Distribution of Missing Identical Unique Gear from Croco's Support Chest
UNDECEMBERGreetings, Rune Hunters.
We would first like to apologize for the delay in sending you compensation for the issue regarding Croco's Support Chest, which has been fixed through the Dec. 12 (Tue) 2023 server patch.
Currently, after checking our records, we have sent out the rewards.
Please see below for more details.
1) Affected Users: Users with missing rewards due to the issue where only 1 Unique Gear is given when the same Unique Gear is obtained from purchasing Croco's Support Chest 10 + 1 times
※ [Link to the Related Notice]
2) Compensation:
- The missing Unique Gear will be redistributed.
3) Compensation Receipt Period: Jan. 8 (Mon) 2024, 17:00 (UTC+9)
※ The rewards will be sent to the character affected by the issue, and the mail will be stored for 30 days.
We apologize again for the inconvenience this issue has caused.
We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.
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