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Notice Regarding Illegal Proxy Purchases

2022.11.14 Monday 18:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

We have recently detected a number of cases where users are acquiring Diamonds through illegal proxy purchases that UNDECEMBER does not approve of.

Purchase methods used in illegal proxy purchases have a high chance of being abnormal.

Please be advised that if you make a purchase using a card that is involved in theft or fraud, you may be punished for making an abnormal purchase.

UNDECEMBER is constantly monitoring any abnormal purchases and issuing restrictions and retrievals for accounts that are suspected of illegal activity.

Please be advised that UNDECEMBER cannot support you regarding any issues caused by illegal proxy purchases.

We ask that you use your own purchase methods when using the purchase feature, and refrain from using any abnormal sources such as illegal proxy purchases.

Thank you.

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