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Jul. 20 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Aug. 3 13:05 (UTC+9))

2023.07.20 Thursday 12:45 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Jul. 20 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

◈ Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where the ‘Triple Maximized DMG Chance’ option is not displayed when looking on the skill tab of the ‘Strike of Persistence’ Skill Rune

- Issue where individual prices are not shown when sorting some items by Buyout Price in the Auction House

- Issue where the item tooltips in the Auction House and Inventory are not displayed properly in certain circumstances

 └ Users can fix the issue by opening the Auction House and Inventory after returning to the Select Character screen or selecting an item that is not affected by the issue in the Inventory.

- Issue where the reset time for the ranking list on the ‘Ranking’ > ‘Crusade of Glory Ranking’ screen is displayed incorrectly

 └ Crusade of Glory Rankings are reset every Monday at 09:00 (UTC+9).

- Issue where the description in the tooltip for the ‘Intensify Pain’ Skill Rune is different to its options (Added on Jul. 20 16:13 (UTC+9)) (Edited on Aug. 3 13:05 (UTC+9))

- Issue where the summer-themed portal has not changed even though the summer events have ended (Added on Jul. 31 15:45 (UTC+9)) (Edited on Aug. 3 13:05 (UTC+9))

  ※ This issue will be fixed during the Aug. 3 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.

◈ Bug Fixes

These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

 ■ Auction House

- The issue where the ‘Registered Auction’ quantity was sometimes not updated after users sold an item at the Auction House has been fixed.

■ Crusade of Glory

- The typos in the Crusade of Glory tutorial have been fixed.

■ Beauty

- The issue where, depending on the device used, the Admiral's Uniform costume would appear with different colors when dyed has been fixed.

■ Skill Rune

- The issue where attack speed would sometimes slow down when using a Movement Skill while using ‘Quick Slash (Verity)’ has been fixed.

■ Runestones

- The issue where the icons for ‘Sentry Triple Maximized DMG Chance Rare Runestone’ and ‘Minion Triple Maximized DMG Chance Rare Runestone’ were shown as swapped has been fixed.

■ Artifact

- The issue where the cooldown times for Glorious Greatsword, Exponential Strength Glorious Greatsword, Timeworn Glorious Greatsword, and Seeker's Wrappings were reset in certain situations has been fixed.

■ Tooltip

- The issue where part of the tooltip description for the ‘Shield Charge’ Skill Rune was shown as code values has been fixed.

■ Zodiac Pass

- The issue where missions from the Recruitment Board for the Zodiac Pass could not be cleared after playing Crusade of Glory content has been fixed.

■ Alchemy

- The issue where code values were exposed when selecting the icon of items for which Alchemy had been completed has been fixed. 

■ Items

- The issue where duplicate items were included for the 4 items below has been fixed:

Rune Selection Chest

Duplicated Items

Magic Skill Rune Selection Chest

Electric Shell Shot / Total Barrage

Improved Magic Skill Rune Selection Chest

Electric Shell Shot / Total Barrage

Improved Rare Skill Rune Selection Chest

Electric Shell Shot / Total Barrage

Magic Link Rune Selection Chest

Heat Efficiency / Heat Cycle

■ Other

- The typos in the dates for the Traum Summer Festival event banner have been fixed.

  * Affected Language: Korean

We hope that these bug fixes and details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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