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Lacrima and Charm Slot Up

[RedEyes666] Redsas
2023.09.20 Wednesday 19:00 (UTC + 9)


good morning

criticisms about the Lacrima Statue and Charm Slot Up mechanics

Lacrima Statue

It's a very interesting mechanic that changes builds a lot, I'm happy with your idea.

I disagree with the way it is charged (ruby) to remove items

because I wasn't aware that I would be charged Ruby to remove an item, I ended up putting a Simple item in the slot, but to remove it I would have to spend 70 Ruby, which is not worth the item.

but I wanted the item back, to use Crafting on the alchemy table, and then put it back on the Lacrima Statue..

Couldn't you put in the expense to remove the items with Unity link?? and have more use in this item Link of Unity

or a fixed price of 10 Ruby per item to remove??

a Lacrima Eye Charm Synthesis could be added

to merge, spend and try to get new Lacrima Eye, as is done with Charms.

Charm Slot Up.

A very interesting mechanic.

I just don't agree with the Values of Star Fuser Upgrade Stone to exchange Upgrade Slots for other Charms. Sometimes we want to test where an Upgrade Stone will be more efficient or work, and we have to spend 5 (legendary charm) Star Fuser for each Charm change.

You could reduce the value or spend just 1 time when purchasing the slot to unlock.

or even allow you to modify the slots for testing without any expense, but charge Star Fuser when you have actually finished the test and are sure you want to make the position changes.

I'm waiting for changes ^^

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