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Flames Of Death skill rune type (spell) slightly broke

2023.05.12 Friday 21:25 (UTC + 9)


Hello to devs, aswell as to my co-players loving the game Undecember. First of all thanks for the devs of trying to consider fixing things especially on skill runes attack/spell, i would like to ask for some reconsideration on checking again about the spell skill rune named Flames Of Death it was great to see that its now working as a trigger spell when ever my bloodshed hit a target enemy(trigger link rune used activate spell on hit). But it was slightly broken i really love to see this Flame Of Death full potential if this rune skill is fully fix please devs check it again and please kindly fix it and hopefully it will be fix fully on its true potential, why i said slightly broke? because the Flames of Death that supposed to make an additional effect when fire energy reached max stacks will released Spreading Flames sadly it isn't working it didn't released the spreading flames as the skill stated on its description "clarification my flames of death is just rare type not yet awakened"(none) Not showing additional effects please kindly fully fix it i really want to used it for my build, i love the game (Undecember) i love the story of the game but I hate the bugs broken runes spell/attack and such things that broke on the system it needs fixing so that you're game could reach its Full potential and players apprehension and desire to play don't kill your game which has great potential by ignoring broken bugs and such system glitches and errors its all about dedication on your duty as a devs/maker thank you.

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