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Advance Notice on Upcoming Changes with Mar. 28 Update

2024.03.14 Thursday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

There will be various changes coming into effect with the new update that is taking place on Mar. 28 (Thu).


Among these changes, we would like to inform you in advance of the content that will be reset, information regarding the end of Season 3, as well as certain content adjustments that will take place in preparation for the Season 4 update.

Auction House Measures

◆ Auction House Suspension Measures

After the Mar. 25 (Mon) patch, you will no longer be able to register new items at the Auction House and will not be able to bid on items that have been registered at the Auction House.

Items that have been registered before the patch will remain registered in the Auction House for their remaining time and can be purchased through buyout.

Content Reset

◆ Chaos Dungeon Reset and Current Chaos Cards

With the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, your current Chaos Compendium Score and Chaos Statue Level will be reset.


Chaos Cards obtained before the update that you currently own can be used until the update takes place.

Once the Chaos Statue is reset, you will need to obtain new Chaos Cards in order to play Chaos Dungeons.


Any Chaos Cards that you do not use before the Mar. 28 (Thu) update will be converted into event items during the update.

The Chaos items that will be converted include all Chaos Cards and Chaos Card ChestsChaos Keys, and chests that include Chaos Keys.

Unique Chaos Card Selection Chests and Traces of Memory Selection Chests will not be converted to event items,

    but Chaos Cards obtained through those items will be converted to event items.

◆ Black Market Reset

With the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, the Black Market’s Friendship level, item list, saved items, and Pirate’s Coins will be reset.


The Pirate's Coins and Pirate's Coin Chests that you own will be deleted with the update.

Please purchase any saved items before the update takes place. 


Your saved items on the Black Market will be deleted after the update, so please purchase them before the Season 4 maintenance.

◆ Relic and Zodiac Reset

After the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, your Relics and Zodiacs will be reset.


Your Relic Level and EXP, and any Light of Life that you own, will be combined based on whichever values are higher out of Season/Standard mode. 


All Avatar information will be reset and Divinity Points will be given depending on your combined Relic Level.


Please log in after the update to activate your character’s Relic Avatar and reassign your Divinity Points, as well as your Zodiac Traits and Stat Points.

◆ Constellation of Time Reset

After the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, your Constellation of Time stage and your Powerful Emotions will be reset.

Please ensure that you complete any Constellation of Time stages you are playing before the update.

◆ Zodiac Stone Emotion Engraving Reset

After the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, your Emotion Engravings on Zodiac Stones will be reset.

You can perform Emotion Engraving again through Constellation of Time after the update.

◆ Mastery Reset

After the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, your Mastery will be reset.


Your Mastery Level will be combined based on whichever level is higher out of Season/Standard mode.

Please log in after the update to reassign your reset Mastery Points.

 Balance and Content Adjustments

◆ Skill Rune Balance Adjustments

With the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, certain Skill Runes' balance will be adjusted.

Affected Runes that are Awakened will be reverted to the state they were before being Awakened after the update, and '[Exclusive] Skill Rune Engraving Stone' will be given.

Affected Skill Runes

Enchanted Sentry

Sentry Expert

Thorn Explosion [Source], [Verity]

Poison Orb [Source], [Origin]


◆ Link Rune Balance Adjustments

With the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, certain Link Runes' balance will be adjusted.

Affected Runes that are Awakened will be reverted to the state they were before being Awakened after the update, and '[Exclusive] Link Rune Engraving Stone' will be given.

Affected Link Runes

Sturdy Sentry

Life Imbued Sentry


◆ Gear Option Improvements

With the Mar. 28 (Thu) update, options for certain gear will be improved.

Affected Gear

Winter Heart

Landkeeper's Badge

Information on the End of Season 3

◆ Season Mode Items That Will Be Moved to Standard Mode at the End of Season 3

Items That Will Be Moved


Alchemy Rune Synthesis Mileage

The higher accumulated Mileage out of Season/Standard mode will be moved (separate for Magic/Rare)


The higher Mastery Level out of Season/Standard mode will be moved


The higher Relic Level out of Season/Standard mode will be moved

Light of Life

The larger amount of Light of Life owned out of Season/Standard mode will be moved

Formula Pages

The Formula Pages of Season Characters will be deleted / will remain for Standard Characters

Formula Books

The unlock statuses of Season and Standard characters will be merged


The Gold/Gemstone (Courage/Merit) amounts of Season and Standard characters will be combined


The higher progress out of Season/Standard mode will be moved


The higher progress out of Season/Standard mode will be moved

Rune Birth Essence Mileage

Mileage of Season and Standard Characters will be merged


◆ Items That Will Be Moved to Temporary Storage at the End of Season 3

- The items in your Season Character’s Storage will be moved to Temporary Storage.

- The items registered in your Season Character’s Unique/Rune Compendium will be moved to Temporary Storage.

- The items in your Season Character’s Alchemy Slots will be moved to the Temporary Slots per mode.

- The items in your Season Character’s Mailbox will be moved to the Temporary Slots per mode.

※ To Note

✔ We will not be able to offer you any assistance for any Black Market items that you do not claim before the Mar. 28 (Thu) maintenance.

✔ Items moved to Temporary Storage and Temporary Slots will be deleted if not claimed before the start of Season 5.

✔ We will not be able to offer you any assistance for Temporary Storage and Temporary Slot items from previous seasons that have been deleted once the new season begins.


We hope that the information above will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

We hope you are looking forward to the new update and Season 4.


Thank you.

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