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doubts and improvements

[RedEyes666] Redsas
2023.06.26 Monday 04:17 (UTC + 9)



some doubts, criticisms and suggestions.

I believe it is welcome and who knows to have a response from devs.Data base.

Why not release Numbers % of: drop, drop of uniques, chance of appearing events in chaos maps ( altar of blessing, serpens statue, authority.. ), drop of unique essences ( vesper and alyssa ).criticisms of possible bug or just very low chance

knowing the X value of something's database, we will be able to know if we have a bug, like this one in the patch nodes of 06/22 ( the issue where some Artifact options that activate for certain tiers or above were not reflected properly in certain cir****tances has been fixed) I didn't particularly notice any improvement in the chance of opening these events (altar bleesing, serpens ... ) there are times when I open 10 maps and 1 event does not appear.

obs.: I use artifact of 130% chaos dung altar of blessing... open white, blue and yellow maps, tier 4, 5 and 6. why would a good grinding mechanic have a ridiculously low % like that?

*suggestion for improvements

I played the game before starting the current league, the game was super slow the progression, it's already much better. but I believe it has to get faster than now. why ? the way it is, we have no reason to create more than 1 character, since the progression is slow. if we create more than 1 character, the market will sell more items. people get discouraged from playing, when they make a mistake in the build they made and until they manage to make another one, it will take a few days or weeks, depending on the Luck in the runes and item runes of INCREASE DROP CHANCE (elements, gold etc...) 5, 7 and 10% buff.

I don't know how effective this Low number is, for losing Dps or increasing Mana multiplier.

rune buffs should be every 7 days or every 15 days, as the league takes 4 months.

On the Ranking board it is visible in all regions, that we have 3 meta builds. Wheel Slash, cross slash, ogree. very rare to see another build stand out. no need to nerf wheel slash, cross.. other buffs.

*the Red Moon Domain event, when the event time ends, you lose all the loot that the pet did not have time to get, or worse if the person does not have a Pet, he simply has no reason to enter this event, as he will not be able to loot it .

the mobs should disappear and be open to DG for a while and be able to finish looting the items, or the pet collects items much faster.talking about PET

which actually I also think could receive a rework. the items already drop everything automatically in your bag, when you have the pet active. maybe it even helps the server with less Cash in memory due to the amount of items being dropped.

Black Market

there is a conflict to open chests that contain black market coins. when you have more than 2000 coins from one of the 2 NPCs, you cannot open the chests. I don't see the reason to leave this restriction on opening boxes.

reduce the amount of Synthesis mileage to collect chests and choose the right Rune you need to use in your build.

blue runes 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 15.. yellow runes 3 / 5 / 7 /7 /7 / 7 ,,,,

this reduction will help create more characters per account and also the game faster. constructive criticism aimed at helping the game to have many more leagues, and a bigger community than today

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