Top (M/F): Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Safe Journey Camper's Bottom (M/F): Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Safe Journey Camper's Hat: Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Safe Journey Camper's Shoes: Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Serengeti Safari Top (M/F): Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Serengeti Safari Bottom (M/F): Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Serengeti Safari Shoes: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Serengeti Safari Hat: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Clock Rabbit Top (M/F): Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Clock Rabbit Bottom (M/F): Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Clock Rabbit Shoes: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Clock Rabbit Mask: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
◆ Wings
3 new Wings will be added to Costumes.
✔ You can find the new costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Safe Journey Camper's Bag: Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Serengeti Safari Bag: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
- Winged Tail Knapsack: Can be obtained through the Collector's Treasure House in the Paid Shop.
◆ Attachments
2 new Attachments will be added.
✔ You can find the new Attachment costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.
- Dog's Playtime Dash Effect: Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
- Dog's Playtime Footsteps: Can be obtained through the Package in the Paid Shop.
◆ Pets
1 new Pet will be added.
✔ You can find the new Pets in the [Pet] menu.
- Clock Rabbit Puru: Can be purchased with the coupon that will be given to users as part of a login event.
◆ Skill Skins
2 new Skill Skins will be added.
✔ You can find the new Skill Skin in the [Beauty] > [Skill Skin] menu.
- Dog's Playtime The Absolute's Hammer: Can be obtained through [Paid Shop] > [Mileage Ticket Shop] and [Beauty] > [Random Skill Skin Purchase].
- Dog's Playtime Black Plague: Can be obtained through [Paid Shop] > [Mileage Ticket Shop] and [Beauty] > [Random Skill Skin Purchase].
◈ New Products |
◆ Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest
Products that give various rewards according to set chances by using Diamonds and Rubies are updated.
✔ The Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest can be purchased and used in the [Paid Shop] at the top right.
■ About Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest
✔ A Collector's Treasure House costs Diamonds or an exclusive ticket, and you can purchase either a single product or 10 + 1 of the product.
✔ A Croco's Support Chest costs Rubies or an exclusive ticket, and you can purchase either a single product or 10 + 1 of the product.
- When you purchase a Collector's Treasure House, you can obtain various rewards, including Costumes and diverse Essences and Materials, according to set chances.
- When you purchase a Croco's Support Chest, you can obtain various rewards, including Unique Gears and diverse Essences and Materials, according to set chances.
■ Product Info
- Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest will each be divided into the 'Recommendation’, ‘Re:Birth’, and ‘Combined’ tabs.
- The ‘Re:Birth’ tab consists of lists of new items, and the Recommendation and Combined tabs consist of lists of items before the Re:Birth.
- Bonus Points will be given for each tab after obtaining an item, and additional rewards will be given every time the number of points reaches a certain level.
- The points will be reset after obtaining the last reward.
■ Sale Schedule
- Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest ‘Recommendation’ tab can be purchased until before the Dec. 19 (Thu) 2024 maintenance.
- Collector's Treasure House / Croco's Support Chest ‘Re:Birth’ tab can be purchased until before the Jan. 9 (Thu) 2025 maintenance.
■ Bonus Reward Item List
- Collector's Treasure House (Recommended)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
10 times | Collector's Treasure House Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
50 times | Collector's Treasure House Simple Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
100 times | Collector's Treasure House Beautiful Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
250 times | Collector's Treasure House Excellent Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
500 times | Collector's Treasure House Perfect Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
750 times | Collector's Treasure House Grand Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation) |
- Collector's Treasure House (Re:Birth)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
10 times | Collector's Treasure House Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
50 times | Collector's Treasure House Simple Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
100 times | Collector's Treasure House Beautiful Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
250 times | Collector's Treasure House Excellent Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
500 times | Collector's Treasure House Perfect Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
750 times | Collector's Treasure House Grand Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
- Collector's Treasure House (Combined)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
10 times | Collector's Treasure House Bonus Chest (Combined) |
50 times | Collector's Treasure House Simple Bonus Chest (Combined) |
100 times | Collector's Treasure House Beautiful Bonus Chest (Combined) |
250 times | Collector's Treasure House Excellent Bonus Chest (Combined) |
500 times | Collector's Treasure House Perfect Bonus Chest (Combined) |
750 times | Collector's Treasure House Grand Bonus Chest (Combined) |
- Croco's Support Chest (Recommendation)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
50 times | Croco's Support Chest Beautiful Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
100 times | Croco's Support Chest Beautiful Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
300 times | Croco's Support Chest Beautiful Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
500 times | Croco's Support Chest Excellent Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
750 times | Croco's Support Chest Perfect Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
1000 times | Croco's Support Chest Grand Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
2000 times | Croco's Support Chest Transcendent Bonus Chest (Croco's Recommendation) |
- Croco's Support Chest (Re:Birth)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
50 times | Croco's Support Chest Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
100 times | Croco's Support Chest Simple Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
300 times | Croco's Support Chest Beautiful Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
500 times | Croco's Support Chest Excellent Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
750 times | Croco's Support Chest Perfect Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
1000 times | Croco's Support Chest Grand Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
2000 times | Croco's Support Chest Transcendent Bonus Chest (Re:Birth) |
- Croco's Support Chest (Combined)
Purchased Time | Rewards |
50 times | Croco's Support Chest Bonus Chest (Combined) |
100 times | Croco's Support Chest Simple Bonus Chest (Combined) |
300 times | Croco's Support Chest Beautiful Bonus Chest (Combined) |
500 times | Croco's Support Chest Excellent Bonus Chest (Combined) |
750 times | Croco's Support Chest Perfect Bonus Chest (Combined) |
1000 times | Croco's Support Chest Grand Bonus Chest (Combined) |
2000 times | Croco's Support Chest Transcendent Bonus Chest (Combined) |
※ Certain contents of the chests may change per Season.
