Oct. 12 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Oct. 16 19:00 (UTC+9))
UNDECEMBERGreetings, Rune Hunters.
Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Oct. 12 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.
Please see below for more details.
※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.
◈ Known Issues |
※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.
Issue where the ‘UNDECEMBER’ logo is not displayed as orange on the title screen (AOS/iOS) (Added on Oct. 12 14:17 (UTC+9))
- Issue where the chance of Authority being granted to Tier 34 gear purchased from chance-based shops is lower than the correct chance rate (Added on Oct. 12 15:15 (UTC+9))(Edited on Oct. 12 19:24 (UTC+9))
※ This will be fixed during the Oct. 12 (Thu) server patch.
※ Please use the chance-based shops after the server patch.
- Issue where items that cannot be used in Origin Mode are displayed as Chaos Daily Mission line completion rewards in Origin Mode (Added on Oct. 12 15:15 (UTC+9))
※ The actual ‘Gemstone Nugget’ rewards that are given are the correct rewards.
- Issue where some skill information is incorrectly shown in the [Stat Info] > [Skill] menu (Added on Oct. 12 18:40 (UTC+9))
※ This will be fixed during the Oct. 26 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.
- Issue where the pet storage feature cannot be used in the battle field. (Added on Oct. 12 18:40 (UTC+9))
※ This will be fixed during the Oct. 26 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.
- Issue where an error message appears and Halloween Celebration Attendance Event Rewards cannot be claimed when claiming them from a different mode to the one in which they were first claimed
(Added on Oct. 16 19:00 (UTC+9))
※ You can claim rewards once from both Standard and Season Mode.
※ For Season Mode, you can only receive subsequent rewards from the mode in which you first claimed the event reward.
E.g. If you claim the first Attendance Reward in Origin Mode, you can only claim subsequent Attendance Rewards in Origin Mode.
◈ Bug Fixes |
※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.
■ Currency
- The issue where 'Brilliant Glory Coin' was not shown in the list of currency has been fixed.
■ Runes
- The issue where the 'Summon Wrathful Rune Knight' Rune was shown in 'Quick Cast' and 'Spell DMG Increase' Runes' [Linkable Rune] has been fixed.
- The issue where Awakening Options was not shown when registering an Awakened Rune in the Rune Awakening menu has been fixed.
■ Auction House
- The issue where Auction House registered items that failed to be sold could not be received with [Receive All] has been fixed.
■ Skills
- The issue where Rune Knights in the 'Hazy Melody Low Tone' state occasionally absorbed Abysslings has been fixed.
- The issue where the skill names of 'Rune Knights' were shown as 'Abyss Knights' in certain situations has been fixed.
- The issue where the Cross Slash Skill Skin Effect did not reflect the range increased by 'Increase Area of Effect' has been fixed.
- The issue where the 'Rune Knight' video was shown instead of the 'Rune Knight' and 'Abyss Knight' videos when playing skill videos at the skill tooltip screen has been fixed.
- The issue where the Status Effect tooltip in skill tooltips was constantly displayed even after moving to a different part of the tooltip screen has been fixed.
- The issue where the 'DoT Acceleration +%' stat was not properly applied in the 'Poison Area' skill has been fixed.
■ Trading Keys
- The issue where 'Trading Key - Zodiac Stone' could not be used on Zodiac Stones between Lv. 100-110 has been fixed.
■ Zodiacs
- The issue where the 'Aura and Seal Effect' stat of Zodiac Specialization Ⅰ- Water Shadow node was incorrectly shown on the Totem Skill Rune's tooltips has been fixed.
- The issue where Zodiacs were occasionally reset has been fixed.
- After the Oct 12. (Thu) update, the Zodiacs of characters who were affected by this issue might be reset once.
■ Chaos Dungeons
- The issue where the Illusion boss monster, which appears after defeating clone monsters, spawned at the start point of the Chaos Dungeon instead of near the character during 'Guide of Illusion' has been fixed.
- The issue where the damage inflicted on the boss was reset in specific situations when engaging in combat with the Chaos Dungeon Trial Boss, 'Aquilla's Messenger', has been fixed.
- The issue where monsters attacked characters while they used the portals inside the 'Ganida' and 'Pirate' Chaos Dungeons has been fixed.
- The issue where vaults spawned at inaccessible locations in the 'Ganida' and 'Pirate' Chaos Dungeons has been fixed.
■ Stages
- The issue where characters could not move in certain locations after exiting 'Red Moon Altar' in Act 10's Shelter Plaza has been fixed.
■ Charm Slot Upgrade
- The issue where upgrading all Charm Slots appeared to be applied on the Chaos Orb has been fixed.
- The issue where Blessing values did not decrease when upgrading all Charm Slots has been fixed.
- The issue where stat increase effects were displayed as low values when upgrade options of the same name from the Charm Slot Upgrade List were applied to individual slots + all slots have been fixed.
■ Constellation of Time
- The issue where Constellation of Time Memory Restoration Rewards could not be received in certain situations has been fixed.
- A notification message will now show when there aren't enough Materials when Restoring Memories after Enchanting Memories in the Constellation of Time.
■ UI
- The issue where items that were previously looked up at the Auction House were displayed instead of the completed items during Alchemy has been fixed.
- The issue where the Charms that will be used as Materials were not immediately selected when leveling up Enhanced Effects in the Charm Slot Upgrade menu has been fixed.
- The issue where a notification alert was shown in Item Compendiums of characters whose Temporary Storages cannot be checked when an item exists in the Temporary Storage has been fixed.
- The issue where a notification alert was shown in the temporary mailbox when mail past the item claim deadline existed has been fixed.
- The issue where 'Unique Options' were incorrectly displayed in gear item tooltips in certain environments has been fixed.
- The issue where a tooltip that compares the item to be identified with the currently equipped item was displayed when identifying Unique Gear in the Item Compendium has been fixed.
- The issue where the tooltip of items checked at the Auction House was continuously displayed after switching to another screen to search for something else has been fixed.
- The issue where the basic category screen was displayed instead of the categories of the registered Rune when registering Runes in the Rune Compendium has been fixed.
- The issue where the Charm that meets the prerequisites for applying the Charm Slot Upgrade Effect was not highlighted in certain situations has been fixed.
- The issue where the icon for Guild Members' modes was incorrectly displayed in the [Guild] > [Guild Member] menu has been fixed.
■ Other
- The issue where 'Pet Shadows' flickered when moving characters on certain devices has been fixed.
- The issue where characters cannot be transferred in certain situations due to the Ranking Reward button being removed has been fixed.
- The issue where the 'Move' button was shown to characters who used all Lives in Hardcore Mode at portals in combat areas has been fixed.
We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.
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