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Apr. 12 Update

2023.04.11 Tuesday 17:05 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Our next update will be taking place on Apr. 12 (Wed).

Please refer to the information below for more details.

※ The following information may change when the update takes place.

※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details are subject to change.

◈ Improvements and Other Changes

※ These are the improvements and changes that will come into place along with the update.

◆ Other Changes

- Purchases for Bag (Inventory) slot expansion will no longer be available. 

- The following products will no longer be sold at the Paid Shop.






Star Memory Package

Rookie Products

Starter Package

Memory Rune Package

Support Package

High Crafting Package

Rune Selection Chest Package

Legendary Skill Rune Package


Legendary Link Rune Package


Crafting Level Growth Package 1


Crafting Level Growth Package 2


Brown's Element Package

Rune Magic Upgrade Package

Unstable Magic Rune Package

Rune Rare Upgrade Package

Pauline's Element Package 1

Bundle Products

Battleground Support Bundle

Pauline's Element Package 2

Weekly Rune Birth Bundle

Chaos Stone Products

Magic Chaos Upgrade Stone

Weekly Rune Color Bundle

Rare Chaos Upgrade Stone

Weekly Rune Link Bundle

Legendary Chaos Upgrade Stone

Unstable Skill Rune Bundle

Memory Rune (Ortemis)

Unstable Link Rune Bundle

Memory Rune (Triah)

Monthly Seal of Engraving Bundle

Memory Rune (Chaos)

Weekly Charm Essence Bundle

God’s Resonance Stone (Alyssa)

Monthly Charm Essence Bundle

God’s Resonance Stone (Boreal)

Essence Products

Rune Birth Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Casthor)

Rune Color Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Sephdar)

Rune Link Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Aquilla)

Charm Magic Change Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Vesper)

Charm Rare Upgrade Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Capri)

Charm Rare Change Essence

God’s Resonance Stone (Miraseti)

Passes Products

Act Clear Pass

Consumable Products

Resurrection Scroll

Statue Level Up Pass Ⅰ

Identification Scroll

Statue Level Up Pass Ⅱ

Stat Elixir Selection Chest

Daily Premium

Instant Recovery Potion Chest

Level Up Pass Ⅰ

Stardust of Oblivion

Level Up Pass Ⅱ

※ Among the Passes that will no longer be sold, users with Statue Level Up Pass I, II will only be able to claim rewards

   until the Ganida update, so please ensure that you check the update schedule when claiming your rewards.

   Unclaimed rewards cannot be recovered.

※ Among the Passes that will no longer be sold, the Act Clear Pass, Daily Premium, and Level Up Pass I, II

   will remain in Standard Mode even after they are no longer sold, so users will be able to continue claiming their relevant rewards.

   We hope these points above will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

◈ Event 


- A new event, the GANIDA WEEK EVENT, will be starting.

- GANIDA WEEK EVENT rewards will be sent every day at 09:00 (UTC+9).

- As reward mail for events disappear after 12 hours,

 please ensure that you check the event period, the schedule for rewards being sent, and the mail expiry time.

- For more information about the event, please refer to the event notice that will be released soon.

We hope that you will keep these update details in mind, and we wish you a fun journey with UNDECEMBER.

Thank you.

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