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20 stacks of Fire Energy inside my ass

2023.05.18 Thursday 22:26 (UTC + 9)


I burned out and got 20 stacks of Fire Energy inside my ass. Please do something with the legendary craft. I'm a non-crit archer. But Legendary Craft wants to tell me that I am summoning minions. All the amulets I made legendary gave me minion health damage. All things - damage to the ballista, minions, barrier. It would be nice if the essences of guaranteed transfer fell from maps, bosses, and at least from some kind of activity, but no. It turns out that the legendary thing flies to the warehouse and waits there for months for some kind of shift.

I've played 7+ hours every day wearing MF and haven't knocked out a single Essence of Guaranteed Carryover yet. You gave us Legendary items, but worsened crafting, so that now you need to catch something much more resources than you needed before. And Legendary heads have become available, but they can both kill a thing and make something a little better out of it than it was. From my experience, they killed everything that I crafted after the last update.

Criticize, offer.

Divide the crafts into pets or ballists - any other build. Give players little choice. I understand that crafting is supposed to be unpredictable, but when upgrading an item doesn't do ANYTHING, it doesn't make you want to craft anymore, and when you realize that you spent weeks buffing a phantom minion that you don't have, that's very depressing. Yesterday, at 10 items with the minion upgrade, I left this game to rest. It makes no sense for me to farm to get a donut hole.

Another offer, either for rubies in the store, or from some activity, or simply increase the chance of dropping the Essence of Guaranteed Transfer. They seem to be not so expensive now, but since the auction has fallen, and it is too difficult to sell something now, the rubies have become gold. No one is stopping me from donating. I take every battle pass, and if there was anything in this game that would still be worth the money, I would not regret it, but the diamond-to-ruby envelope, for many reasons, is a waste of money. Paying to buy the Essence of Guaranteed Transference (with the fact that I'll have to pull out the necessary base somewhere again) to make the item legendary again, and take A LOT of damage for the minion on my ring, mauvais ton.

So a request is a suggestion. Separation of crafting for those who play ballistic minions, and all others, and at least in some way to give people guaranteed transfers from some kind of activity.

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