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Brown’s Lucky Dice Event

2023.03.08 Wednesday 15:20 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Peddler Brown has prepared a special event for you all!

Come participate in this Dice event!

Roll Lucky Dice to earn Dice Board Rewards and Completion Rewards,

and try getting Lucky Special Rewards with Golden Dice!

Participate in ‘Brown’s Lucky Dice Event’ and get lots of rewards!

◆ Brown’s Lucky Dice Event

■ Event Period

 - After the Mar. 8 (Wed) maintenance – Before the Mar. 29 (Wed) maintenance

■ Event Details

 - You can participate in this Lucky Dice Event by pressing on the dedicated icon at the top of the screen.

 - There are 26 spaces on the Dice Board, and you can obtain the reward that is displayed on the space you arrive at.

 - If you reach or pass by the starting space, you can earn a Start Space Pass Reward.

 - You can check the list of available Start Space Pass Rewards in the lower right corner of the Board.

 - You can only receive rewards if you arrive at the spaces on the Board.

  Some spaces have Special Rewards as well as basic rewards.

 - If you arrive at spaces with Special Rewards,

  you can throw a Golden Dice and take up a Challenge to obtain a Special Reward.

 * Even if you fail the Challenge, you can try again if you own another Golden Dice.

 - You will move along the spaces of the Board in the direction of the yellow arrow,

  but you will be able to select which direction to go in if you arrive at specific spaces.

■ How to Obtain Dice

 Lucky Dice

 - You will get 5 free Dice every day during the event period.

 - Lucky Dice can be obtained through field drops.

  * You can get up to 15 on weekdays, and up to 30 on weekends.

 - They can also be obtained through paid rewards in Rune Hunter Pass Season 8.

 Golden Dice

 - Golden Dice can be obtained through Start Space Rewards or through field drops.

   * For field drops, dice can be obtained by chance when you defeat a boss monster.

   * For field drops, up to 3 dice can be obtained on weekdays and up to 6 can be obtained on weekends.  

 - If you disassemble a Golden Dice, you can obtain 2 Lucky Dice.

 - Golden Dice can also be obtained through free rewards in Rune Hunter Pass Season 8.

■ Event Rewards

Dice Board Rewards



Golden Dice


Rune Link Essence


Philosopher's Stone


Star Memory (Accessory)


[Exclusive] Rare Expansion Essence


Memory Rune (Ortemis)


Rare Fixed Essence


Rune Birth Essence


Legendary Chaos Upgrade Stone


[Exclusive] Suffix Option Chest


Resurrection Scroll


Memory Rune (Triah)


Star Memory (Armor)


[Exclusive] Quality Birth Essence


Charm Rare Change Essence


Charm Rare Upgrade Essence


Memory Rune (Chaos)


Identification Scroll


God’s Resonance Stone Random Chest


[Exclusive] Rare Imbue Essence


[Exclusive] Beginning Orb Selection Chest


Star Memory (Weapon)


Rune Color Essence


Major Earth Element


[Exclusive] Prefix Option Chest


Major Earth Element


Special Rewards

Special Reward


[Exclusive] DMG Orb Selection Chest


[Exclusive] Legendary Upgrade Essence


[Exclusive] Vesper Essence


[Exclusive] Alyssa Essence


[Exclusive] Rune Candor Essence


Start Space Pass Reward

* You can see Start Space Pass Rewards in the lower right corner of the Dice Board in the game.

■ To Note 

※ Details and rewards may be subject to change.

※ Once the event ends after the Mar. 29 (Wed) maintenance, you will not be able to use the event items,

   so please make sure to use them within the period. Unused event items will be deleted after the event ends.

※ Lucky Dice and Golden Dice can be sold at the NPC Shop, so please be careful not to sell these items by accident.

※ The event items may also be given through other events and content.

※ You can use up to 500 Lucky Dice every day.

※ In addition to Board Rewards, you can also get Special Rewards for certain spaces.

  These Special Rewards can be obtained if you fulfil the given conditions (e.g. 3 or more Dice).

※ If you have already received the Special Reward or passed by the space that has the Special Reward,

   you will not be able to take up the Challenge to claim the Special Reward until you reach that space again.

※ The number of Special Rewards that can be obtained is limited.

※ After the 80th round, you will no longer be able to obtain Start Space Pass Rewards,

  but you will still be able to continuously receive Board Rewards. 

※ The Dice consist of the numbers 1-6, and the probability of each number appearing is equal.

※ You can obtain the event items as rewards from Rune Hunter Pass Season 8.

Participate in this Lucky Dice event for the chance to obtain lots of different rewards!

Thank you.

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