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UNDECEMBER FLOOR Account Security Campaign

2023.04.20 Thursday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

We would like to inform you of our FLOOR Account Security Campaign,

which will help ensure the safety of Rune Hunters’ journeys.

Recently, cases where personal information is leaked and illegally abused,

such as through hacking, has been increasing.

To prevent harm and to protect your valuable accounts,

we ask that Rune Hunters change their passwords for the FLOOR account they are currently using.

If you change your FLOOR password during the campaign period,

we will be sending special gifts 🎁 through a lottery, so please refer to the information below and participate!

◆ UNDECEMBER FLOOR Account Security Campaign

■ Campaign Period

- Apr. 20 (Thu) 16:00 – May. 12 (Fri) 23:59 (UTC+9)

■ Campaign Details

- Change the password of the FLOOR account you are using before the end of the campaign.

- After the campaign ends, special rewards will be sent based on a lottery for participants.

- The rewards will be sent to the email address registered on FLOOR.

■ How to Participate in the Campaign

① Log in with the email address registered on the FLOOR website.

② Go to ‘My Page’ and proceed with ‘Self Verification’ with your email.

③ Go to ‘My Page’ → ‘Member Data’ and press ‘Change Password’.

④ After entering the relevant information for ‘Current Password’, ‘New Password’, and ‘Confirm Password’,

  press ‘Confirm’ to save your new password.

※ If you check the ‘✔’ box at the bottom, you will be automatically logged out of all devices logged in with the account.

※ We recommend you change your account password periodically to ensure the security of your account.

※ We also recommend that you use secure account passwords that include uppercase, lowercase and special characters,

  rather than common words that are easy to guess, series of numbers (such as phone numbers), and strings of words.

■ Campaign Rewards

- A total of 20 Rune Hunters will receive 1 Skill Skin Coupon (Magic) through a lottery!

※ You can purchase skill skins with the Skill Skin Coupon (Magic).

■ When Campaign Rewards Will be Sent

- The coupons will be sent to the email that is registered on FLOOR on May. 19 (Fri).

- The coupon you receive can be used on the UNDECEMBER website’s [Coupon] page.

- Rewards will be sent to your account’s in-game mail when you use the coupon.

■ To Note About the Campaign

※ The campaign’s period and details may be subject to change.

※ This campaign is only available for accounts that have UNDECEMBER linked to FLOOR.

※ Only users who change their FLOOR password before the end of the campaign (May. 12 (Fri) 23:59 UTC+9)

  will be eligible for the lottery.

※ The campaign rewards will be sent to your email through a lottery.

※ Please note that we cannot offer further assistance for users who win the lottery

  but are unable to receive their rewards due to the email registered to FLOOR being entered incorrectly.

We hope you enjoy and participate in this UNDECEMBER FLOOR Account Security Campaign!

Thank you.

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