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Sept. 26 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues

2023.09.26 Tuesday 12:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Sept. 26 (Tue) UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

◈ Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where 'Brilliant Glory Coin' is not shown in the list of currency

◈ Bug Fixes

※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

■ Monsters

- The issue where the names of some Elite Monster random buffs were not displayed properly has been fixed.

■ Items

- The issue where items with some Legacy Options could not be enchanted has been fixed.

■ Charms

- The issue where Lv. 9 upgrades could not be carried out when upgrading Charm Slots of Tier 5 or below has been fixed.

■ Skills

- The issue where the options in the 'Illusion Hook [Source]' tooltip were different to the options that were actually applied has been fixed.

- The issue where the [Source] Awakening of all Rune Knight Skill Runes were not applied properly after the death of a character has been fixed.

- The issue where the 'Teleport' Movement Skill Rune did not work properly during certain stages has been fixed (iOS).

■ Constellation of Time

- The issue where Zodiac Mystery Stones sometimes appeared in incorrect locations in Constellation of Time Explorer/Decay stages has been fixed.

- The issue where certain stages could sometimes not be selected in Constellation of Time Ohorz's/Vasco’s Memory has been fixed.

- The issue where ‘Completed Memory Restoration Chests’ sometimes could not be opened has been fixed.

■ Chaos Dungeons

- The issue where 'Legion of Evil' Normal Monsters did not spawn when entering stages with Chaos Card Growth Lv. 12-14 has been fixed.

■ Episodes 

- The issue where the location of the NPC in the Act 3 Sub Quest, ‘Rune Hunter's High-level Intel’, was incorrect has been fixed.

- The issue where the screen did not transition properly under certain conditions during the Act 6 Quest, 'Destroyed Confinement Facility', has been fixed.

- The issue where the obstacles in the path leading to the Black Market did not disappear immediately after talking to Canna during the Act 12 Quest, 'Missing Person', has been fixed.

■ Storage

- The issue where items were sometimes not displayed when merging Season and Standard Storages has been fixed.

■ Other

- The issue where two exit screen buttons were shown on the Party Info screen has been fixed.

- The issue where the text for [Controller Exclusive Key] in [Settings] was not displayed properly for some languages has been fixed.

We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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