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Jun. 20 Update

2024.06.18 Tuesday 16:30 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Our next update will take place on Jun. 20 (Thu).

Please see below for more details.

※ The information may change when the update takes place.

※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details may be subject to change.

◈ Content

◆ Solo Descent Raid Honorable Statue

A statue system will be added to honor the first Rune Hunter to clear the Solo Descent Raid.

- The statues will only be placed in Saluto, with a total of three, one for each Physical, Element, and Summon tag.

- The top Rune Hunter for each Physical/Element/Summon tag will be registered as an honored player.

- Upon entering the Solo Descent Raid, a Challenge UI will appear, allowing challenges for the selected tag.

- There will be a required DMG Ratio for each tag, and you must deal damage equal to the ratio of the relevant tag.

- Registration will be separate for the Standard Mode and Season Mode.

- At the statue, you can view the registered characters' information based on the time (in UTC+9) they defeated the boss.

- You will not be able to challenge tags already registered by other players.

- New registration information will be updated when re-entering Saluto.

- The registration information for the Solo Descent Raid will be managed seasonally, and the registration information related to

  the honorary statue will be reset when the season ends.

- Only one tag can be registered per character.

- Regardless of the number of runs with the nerfed boss, only the first Rune Hunter to defeat the boss in each tag will be registered.

- When a new player is added to the Solo Descent Raid Honorable Statue, system messages will be announced server-wide based

  on the Season Mode or Standard Mode.

- System messages relating to the honorary statue can be toggled ON/OFF through [Settings] - [Show] - [Honorable Statue Player Megaphone].

◈ Character

◆ Rune Master Level

Rune Cast and Skill Slots exclusive to Rune Master will be created.

- You will need Rune Master Points to activate slots.

- All information regarding invested Rune Master Points will be reset when a season ends.

- You will need Rune Master Points based on the number of slots unlocked.

- Individual slots can be reset, and the number of resets will be shared with the reset of The Path of the Rune Master.

- Rune Plate / Quick Slots / Trigger Slots exclusive to Rune Master will be activated after achieving Character Lv. 100.

※ On platforms other than mobile, you will need to set the hotkeys for Quick Slots yourself through [Settings] - [Hotkeys].

 ㄴ Quick Slots can be expanded up to a maximum of 4 slots.

◈ Improvements and Other Changes

※ These are the improvements and changes that will come into place with the update.

■ Stages

- Adjustments have been made to the EXP and Gold Drop Amount in some stages.

■ Beauty

- The issue where the effects of 'Cyprus' Wrath' were displayed unnaturally in the Beauty previews has been fixed.

■ Link Runes

- The issue where frame drops occurred when using 'Channeling' Link Runes has been fixed.

■ Eunos Dungeon

- Adjustments have been made to the value of the 'Critical DMG % Dampening' stat.

■ Skills

- Adjustments have been made to some of the placements when installing multiple Sentries at once.

■ Alchemy

- Improvements have been made so that the default value for crafting is set to the maximum quantity, and any previously specified values

  will be retained.

◈ Beauty

※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.

◆ New Costumes

3 new Outfits will be added.

  ✔ You can find the new costumes in the [Beauty] > [Costume] menu.

- Dawn Mist Swimsuit: Can be obtained through the 'Ready for Summer Ddakji Event'.

- Azure Fantasy Swimsuit: Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].

- Beach Dazzle Swimsuit: Can be obtained through the [Package] in the [Paid Shop].

New Products

◆ Season 4 Zodiac Pass 4

The Zodiac Pass product will be updated.

✔ Passes can be used and purchased from [Event] in the upper right corner of the screen.

■ Zodiac Pass Period

- After the Jun. 20 (Thu) maintenance - Until before the Jul. 18 (Thu) maintenance

■ What is the Zodiac Pass?

- Purchasing a Zodiac Pass applies the following benefits during the Pass period:

  Alchemy Slot +1, Alchemy Acceleration +50%, Zodiac Free Reset

- By clearing Zodiac Pass missions, you can collect EXP and raise your Pass level. You can then obtain the various rewards

  corresponding to each level.

- Pass Rewards are available for up to Level 25, and you can only obtain rewards for each level once.

- You can purchase the Zodiac Pass in either Standard Mode or Season Mode (Normal, Origin, Hardcore) from your account.

- For Zodiac Passes that are purchased in Season Mode, Pass missions, Rewards, and levels will be shared with all Season difficulty modes.

 └ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Origin Mode will not affect your gameplay in Standard Mode.

 └ E.g. Passes purchased in Season Origin Mode will affect your gameplay in Season Normal Mode.

■ Zodiac Pass Rewards

- Normal Rewards: Obtain by increasing your Zodiac Pass level.

- Premium Rewards: Obtain by purchasing the Premium Pass and increasing your Zodiac Pass level.

※ Please find more details on the available rewards for each level in the game.

■ Premium Reward Details

- When you purchase the Premium Zodiac Pass and increase your Pass level, you can obtain Premium Rewards as well as Normal Rewards.

- With Premium Rewards, you can claim rewards that are of higher value, such as Guild Exclusive Rune Selection Chests.

- Purchased Premium Passes are only active during the current Pass period, so please ensure that you obtain your rewards

  before the Pass period ends.

■ To Note

※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.

※ Once the Zodiac Pass period ends, your progress level, points, and rewards will be changed and reset.

※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the Pass period ends.

※ You can only obtain Premium Rewards if you purchase the Premium Pass.

※ These products may be resold in the same or similar format in the future.

◈ Events 

◆ Ready for Summer Ddakji Event

 - The 'Ready for Summer Ddakji Event' will begin.

* For more details, please check the game and the event notice that will be uploaded on Jun. 20 (Thu).

◈ Bug Fixes

Jun. 20 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues

We hope that these update details will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you. 

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