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Information on Potion Enhancement Effects in Spire of Barriers as of Feb. 20

2024.02.20 Tuesday 16:36 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Currently, many Rune Hunters have shown concern over Potion Effect Orbs in Spire of Barriers.

However, we would like to inform you that this is not a bug because it is within the structurally acceptable range.

However, the statistics related to the Potion Effect Orbs in Spire of Barriers were set based on the previous rules regarding Auxiliary Slots.

Currently, all Enhance Potions can be equipped in Auxiliary Slots, so adjustments regarding game balance may take place in Season 4 accordingly.

Game balance will not be adjusted during Season 3 because Solo Descent Raids' pre-season is taking place.

Also, we plan on providing various methods users can increase the effects of potions with later, due to the heightened interest surrounding the stats of potion effects from not only Solo Descent Raids but also the improvements made to Auxiliary Slots.

We hope the information above will help our Rune Hunters enjoy the game.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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