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Fall of online in season 2, death of the game?

[ДайбиСезон] salabear228
2023.09.13 Wednesday 00:48 (UTC + 9)


Good day to all. Gentlemen, I think everyone can see perfectly well how low the online level is in the Steam chart. The season has begun, and the online community is not even close to the 5,000 people playing on Steam.

We understand perfectly well that there are mobile platforms, but online is still critically low.

Splitting the season into 3 independent game modes = fatal mistake.

Lack of adequate trading = fatal mistake number 2.

Inability to freely spec in another build = fatal error number 3.

Lack of balance between the skills Wheel Kick, Cold Burst, New Golem Minions and all other skills = fatal error number 4 - which led to 80% wheelers, 15% cold burst, 5% new pet guides and 0.1% all others builds.

I'm not saying that you need to kill the wheel, cold burst or other build - I'm saying that it needs to be balanced. The lack of a normal opportunity to respec a build - are you serious in 2023? Trading for real money.....just remove the rubies from the game - leave the diamonds and buying tabs for the chest + appearance. Trade using craft currency as implemented in POE. If there are no cardinal movements in these directions, the game will die by season number 3.

What do you think, dear players? Do you share my opinion or do you have any suggestions? Let's help the new director and his team take the path of adequacy and reasonable decisions.

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