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Jan. 18 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Jan. 22 14:09 (UTC+9))

2024.01.18 Thursday 12:30 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Jan. 18 (Thu) 2024 UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where the shortest route is not taken when moving to certain tiles in 'Coco's Great Adventure'

- Issue where Runes that are being stored in the Storage are displayed in the Rune Transfer Bag

- Issue where an error message is displayed when certain items are purchased from the Black Market  (Edited on Jan. 18 17:30 (UTC+9))

- Issue where when purchasing certain items on the Black Market, the total amount of the purchased items in the Bag is displayed instead of the purchased amount (Added on Jan. 18 16:45 (UTC+9))

Bug Fixes

※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

■ Descent Raids

- The issue where the DMG and Reward Achievement UI were not displayed will be fixed.

■ Items

- The issue where an error message was displayed when using Orb items in certain situations will be fixed.

■ Events

- The issue where Total Playtime Event rewards could not be obtained will be fixed.

- The issue where an error message was displayed when Coco's Great Adventure items were purchased or obtained when 20 or more Reroll Tickets were owned during Coco's Great Adventure Event has been fixed.

■ Enchant

- The issue where the 'Rune Enchant' tutorial did not proceed correctly will be fixed.

■ Crafting

- The issue where the 'Crafting' tutorial did not proceed correctly on mobile devices will be fixed.

- The issue where the Crafting stats of certain 2-handed weapons' Affix options were identical to 1-handed weapons has been fixed.

■ Chaos Statue

- The issue where the Trial Challenge stages' brightness was low when entering the stages after achieving a certain level on AOS devices will be fixed.

- The issue where the 'Chaos Statue' tutorial did not proceed correctly has been fixed.

■ Charms

- The issue where the 'Charms' tutorial did not proceed correctly has been fixed.

■ Equipping Items

- The issue where the 'Equipping Items' tutorial did not proceed correctly has been fixed.

■ Skills

- The issue where energy could still be obtained while the effects of the 'Absorb Energy' skill were active will be fixed.

- The issue where the effects of the 'Mark of Focus' skill were not applied correctly will be fixed.

- The issue where the effects of awakening 'Flames of Death [Verity]' were applied incorrectly will be fixed.

We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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