Greetings, Rune Hunters.
This is a notice on the Dec. 14 (Wed) update.
Please refer to the following information for details.
※ The following information may be changed when the update takes place.
※ All screenshots were taken on a test server and details are subject to change.
◈ UNDECEMBER Main Update
※ The following information is related to new content added through the update.
◆ Descent Raid - Season 2
- New season of Descent Raids will begin.
✔ You can enter the new raid through each Act Town or [Recruitment Board] in Saluto.
■ Descent Raid Details
- The new season of Descent Raids, [Natula High Priest - Carovan] will begin.
- The required level for entering the Carovan Descent Raid is [Lv.80],and the party size is 8 players.
- Descent Raid is a special raid content that you can enter only at certain times of the day.
- Once the Raid is available to enter, you can challenge the boss by either creating a raid or matching.
- You can obtain a Unique Runestone once you defeat the Descent Raid boss.
- The Runestone that you obtain from Descent Raid is Lv.100.
■ Shadow Mirror
- Collect Shadow Mirror Shards to complete the Shadow Mirror and receive rewards upon clearing the Descent Raid.
- You can still defeat the boss without completing the Shadow Mirror, but you won’t be able to receive the clear reward.
* Shadow Mirror Shards can be obtained from the field or through Chaos Dungeon drops.
* You cannot obtain any more Shadow Mirror Shards once the Shadow Mirror is fully completed.
■ Additional Reward
- Defeating the Descent Raid Boss can award additional rewards such as [DMG Reward] and [Clear Reward].
┗ DMG Reward – Can be obtained according to the highest record of Total DMG from the encounter.
┗ Clear Reward – Can be obtained by repeatedly defeating the Descent boss while the Shadow Mirror is complete.
■ Precautions
※ The contents and rewards may be changed at a later date.
※ Descent Raids take place through Seasons. (2 weeks per season, 1 week break)
◆ New Skill/Link Rune
- New Skill Runes and Link Runes will be added to the game.
※ Rune cast options will be added to some of the newly added Skill/Link Runes.
You can find more details in-game after the Dec. 14 (Wed) 2022 maintenance.
■ Skill Rune
- 9 new Skill Runes will be added.
Skill Rune – Red (Strength)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Electric Area | Normal | Drop, Shop | Attack, Area of Effect, Strike, Lightning | Mana Cost 17 Cooldown 8 s Lightning Element Duration 5.3 s Electric Area Strike Cycle 0.5 s Electric Area Range 400 Lightning DMG 98% Lightning DMG +12 +30% Shock Chance (Magic Effect) +20% Area of Effect (Magic Effect) +40% Lightning DMG (Magic Effect) +10% Shock Chance (Rare Effect) +30% Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +80% Lightning DMG (Rare Effect) +20% Shock Chance (Legendary Effect) +40% Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +80% Lightning DMG (Legendary Effect) +30% Shock Chance (Legendary Effect) 10% Lightning DMG Amplification | Mana Cost 40.2 Cooldown 8 s Lightning Element Duration 5.3 s Electric Area Strike Cycle 0.5 s Electric Area Range 400 Lightning DMG 307% Lightning DMG +204 +30% Shock Chance (Magic Effect) +20% Area of Effect (Magic Effect) +40% Lightning DMG (Magic Effect) +10% Shock Chance (Rare Effect) +30% Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +80% Lightning DMG (Rare Effect) +20% Shock Chance (Legendary Effect) +40% Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +80% Lightning DMG (Legendary Effect) +30% Shock Chance (Legendary Effect) 10% Lightning DMG Amplification |
Fire Storm | Rare | Synthesis | Attack, Melee, Area of Effect, Strike, Fire | Mana Cost 5 Triggers Immediately Fire Element Fire DMG +31 1st Fire Storm +80% Burn Chance 30% DMG Amplification against Burning enemies Area of Effect 300 Fire DMG 99% 2nd Fire Storm Area of Effect 300 +30% Burn Chance 270% Fire DMG (Legendary Effect) 30% Area DMG Amplification (Legendary Effect) +20% Burn Chance | Mana Cost 16.6 Triggers Immediately Fire Element Fire DMG +803 1st Fire Storm +80% Burn Chance 30% DMG Amplification against Burning enemies Area of Effect 300 Fire DMG 229% 2nd Fire Storm Area of Effect 300 +30% Burn Chance 397% Fire DMG (Legendary Effect) 30% Area DMG Amplification (Legendary Effect) +20% Burn Chance |