※ Please find more details on the Bonus Chests in the game.
■ To Note
※ Products and sales periods may be subject to change.
※ You can view chest contents and chances by pressing the ‘See Chance %’ at the top right of each tab.
※ Please note that chances are rounded to 5 decimal places and therefore may not add up to 100%.
※ For more information on chances for chance-type items, please check the in-game Chance information or Notice on our official website.
※ If you obtain more than one of the same costume, you will receive a Mileage Ticket instead.
※ Please note that the color of the border around items on the screen that appears when you purchase the product is not related to the game’s item grades.
◆ Statue Level Up Pass
The Statue Level Up Pass, which is a product where you can claim rewards every time you level up the Chaos Statue, will be added.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Statue Level Up Pass Period
- After the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the next Season update
■ What is the Statue Level Up Pass?
- Level up the Chaos Statue to certain levels to obtain various rewards that correspond to each level.
- Statue Level Up Pass rewards start from Lv. 1 and go up to Lv. 20, increasing by increments of 1 level.
- You can purchase the Statue Level Up Pass once per mode, and your Pass progress will only apply to the mode in which the Pass has been purchased.
└ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Normal Mode will not affect your gameplay in Season Re:Birth Mode.
■ Statue Level Up Pass Rewards
- Statue Level Up Pass Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Statue Level Up Pass and reaching the required Chaos Statue levels.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the period ends.
※ You can only obtain Statue Level Up Pass rewards if you purchase the Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ Rune Hunter Growth Pass
The Rune Hunter Growth Pass, which is a product where you can claim rewards every time your character levels up, will be added.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Rune Hunter Growth Pass Period
- After the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the next Season update
■ What is the Rune Hunter Growth Pass?
- Level up your character to certain levels to obtain various rewards that correspond to each level.
- Rune Hunter Growth Pass rewards start from Lv. 5 and go up to Lv. 100, increasing by increments of 5 levels.
- You can purchase the Rune Hunter Growth Pass once per mode, and your Pass progress will only apply to the mode in which the Pass has been purchased.
└ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Normal Mode will not affect your gameplay in Season Re:Birth Mode.
■ Rune Hunter Growth Pass Rewards
- Normal Rewards: Obtain by reaching the required character levels.
- Premium Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Premium Pass and reaching the required character levels.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ Premium Reward Details
- When you purchase the Rune Hunter Growth Premium Pass and reach the required Pass levels, you can obtain Premium Rewards as well as Normal Rewards.
- With Premium Rewards, you can claim Rewards that are of higher value.
- Purchased Premium Passes are only active during the current Pass period, so please ensure that you obtain your rewards before the Pass period ends.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the period ends.
※ You can only obtain Premium Rewards if you purchase the Premium Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◆ Season Re:Birth Zodiac Pass 1
The Zodiac Pass product will be updated.
✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.
■ Zodiac Pass Period
- After the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Dec. 5 (Thu) maintenance (UTC+9)
■ What is the Zodiac Pass?
- Purchasing a Zodiac Pass applies the following benefits during the Pass period:
Alchemy Slot +1, Alchemy Acceleration +50%, Zodiac Free Reset
- By clearing Zodiac Pass missions, you can collect EXP and raise your Pass level. You can then obtain the various rewards corresponding to each level.
- Pass Rewards are available for up to Level 25, and you can only obtain rewards for each level once.
- You can purchase the Zodiac Pass in either Standard Mode or Season Mode (Re:Birth) from your account.
- For Zodiac Passes that are purchased in Season Mode, Pass missions, Rewards, and levels will be shared with all Season difficulty modes.
└ E.g. Playing in Standard Mode will not affect your Pass in Season Re:Birth Mode.
└ E.g. Playing in Season Normal Mode will affect your Pass in Season Re:Birth Mode.
■ Zodiac Pass Rewards
- Normal Rewards: Obtain by increasing your Zodiac Pass level.
- Premium Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Premium Pass and increasing your Zodiac Pass level.
※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.
■ Premium Reward Details
- When you purchase the Premium Zodiac Pass and increase your Pass level, you can obtain Premium Rewards as well as Normal Rewards.
- With Premium Rewards, you can claim rewards that are of higher value, such as Guild Exclusive Rune Selection Chests.
- Purchased Premium Passes are only active during the current Pass period, so please ensure that you obtain your rewards before the Pass period ends.
■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ Once the Zodiac Pass period ends, your progress level, points, and rewards will be changed and reset.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the Pass period ends.
※ You can only obtain Premium Rewards if you purchase the Premium Pass.
※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.
◈ Events |
◆ Season Re:Birth Offering Event
- The 'Season Re:Birth Offering Event' will begin.
* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Nov. 7 (Thu).
◆ Season Re:Birth Hot Time Event
- The 'Season Re:Birth Hot Time Event' will begin.
* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Nov. 7 (Thu).
◆ Season Re:Birth Ranking Event
- The 'Season Re:Birth Ranking Event' will begin.
* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Nov. 7 (Thu).
◆ Storage Product Discount Event (From After Season Re:Birth Begins - Until Before the Dec. 05 (Thu) Maintenance)
- Storage Activation Products will be sold at a 20% discount for 1 month after the season begins.
- Activate Chaos Card Storage
- Activate Charm Storage
- Activate Zodiac Stone Storage
- Activate Material Storage
- Activate Content Material Storage
- Activate Rune Storage
- Activate Essence Storage
- Activate Jewel Storage
※ Storage Activation Products can be seen through [Paid Shop] > [Normal Shop] > [Convenience].
◈ Bug Fixes |
- Nov. 7 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues
We hope that these update details will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.
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