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How to Connect Cross Platform Account (Steam/Mobile ↔ FLOOR)

2022.12.02 Friday 17:30 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

For those of you who have been experiencing difficulties after the change of account connecting system on Nov 23 (Wed),

we have prepared a guide on how to connect your accounts.

※ Cross Platform Link can only be done on [Steam] or [Mobile].

※ Any characters on the account that you do not select during the connecting process will be removed after connecting and cannot be recovered.

※ The following guide explains connect from (Steam → PC) and (Mobile → PC).

Please refer to the following information for details.

✅ How to Connect Cross Platform Accounts

✔ How to Connect (Steam → FLOOR)

1) Access the game using your Steam account and go to [Settings→Account].

    Select the [FLOOR icon].

→ Cross Platform Connect can only be done on Steam.

2) Create a new FLOOR account by clicking the [Register] on the bottom of the login page.

  → If you already have a FLOOR account, please skip to step 3.

3) Log in with your FLOOR account.

4) Click [ Connect ] on the [Account Connection] page.

5) The [Account Selection] page will appear where you can check your character information.

6) Check your character information on the [Account Selection] page and tick [ ✔ ] the box of the account that you would like to keep.

  → Select the account that holds the character data you would like to keep.

  → If you select the Steam account, the character(s) on your FLOOR account will be deleted.

       Likewise, the character(s) on your Steam account will be deleted if you select the FLOOR account.

  → You must select the account that has the data you would like to continue playing.

  → Any characters on the account that you do not select during the connecting process will be removed after connecting and cannot be recovered.

7) Click [ C o n f i r m ] to complete the cross platform account connecting process.

8) Now, you will be able play on both Steam and FLOOR with your characters on the Steam account.

  → When playing on PC, you must log in to the FLOOR PC Client using the FLOOR account that was used in the connecting process.

✔ Precautions when connecting with STEAM account

※ Any characters on the account that you do not select during the connecting process will be removed after connecting and cannot be recovered.

    Please be advised before you proceed.

※ You will not be able to access the game on both Steam and FLOOR at the same time after connecting your accounts.

    You may alternate between the two platforms whenever you want, but you can only access the game on one platform at a time.

※ Cross platform account connecting can only be done through [STEAM].

※ If you have already connected your mobile account to FLOOR account, you will be unable to connect that FLOOR account with a Steam account.

    (You cannot connect all 3 platforms together with the same account.

     Please choose between Mobile → FLOOR or Steam → FLOOR if you wish to connect your account.)

✔ How to Connect (Mobile → FLOOR)

1) For Rune Hunters playing the game on a Mobile Account(Google, Apple, Facebook, Line Account).

2) Access the game using your Mobile account and go to [Settings→Account].

    Select the [FLOOR icon].

→ Cross Platform Connect can only be done on your Mobile device.

3) Create a new FLOOR account by touching the [Register] on the bottom of the login page.

  → If you already have a FLOOR account, please skip to step 4.

4) Log in with your FLOOR account.

5) Touch the [ Connect ] button on the [Account Connection] page.

6) The [Account Selection] page will appear where you can check your character information.

[If you DO have a Character on your UNDECEMBER FLOOR account]

[If you DO NOT have a Character on your UNDECEMBER FLOOR account]

7) Check the character information on the [Account Selection] page and tick [ ✔ ] the box of the account that you would like to keep.

  → Select the Mobile account (Google, Apple, Facebook. Line) that holds the character data you would like to keep.

  → If you select the Mobile account, the character(s) on your FLOOR account will be deleted.

       Likewise, the character(s) on your Mobile account will be deleted if you select the FLOOR account.

  → You must select the account that has the data that you would like to continue playing.

  → Any characters on the account that you do not select during the connecting process will be removed after connecting and cannot be recovered.

8) Touch [ C o n f i r m ] to complete the cross platform account connecting process.

9) Now, you will be able to play on both Mobile and FLOOR with your characters on the Mobile account (Google, Apple, Facebook, Line).

  → When playing on PC, you must log in to the FLOOR PC Client using the FLOOR account that was used in the connecting process.

✔ Precautions when Connecting with Mobile account

※ Any characters on the account that you do not select during the connecting process will be removed after connecting and cannot be recovered.

    Please be advised before you proceed.

※ You will not be able to access the game on both Mobile and FLOOR at the same time after connecting your accounts.

    You may alternate between the two platforms whenever you want, but you can only access the game on one platform at a time.

※ Cross platform account connecting can only be done through [Mobile].

※ If you have already connected your mobile account to FLOOR account, you will be unable to connect that FLOOR account with a Steam account.

    (You cannot connect all 3 platforms together with the same account.

     Please choose between Mobile → FLOOR or Steam → FLOOR if you wish to connect your account.)

Please take note of the guide above to avoid any inconvenience while playing the game.

We will do our best to provide a stable game service to all the Rune Hunters out there.

Thank you.

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