Whirlwind Slash | Magic | Synthesis | Attack, Strike, Physical, Projectile Cannot use Parallel Shot, Cannot Split, Cannot Chain | Mana Cost 6 Cooldown 7 s Physical Element 5% Base Speed Amplification +6 Max Use Count Whirlwind Count 3 Projectile Speed 300 Pierces All Physical DMG 401% Physical DMG +11 70% chance to inflict Disturb effect on hit Applies as Debuff effect Disturb Duration 1 s Movement Speed 15% Dampening Attack Speed 15% Dampening Cast Speed 15% Dampening (Magic Effect) +8% Disturb Effect (Magic Effect) +100% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Rare Effect) +15% Disturb Effect (Rare Effect) +200% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Rare Effect) +15% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +30% Disturb Effect (Legendary Effect) +300% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Legendary Effect) +30% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +2 Projectile Count | Mana Cost 20.5 Cooldown 7 s Physical Element 5% Base Speed Amplification +6 Max Use Count Whirlwind Count 3 Projectile Speed 300 Pierces All Physical DMG 719% Physical DMG +338 70% chance to inflict Disturb effect on hit Applies as Debuff effect Disturb Duration 1 s Movement Speed 15% Dampening Attack Speed 15% Dampening Cast Speed 15% Dampening (Magic Effect) +8% Disturb Effect (Magic Effect) +100% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Rare Effect) +15% Disturb Effect (Rare Effect) +200% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Rare Effect) +15% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +30% Disturb Effect (Legendary Effect) +300% DMG against Disturbed enemies (Legendary Effect) +30% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +2 Projectile Count |
Skill Rune – Green (Dexterity)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Explosive Arrow | Normal | Drop | Attack, Area of Effect, Strike, Fire, Projectile, Bow, Cannot Chain | Mana Cost 10 Cooldown 11 s Fire Element Fire DMG +40 +3 Max Use Count Arrows: 3 Projectile Speed 3000 Pierce Count 1 Time until Explosion 2 s 99% Fire DMG upon striking Explosion Area of Effect 100 110% Fire DMG upon exploding Explosion Area of Effect upon killing 250 (Magic Effect) +30% Projectile DMG (Magic Effect) +50 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +70% Projectile DMG (Rare Effect) +50 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +1 Max Use Count (Legendary Effect) +130% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +2 Max Use Count | Mana Cost 39 Cooldown 11 s Fire Element Fire DMG +1202 +3 Max Use Count Arrows: 3 Projectile Speed 3000 Pierce Count 1 Time until Explosion 2 s 198% Fire DMG upon striking Explosion Area of Effect 100 143% Fire DMG upon exploding Explosion Area of Effect upon killing 250 (Magic Effect) +30% Projectile DMG (Magic Effect) +50 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +70% Projectile DMG (Rare Effect) +50 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +1 Max Use Count (Legendary Effect) +130% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +2 Max Use Count |
Scorching Arrow | Normal | Drop, Shop | Attack, Strike, Fire, Projectile, Bow Cannot Multishot, Cannot Split, Cannot Chain | Mana Cost 4 Triggers Immediately Fire Element Scorching Arrow Speed 6000 Pierces All Scorching arrow Fire DMG 91% Scorching arrow Fire DMG +52 1 Maintain Location stack on Scorching Arrow hit Remove 1 stack of Maintain Position every 0.2 s while moving Remove 3 stacks of Maintain Position upon using Movement Skill Max Maintain Position Stacks 30 Maintain Position Duration 7 s +1.2% Attack Speed per Maintain Position Stack 2 additional Arrow Projectile for every 5 Maintain Location stacks Projectile Speed 6000 Additional Arrow Fire DMG 20% Additional Arrow Fire DMG +10 Additional Arrow Damage 5% Dampening per 5 Maintain Location Stack (Magic Effect) 2% Attack Speed Amplification (Magic Effect) +20% Projectile DMG (Rare Effect) 4% Attack Speed Amplification (Rare Effect) +45% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) 6% Attack Speed Amplification (Legendary Effect) +70% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) 3% Projectile DMG Amplification | Mana Cost 15.6 Triggers Immediately Fire Element Scorching Arrow Speed 