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Director's Letter Vol. 12

2024.06.21 Friday 22:40 (UTC + 9)

Hello, I'm Director Sang Kwon Han.

Firstly, we would like to apologize for the issue where the interaction button,

which had been useful in the mobile environment, was not being displayed.

This problem occurred due to our oversight.

Our development team is also aware of the numerous opinions

regarding the expanded growth content where Rune Master Points,

the core of this update, can be used.

The Rune Cast expansion, aimed at fostering growth potential for various builds,

arises from the broad spectrum of character development possibilities rooted in Rune growth.

We believe that our positive intentions might not have been effectively communicated,

stemming from a cautious approach to design due to the diverse variables involved.

The items that can be purchased with points obtained from

Rune Master Level will continue to be added and improved upon as seasons progress.

The recent Rune Cast expansion is still new,

so we would appreciate your understanding and patience as we move forward.

We are diligently preparing for Season 5, and we promise to present you with

an even more enhanced version of UNDECEMBER.

With this, we conclude this brief developer's letter.

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