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Please add/fix this

2022.12.27 Tuesday 21:16 (UTC + 9)


Here are some suggestion on some quality of life changes that

i think should be added and im sure all players would agree on

-Add a scroll indicator when there is more to see like on runes

and in relics menu. this can take a lot of time for new players

to figure out.

-Add a feature/button to the alchemy table you can press

to complete and receive everything that is done.

-Add a feature to the rune compodium where you can

see awakened options for each rune

-Rename the drop button to destroy, can be missleading to new players

-Be able to enter raid bosses alone. especially the level 30 and 50

any high level player can easily kill these them self and if you 

dont do it on reset day it can take a long time to fin a group.

also would be nice to enter the level 80 alone to se if you

can survive and to learn its mechanics so you wont waste

others time

-Be able to respec fewer trait points it sucks to have respec all points

jsut to change a cuple of points. it could still cost the same or maybe like

1/2 price to respec the last 10 points.

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