6000 Pierces All Scorching arrow Fire DMG 283% Scorching arrow Fire DMG +1420 1 Maintain Location stack on Scorching Arrow hit Remove 1 stack of Maintain Position every 0.2 s while moving Remove 3 stacks of Maintain Position upon using Movement Skill Max Maintain Position Stacks 30 Maintain Position Duration 7 s +1.2% Attack Speed per Maintain Position Stack 2 additional Arrow Projectile for every 5 Maintain Location stacks Projectile Speed 6000 Additional Arrow Fire DMG 68% Additional Arrow Fire DMG +248 Additional Arrow Damage 5% Dampening per 5 Maintain Location Stack (Magic Effect) 2% Attack Speed Amplification (Magic Effect) +20% Projectile DMG (Rare Effect) 4% Attack Speed Amplification (Rare Effect) +45% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) 6% Attack Speed Amplification (Legendary Effect) +70% Projectile DMG (Legendary Effect) 3% Projectile DMG Amplification |
Counterattack | Normal | Drop | Attack, Area of Effect, Strike, Physical, Toggle, Toggle DMG | Resource Cost 15% Amplification Cooldown 3 s Physical Element Apply Chance 35% Area of Effect 400 Physical DMG 115% Physical DMG +17 (Magic Effect) +30 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +60 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect | Resource Cost 15% Amplification Cooldown 3 s Physical Element Apply Chance 35% Area of Effect 400 Physical DMG 190% Physical DMG +248 (Magic Effect) +30 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +60 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect |
Skill Rune – Blue (Intelligence)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Agile Movement | Normal | Synthesis | Spell, Defense Enhance, Duration | Mana Cost 17 Cooldown 15 s Duration 4 s Gain Respond effect for 4 s when hit 30% Armor Dampening for Caster Dampens DMG Taken by 15% 1% Dodge Rate Amplification per 10 Dexterity (Max: 80%) Shares Cooldowns between Defense Enhance Skills (Magic Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +6% (Rare Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +12% (Legendary Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +18% | Mana Cost 40.2 Cooldown 15 s Duration 4 s Gain Respond effect for 4 s when hit 30% Armor Dampening for Caster Dampens DMG Taken by 20.8% 1% Dodge Rate Amplification per 10 Dexterity (Max: 80%) Shares Cooldowns between Defense Enhance Skills (Magic Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +6% (Rare Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +12% (Legendary Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +18% |
Pantheon | Normal | Synthesis | Spell, Defense Enhance, Duration | Mana Cost 50 Cooldown 12 s Duration 3 s Regenerate 5% of Max Barrier per Sec Shares Cooldowns between Defense Enhance Skills (Magic Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +4% (Rare Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +10% (Legendary Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +15% | Mana Cost 35.5 Cooldown 12 s Duration 3 s Regenerate 7.9% of Max Barrier per Sec Shares Cooldowns between Defense Enhance Skills (Magic Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +4% (Rare Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +10% (Legendary Effect) Enhance Skill Rune Effect +15% |
Sacred Light | Magic | Synthesis | Spell, Melee, Area of Effect, Channel, Strike, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison | Mana Cost 5 Triggers Immediately Highest Element DMG Area of Effect 700 Highest Element DMG 82% Highest Element DMG +40 Max Stacks 5 7% DMG Amplification per stack +30% to highest Element Penetration at Max Stacks (Magic Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +50% Area DMG (Rare Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +110% Area DMG (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect | Mana Cost 19.5 Triggers Immediately Highest Element DMG Area of Effect 700 Highest Element DMG 280% Highest Element DMG +520 Max Stacks 5 7% DMG Amplification per stack +30% to highest Element Penetration at Max Stacks (Magic Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Rare Effect) +50% Area DMG (Rare Effect) +100 Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) +110% Area DMG (Legendary Effect) +100 Area of Effect |
■ Link Rune
- 11 new Link Runes will be added.
