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Dec. 7 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Dec. 14 10:45 (UTC+9))

2023.12.07 Thursday 13:34 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Dec. 7 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

◈ Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where costume images are hidden behind package names in the Product Info of packages with costumes

- Issue where the end numbers of required exchange material amounts are hidden for those who own 100,000 Chaos Tickets or more on some devices

- Issue where product names are displayed in Korean when attempting to purchase products from the iOS US app store

- Issue where some pop-ups are in a different language to your OS language when installing the game on iOS (Edited on Dec. 8 20:00 (UTC+9))

- Issue where product names are displayed in Korean when attempting to purchase products from the AOS Japan app store

- Issue where only 1 Unique Gear is given when the same Unique Gear is obtained from purchasing Croco's Support Chest 10 + 1 times (Edited on Dec. 12 18:00 (UTC+9))

> We are currently looking into the issue and the undistributed rewards, and we will inform you through a notice once the rewards have been sent. (Added on Dec. 12 15:10 (UTC+9))

- Issue where the supposed use of illegal programs incorrectly restricts users from logging into the game in certain circumstances (Added on Dec. 13 11:30 (UTC+9))

- Issue where rewards for the ‘Santa's Cabin’ Chaos Dungeon are the same for both party and solo play (Added on Dec. 14 10:45 (UTC+9))

※ The ‘Santa’s Cabin’ Chaos Dungeon will be changed to a solo dungeon after the Dec. 21 (Thu) update.  

- Issue where some Legendary Lacrimas are obtained as untradable items (Added on Dec. 14 10:45 (UTC+9))

※ Although these Legendary Lacrimas were originally planned to be untradable items, we are planning on turning them into tradable items to help improve your gameplay experience.

◈ Bug Fixes

※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

■ Stages

- The issue where the ‘Red Moon Altar’ portal appeared in a location that cannot be accessed for the Act 7 ‘Empty Hills’ map has been fixed.

■ Hotkeys

- The issue where Potions were used when entering Potion hotkeys after opening the chat on the battlefield has been fixed.

■ Skills

- The issue where the effects of the ‘Mark of Focus’ Skill Rune were different in [Stat Info] has been fixed.

- The issue where the effect for the 'Shield Strike [Origin]’ skill could not be seen properly has been fixed.

- The strike range for the 'Shield Strike [Origin]’ skill has been improved so that it fits with the skill's effect.

- The issue where the skill effect was not displayed properly in some environments when the 'Silver Oath Whirlwind' skill skin was equipped has been fixed.

- The issue where the Overheat effect was not granted properly to the 'Whirlwind Barrage' skill has been fixed.

- The issue where the effect of the 'Knockback' Link Rune linked to the 'Illusion Axe' skill was not granted properly has been fixed.

■ Options

- The issue where vision repeatedly decreased/expanded when simultaneously setting 'Vulkan' and 'Expand vision distance' in [Graphics] > [Functionality Settings] on certain types of devices has been fixed.

- The issue where incorrect UI appeared when entering the [Settings] menu on the title screen has been fixed.

■ Training Arena

- The issue where the function for measuring distance in the Training Area did not work properly has been fixed.

■ Alchemy

- The issue where Synthesis and Combining could not be carried out on upgraded Chaos Cards has been fixed.

※ The EXP of Chaos Cards used as materials when Synthesizing is reset.

※ The EXP of Chaos Cards used as materials when Combining is maintained.

■ Crafting

- The issue where the option chances of a previously viewed option were shown when checking the appearance chances of the 'Barrier Absorb on Spell Hit +%' Crafting option has been fixed.

■ Trading Post

- The issue where Elixir effects were incorrectly displayed when registering Elixir items at the Trading Post has been fixed.

■ Items

- The issue where Essences of the same type obtained from 'Constellation of Time' rewards did not combine in your bag has been fixed.

- The issue where the 'Defense Seal Mana Cost % Dampening' Charm option was not granted properly has been fixed.

We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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