- Greeting to Undecember development
Thanks for your nice hack and slash game giving to us.
I've played Un12 for about 40days and searching so many build guide. Ofcourse, all build are good and can handle anything in end game.
But, the inside those build, Critical vs NON-Crit.
There are few things I want to say, Critical have so much adventage vs NON-Crit. It come from items, zodiac, rune, etc....
The only rune made NonCrit have something differrent from Critical is Persistence, since it have 5% chance to deal double dmg rate (10% in Legend and few more when awaken)
But this only one almost gone when New Zodiac IX chart have come out. Critical build now can deal double dmg too.
I checked many strong char and I realize that Critical Dmg can be around 250 ~ 300% (Huge). And Vital Strike even give em about 150% ++ Critical Dmg
All things make Critical is so much stronger than NON-Crit. I reall would love to see more link rune, item option, zodiac, and something new for NonCrit. That will make builds more flexible and interesting on theorycrafting.
Thanks for reading my report, best wish
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