Link Rune – Red (Strength)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Overflowing Strength | Magic | Guild | Defence Enhance | Resource Cost Increase 15% +10% Tenacity Effect Gain Tenacity for 10 s upon using a Defense Enhance Skill (Armor 180, Armor 20%, All Resist +10) Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Defense Enhance Skill (Rare Effect) +20% Tenacity Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Enhance Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +40% Tenacity Effect | Resource Cost Increase 15% +40% Tenacity Effect Gain Tenacity for 10 s upon using a Defense Enhance Skill (Armor 180, Armor 20%, All Resist +10) Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Defense Enhance Skill (Rare Effect) +20% Tenacity Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Enhance Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +40% Tenacity Effect |
Focused Strike | Rare | Synthesis | Attack, Spell, Blow | Resource Cost Increase 20% Cycles through the following effects for each Strike hit +20% Area DMG upon 1st Strike +20% Area DMG upon 2nd Strike 10% Area DMG Amplification upon 3rd Strike (Legendary Effect) +10% Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) 5% Area DMG Amplification | Resource Cost Increase 20% Cycles through the following effects for each Strike hit +150.2% Area DMG upon 1st Strike +150.2% Area DMG upon 2nd Strike 35.5% Area DMG Amplification upon 3rd Strike (Legendary Effect) +10% Area of Effect (Legendary Effect) 5% Area DMG Amplification |
Unity | Rare | Synthesis | Minion, Abyssling | Resource Cost Increase 15% +5% Abyssling DMG per summoned Abyssling 2% DMG Taken by Minions Dampening per summoned Abyssling (Legendary Effect) 1.5% Abyssling DMG Amplification per summoned Abyssling | Resource Cost Increase 15% +20% Abyssling DMG per summoned Abyssling 3% DMG Taken by Minions Dampening per summoned Abyssling (Legendary Effect) 1.5% Abyssling DMG Amplification per summoned Abyssling |
Enhance Seal Range | Magic | Synthesis | Attack Seal, Defense Seal | Resource Cost Increase 15% +20% Aura Range (Rare Effect) +10% Aura Range (Legendary Effect) +15% Aura Range (Legendary Effect) +10% Aura and Seal Effect | Resource Cost Increase 15% +50% Aura Range (Rare Effect) +10% Aura Range (Legendary Effect) +15% Aura Range (Legendary Effect) +10% Aura and Seal Effect |
Link Rune - Green(Dexterity)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Opportunistic Strike | Magic | Chaos Mission Reward | Attack, Spell, Strike | Resource Cost Increase 15% Gains Opportunity effect for 5 s upon dealing DMG Max Stacks 10 +5% Critical Chance per Stack DMG 10% Dampening Resets Opportunity stacks on Critical Hit (Magic Effect) +5% Armor Penetration (Rare Effect) +5% Armor Penetration (Rare Effect) +10% Critical DMG (Legendary Effect) +10% Armor Penetration (Legendary Effect) +20% Critical DMG | Resource Cost Increase 15% Gains Opportunity effect for 5 s upon dealing DMG Max Stacks 10 +7.9% Critical Chance per Stack DMG 7.1% Dampening Resets Opportunity stacks on Critical Hit (Magic Effect) +5% Armor Penetration (Rare Effect) +5% Armor Penetration (Rare Effect) +10% Critical DMG (Legendary Effect) +10% Armor Penetration (Legendary Effect) +20% Critical DMG |
DMG Acceleration | Rare | Synthesis | Strike, DoT | Resource Cost Increase 15% +10% DoT Acceleration (Legendary Effect) +50% DoT | Resource Cost Increase 15% +39% DoT Acceleration (Legendary Effect) +50% DoT |
Link Rune - Blue (Intelligence)
Skill Name | Minimum Grade | Obtain Method | Tag Info | Details (Level 1) | Details (Level 30) |
