Greetings, Rune Hunters.
Information on the changes that will be made with Season 2, such as on Rune information, has been released in advance so that you can see what changes will take place.
Please follow the link below for more details.
Advance Notice on Season 2 Changes
You can view the changes that will be made with Season 2 through Game Info > Season Mode Changes on the FLOOR website.
>Link to View Rune/Item Info Changes<
In addition, some Zodiac information will be added and changed during the upcoming update.
Please note that these changes will be reflected in the Zodiac Web Simulator after the update on Aug. 31 (Thu).
Moreover, please note that the information provided in the link above on changes to Rune information, items etc., are currently in their testing stages and may change when the actual update takes place.
We hope you are excited for the new Season 2 that will be coming your way on Aug. 31 (Thu)!
Thank you.
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