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Upcoming Changes for the Jan. 25 (Wed) Update

2023.01.12 Thursday 11:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters!

Have you checked out the Director’s Commentary on the upcoming ‘Ortemis’ update?

If you haven’t seen the video yet,

visit UNDECEMBER’s official YouTube channel right now!

As mentioned in the video,

there will be various changes that will accompany you as you make your journey through Traum.

In particular, we would like to share with you

the changes that will be made to the Chaos Dungeons and other items.

Chaos Dungeons 2.0 and Chaos Cards

First, please note that the Chaos Statue’s level will be reset

once the Jan. 25 (Wed) update takes place and the new Chaos Dungeons 2.0 begins.

You will be able to access Saluto and the Chaos Dungeons after clearing the new Episode 3.

With the new Chaos Dungeons 2.0, there will be new maps and various events waiting for you,

so get excited!

However, please be aware that, after the Chaos Dungeons 2.0 update,

you will not be able to access Chaos Dungeons with the current Chaos Cards that you have.

Instead, you will only be able to access Chaos Dungeons

with the new Chaos Cards you acquire after the update.

So, please be sure to use the Chaos Cards that you have now before the update.

Any Chaos Cards that haven’t been used before the update

will be converted into event items after the update.

The Chaos items that will be converted into event items include

all Chaos Cards, Chaos Card Chests, Chaos Keys,

as well as the Chaos Mission Reward Chests that include Chaos Cards and Keys as rewards.

Temporary Suspension of Chaos Card Trading at the Auction House

After the scheduled maintenance that will be taking place on Jan. 18 (Wed),

the trading of Chaos Cards and Chaos Keys at the Auction House will be temporarily suspended.

However, Chaos Cards and Chaos Keys that have already been registered in the Auction House

will still remain registered for the period that you have registered them for.

Please note that although the Chaos Cards and Chaos Keys that you acquire

before the scheduled maintenance on Jan. 18 (Wed) may say

that they can be registered at the Auction House, they will, in fact, not be available for registration.

Suspension of trading at the Auction House will be lifted after the Episode 3 update on Jan. 25 (Wed),

so you will be able to register Chaos Chards that are acquired after the update then.

New Item Tier may affect Rewards from Disassembling Items

As a new tier will be added to item Options,

the results you get from disassembling the same items before and after the update

may be different depending on how much the tier range changes.

We hope you are excited for UNDECEMBER’s new Episode,

and are ready to delve into our new story.

Thank you.

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