Buff Activation upon using Movement Skill | Magic | Chaos Mission Reward | Movement | Resource Cost Increase 15% Effect of Triggered Skill 25% Dampening +5% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed Trigger Cooldown 1 s (Magic Effect) +5% Skill Rune Effect (Magic Effect) +5% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Rare Effect) +25% Skill Rune Effect (Rare Effect) +5% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +30% Skill Rune Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed | Resource Cost Increase 15% Effect of Triggered Skill 25% Dampening +20.6% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed Trigger Cooldown 1 s (Magic Effect) +5% Skill Rune Effect (Magic Effect) +5% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Rare Effect) +25% Skill Rune Effect (Rare Effect) +5% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed (Legendary Effect) +30% Skill Rune Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed |
Intellectual | Normal | Synthesis | Attack Enhance | Resource Cost Increase 15% +5% Knowledge Effect Gain Knowledge for 10 s upon using Attack Enhance Skill (Spell DMG +50%, Cast Speed +10%) Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Attack Enhance Skill (Rare Effect) +10% Knowledge Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Attack Enhance Skill Rune Effect (Legendary Effect) +20% Knowledge Effect | Resource Cost Increase 15% +20% Knowledge Effect Gain Knowledge for 10 s upon using Attack Enhance Skill (Spell DMG +50%, Cast Speed +10%) Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Attack Enhance Skill (Rare Effect) +10% Knowledge Effect (Legendary Effect) +10% Attack Enhance Skill Rune Effect (Legendary Effect) +20% Knowledge Effect |
Element Master | Normal | Synthesis | Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison | Resource Cost Increase 15% +7% Element Penetration +30% Element DMG (Rare Effect) +5% Element Penetration (Legendary Effect) +10% Element Penetration (Legendary Effect) 3% Element DMG Amplification | Resource Cost Increase 15% +19.9% Element Penetration +60% Element DMG (Rare Effect) +5% Element Penetration (Legendary Effect) +10% Element Penetration (Legendary Effect) 3% Element DMG Amplification |
Activates Totem upon using Enhance Skill | Rare | Guild | Attack Enhance, Defense Enhance | Resource Cost Increase 15% 30% DMG Taken by Activated Totem Dampening +1 Max Totem Summon Count +5% Activated Totem Effect Trigger Chance 100% Trigger Cooldown 3 s (Legendary Effect) +20% Totem Effect (Legendary Effect) +30% Totem Effect Range (Legendary Effect) +30% Totem Duration | Resource Cost Increase 15% 30% DMG Taken by Activated Totem Dampening +1 Max Totem Summon Count +20% Activated Totem Effect Trigger Chance 100% Trigger Cooldown 3 s (Legendary Effect) +20% Totem Effect (Legendary Effect) +30% Totem Effect Range (Legendary Effect) +30% Totem Duration |
Spell Activation on Hit | Rare | Synthesis | Strike | Resource Cost Increase 20% Dampens Triggered Skill DMG by 55% Dampens Triggered Skill Mana Cost by 30% Adds 50% of Main Element Increase/Amplification of Activation Skill to Element of Target Skill when the Main Elements of Activation and Target Skills are different Adds 100% of Attack DMG increase to Spell DMG Add 100% of Attack Critical Rate Increase/Critical DMG to Spell Critical Rate Increase/Critical DMG Trigger Chance 100% Activates max 1 time on hit whenever Activation Skill is used (Rare Effect) Mana Cost 10% Dampening (Rare Effect) Skill Rune Cooldown 70% Dampening (Legendary Effect) Mana Cost 10% Dampening (Legendary Effect) Skill Rune Cooldown 85% Dampening | Resource Cost Increase 20% Dampens Triggered Skill DMG by 45% Dampens Triggered Skill Mana Cost by 30% Adds 50% of Main Element Increase/Amplification of Activation Skill to Element of Target Skill when the Main Elements of Activation and Target Skills are different Adds 100% of Attack DMG increase to Spell DMG Add 100% of Attack Critical Rate Increase/Critical DMG to Spell Critical Rate Increase/Critical DMG Trigger Chance 100% Activates max 1 time on hit whenever Activation Skill is used (Rare Effect) Mana Cost 10% Dampening (Rare Effect) Skill Rune Cooldown 70% Dampening (Legendary Effect) Mana Cost 10% Dampening (Legendary Effect) Skill Rune Cooldown 85% Dampening |
■ Skill Rune Awakening
-Awakening will be added to the 9 new Skill Runes.
