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Shadow bug

[BarrierJesus] helgre
2024.08.12 Monday 19:57 (UTC + 9)


Making this post to hopefully bring more attention to this bug because im only getting the automated response on my bug report ticket.

By now many users are aware of this bug and it is very bad with some skills and weapon type.

What happens is that the shadow spawns and attack but doesnt hit the target not even misses just attacks but

no dmg number or miss displayed, here is a video i made showing this bug.

The video is not a public video only people with the link can watch it as i dont want to spread

negative information only wanted to show what is happening.

1h weapons and 2h sword are less effected by the bug they are getting 70-90% of the hits they are supose to get

while the other 2h weapons are extremely bad most of the times getting less than 50% of the hits from shadow.

Also the tested the origin engraving on warrior shadow this should be add some more hits but did not seem

to be working in any case and some times even resulting in less hits.

Only time this bug is not happening is at around 2 attack speed or less.

This alway****sisted seuce we got the warrior shadow link rune and i have

had this bug verified by atleast 5 diffrent players and everyone seems to be affected by it

and most players probobly dont even know they are affected.

I had 2 players test the hit count on the warrior archer and that works correctly getting as many hits

from shadow as the player.

I did not test every skill or weapon type but the pattern is obvious that there is a problem

Here is a link to a spread sheet with where is did 1 min dps test with some skills and weapons

This bug is very bad as people can be loosing so much dmg from it and i cant belivie it have not been fixed by now

or atleast added to the known bugs and issues list.

Imagen this you are playing cresent slash and you have saved up or spent real money to buy casthors vision.

and then you discover this bug and a 2h crafted sword is probobly better than casthors vision because of a bug.

I actuly know of 2 players with that problem and they arent realy happy about it. And yes its just as bugged

with casthors vision as any other 2h axe had these 2 players con+firm it.

Thats all PLEASE fix this bug.

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