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Aug. 31 Known Issues (Added on Sep. 18 14:45 (UTC+9))

2023.08.31 Thursday 14:15 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Please be informed of the known issue(s) below to help reduce disruptions to your gameplay.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

◈ Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where ‘Brilliant Glory Coin’ is not shown in the list of currency

- Issue where the Rune you want to search does not appear when you enter Rune descriptions as search terms in the Auction House

- Issue where the mode icon changes into the Hardcore Mode death icon when a Normal Season or Origin Season character dies 3 times

- Issue where an error message appears and search does not work when selecting a Lacrima in the Inventory and carrying out [Auction House Search]

- Issue where the Normal Season mark is shown on the chat screen when using chat with a Season character that has been transferred to Standard Mode (Edited on Aug. 31 14:47 (UTC+9))

- Issue where chat is not displayed when using Promote Party in the Recruit Party chat with a Season character that has been transferred to Standard Mode(Edited on Aug. 31 14:47 (UTC+9))

※ This issue only affects Season characters that have been transferred to Standard Mode, and does not affect existing Standard characters.

- Issue where users cannot enter the Ranking tab with some existing Standard characters

- Issue where your saved RGB values are different when you re-enter the [Costume] > [Color] menu after setting the RGB values

- The issue where Zodiac Stats and Traits are reset incorrectly in certain circumstances will be fixed.(Edited on Aug. 31 21:00 (UTC+9))

- Issue where cooldown times are incorrect when using Movement Skills with ‘Use Counts’ in certain circumstances (Added on Aug. 31 21:51 (UTC+9))

- Issue where Season Rewards from the previous season cannot be claimed

※ We will send these rewards that cannot be claimed once the issue has been fixed. (Edited on Sep. 1 14:55 (UTC+9))

Issue where values for [Set Growth Level] cannot be adjusted when growing Chaos Cards in certain circumstances (Added on Sep. 1 20:03(UTC+9))

※ While we work on fixing the issue, please follow the steps below to get around the issue:

1. Remove the Unique Chaos Card registered to the Chaos Statue

2. Go to the Chaos Card Growth menu from the top left of the screen and directly grow the level of your card

- Issue where the Sales Payment latency of certain items that were sold in the Auction House is displayed as "6 h 10 m" and the remaining time stays the same (Added on Sep. 4 17:25 (UTC+9))

※ The actual item obtainment latency is 48 hours after selling the item, and the Sales Payment can be received once the 48 hours have passed.

- Issue where the resulting item's level becomes abnormal when synthesizing the Zodiac Stone with Level 140 or above using the Alchemy Desk (Added on Sep. 5 18:35 (UTC+9))

※ Zodiac Stone Alchemy Synthesis will be temporarily restricted.

ㄴ We will update this notice when the restriction is lifted.

- Issue where stat increase effects are displayed as low values when upgrade options of the same name from the Charm Slot Upgrade List are applied to individual slots + all slots (Added on Sept. 18 14:45 (UTC+9))

※ The actual stats that are applied are correct, and it is only the displayed stats that are incorrectly displayed as low values.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.

Thank you.

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