Name | Source | Origin | Verity |
Electric Area | DMG [25~30]% Amplification Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed +[5~20]% Shock Chance -60% | 30% chance for target to cast Chain Lightning on every hit Chain Lightning DMG 60% Chain Lightning DMG +128 Chain Lightning Shock Chance +5% Chain Lightning Chain Count +2 Shock Effect +[10~20]% | Apply the following effects if the caster or allies are within the Electric Area Mana Regen/Sec +[90~120]% Element Resist +[10~20] |
Fire Storm | 30% chance to inflict Pain on the enemy for 4 s on hit ( DMG Taken 10% Amplification ) Attack Speed +[10~20]% | DMG [15~20]% Amplification against enemies affected by Fire Status Effect | Burn Rate +[25~40] Causes Fire Wave upon using Skill Fire Wave DMG +273 Fire Wave DMG 72% Fire Wave Area of Effect 300 Fire Wave Cooldown 1 s +60 Fire Wave Burn Rate |
Whirlwind Slash | Skill Rune Cooldown 100% Dampening DMG [15~20]% Dampening Mana Cost [25~30]% Dampening Cannot link Time Warp Link Rune Is repeatable | Replace with 1 large Whirlwind and cannot be affected by Multishot DMG Multiplier +[30~60]% Projectile Size +80% Max Use Count +2 | +[40~80]% DMG against Disturbed enemies Stun Chance +[10~20]% Buff Chance +[10~30]% |
Explosive Arrow | 30% chance to gain Hellfire for 3 s on hit ( Fire Penetration +10%, 10% Fire DMG Amplification ) Hellfire Effect +[30~60]% | Max Use Count +[1~3] Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed +[55~70]% | Area of Effect [5~10]% Amplification Area DMG [10~15]% Amplification |
Scorching Arrow | Remove 2 stacks of Maintain Position upon using Movement Skill Remove 1 stack of Maintain Position every 0.3 s while moving Attack Speed +[5~12]% | Skill Buff Stack Count +5 Projectile DMG +[20~50]% | Dampens Damage Taken by [0.4~0.7]% per Maintain Location stack Fire Penetration +[4~8] |
Counterattack | Area of Effect +[40~60]% | DMG [5~10]% Amplification | Buff Chance +[15~25]% DMG [5~10]% Dampening Debuff Rate +[10~15] |
Agile Movement | Skill Rune Duration +[30~50]% | Mana Cost [15~30]% Dampening | Skill Rune Cooldown [15~30]% Dampening |
Pantheon | [5~10]% Barrier Amplification while Pantheon is active | [10~20]% DMG Taken Dampening while Pantheon is active | [10~30]% Movement Speed Increase while Pantheon is active |
Sacred Light | DMG [25~30]% Amplification Highest Element Penetration +[15~20]% Skill Buff Stack Count -4 Max Stage -4 | Melee DMG +[70.8~87]% 100% chance to gain Regeneration for 3 s on hit Regeneration effect (1% Max HP Regen/Sec, 0.4% Max Mana Regen/Sec) | Strike DMG Multiplier 40% Dampening Additional Skill DMG [270~320]% Amplification |
■ Link Rune Awakening
-Awakening will be added to 5 of the new Link Runes.
Name | Source | Origin | Verity |
Opportunistic Strike | Strike DMG [3.5~5]% Amplification | Mana Cost -[10~5]% | Critical DMG +[25~40]% |
Focused Strike | [6.3~9]% Area DMG Amplification on 1st, 2nd hits | Area DMG +[55~80]% | Mana Cost -[10~5]% |
Unity | +[7~11]% Abyssling DMG per summoned Abyssling | +[21~30]% Abyssling Critical Rate per 1 summoned Abyssling | [2.1~3]% Abyssling DMG Amplification when Rune Knight is summoned |
DMG Acceleration | DoT Acceleration +2% DoT +[25~50]% | DoT Acceleration per 1 DoT tag Link Rune on linked Skill Rune +[0.5~0.9]% | DoT [3~5]% Amplification against Bosses DoT 2% Amplification |
Element Master | Element DMG +[55~80]% | Element DMG +[28~40]% 2% Element DMG if linked Skill Rune has 5 or more Blue Link Runes | Element Penetration per 1 Blue Link Rune on linked Skill Rune +[1.9~2.8]% |
* Buff Activation upon using Movement Skill, Overflowing Strength, Enhance Seal Range, Intellectual, Activates Totem upon using Enhance Skill, Spell Activation on Hit Link Runes cannot be Awakened.
■ Precautions
※ Engraving and Awakening can only be applied to certain Skill Runes that are being updated.
※ When Rune cannot be Awakened, it is written [Rune cannot be awakened].
◆ New Costumes : Armor / Helmet
- New costumes; Santa Hat, Santa Jacket and Christmas Star will be added to the game.
- You can find the new costumes from Menu > Beauty on the top-right side of the screen.
✔ Santa Jacket, Santa Hat and Christmas Star costumes are only available for a limited time and can be obtained by using the Costume Coupon.
* The above costumes can be used until Jan. 3 (Tue) 2023 23:59 (UTC+9).
★ How to Obtain Costume Coupon
1. [Christmas Costume Coupon] can be obtained through the mailbox following the Dec. 14 2022 after maintenance ~ until Jan. 3 2023 23:59 (UTC+9).
★ How to Equip Christmas Costumes
1. Obtain the [Christmas Costume Coupon] from the Mailbox and click the [Beauty] icon from the menu.
2. Select the [Christmas Costume] and press ‘Purchase’.
3. The purchased costumes can be equipped or removed from [Equip Slot] on the right side of the screen.
※ Precautions
● Christmas/Santa Costumes and Coupons will be deleted once the event period ends.
● Costumes can be shared and equipped by all characters on the same account.
● The period and details may change at a later date.
◆ New Portal : Pagan Traces
- New Portal skin Pagan Traces will be added to the game.
You can find the new portal skin from Menu > Beauty > Portal on the top of the screen.
Portal | Price |
Pagan Traces | 400 Diamonds |
◆ Christmas Events
In celebration of [Christmas], we have prepared 2 events.
You can obtain all sorts of rewards by participating in the Catch Santa Puru! and the Christmas Attendance event.
✔ Find out more from the Dec. 14, (Wed) 2022 event notice or in-game.
■ Event List
- Catch Santa Puru! Event
- Christmas Attendance Event
■ Event Period
- After Dec. 14 (Wed) 2022 maintenance ~ until Jan. 4 (Wed) 2023 maintenance
■ Event Details
① [Catch Santa Puru!] Participate in the event to catch Santa Puru and receive [Christmas Gift Box] & [Christmas Surprise Gift Box]!
② [Christmas Attendance Event] Collect rewards by logging in and checking attendance up to 7 days during the event period!
■ Precautions
※ Event period and details may be changed at a later date.
※ The events are renewed every day at 09:00 (UTC+9).
※ (Catch Santa Puru!) Santa Puru has a chance of appearing in the Episodes and Chaos Dungeons.
※ (Attendance) The Attendance event is not consecutive and is based on the date.
Log in during the event period for 7 days to obtain the reward for each day.
◆ New Products
■ Packages
- Christmas Special Package
- Christmas Step Up Ⅰ
- Christmas Step Up Ⅱ
- Christmas Step Up Ⅲ
- Christmas Step Up Ⅳ
- Daily Premium
* Please check the in-game Paid Shop during the sales period.
◆ Other Changes
■ Runestone
- Addressed an issue where Sentry Critical Rate Magic Runestone was incorrectly shown as Sentry DMG Magic Runestone.
■ Tooltip
- New information has been added to the Zodiac Stra [Cycle] node tooltip.
Before | After |
Gain the following effect(s) when an Abyssling dies Instantly recover 5% of Max HP Instantly recover 5% of Max Mana | Gain the following effect(s) when an Abyssling dies (Is not applied if Abyssling explodes or is dismissed) Instantly recover 5% of Max HP Instantly recover 5% of Max Mana |
■ Void Rift – New Season
- The previous season of Void Rift will end, and a new season will begin.
- Void Rift progress, Rank Points, and reward history will be reset every season.
- The boss monsters of each area will also change once the Void Rift is reset.
- You will not be able to receive the previous season’s rewards once the season ends.
Please be sure to collect all rewards before regular maintenance takes place.
- The Void Rift season will take place for 3 weeks.
■ Rune Hunter Pass Season 4
- A new season of Rune Hunter Pass will begin!
- [Rune Hunter Pass Season 3] will end after the Dec. 14 (Wed) regular maintenance.
Players can complete missions and obtain rewards until the maintenance begins. Rewards can no longer be obtained once maintenance is complete.
If you have any activated rewards, please collect them before the maintenance takes place.
※ You can find more details in-game once the event begins.
■ Black Friday Events
- [Black Friday Events] will end after the Dec. 14 (Wed) regular maintenance.
- Products that received discounts during the event period will return to their original prices.
- Bundles that were sold during the event period will no longer be available for purchase.
Players can complete missions and obtain rewards until the maintenance begins. Events can no longer be completed once maintenance is complete.
If you have any event rewards that you have not collected yet, please collect them before the maintenance takes place.
Please take note of the details above to avoid any inconvenience while playing the game.
Thank you.
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