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Launch Celebration Attendance Event

2022.10.12 Wednesday 12:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings. Rune Hunters.

Here is the [Launch Celebration Attendance Event] with the grand opening of UNDECEMBER!

Dear Rune Hunter! Access UNDECEMBER to receive special rewards for 7 days!

Please check below for more details!

◆ Launch Celebration Attendance Event

■ Event Period

  - Oct. 12, 2022 ~ Nov. 9, 2022 up until maintenance (UTC+9)

■ Event Contents

  - Check your attendance for 7 days during the event period to receive rewards.

  - The Attendance event will be renewed at 09:00 (UTC+9) every day.

  - The rewards can be collected by clicking/touching the reward icon of the date and the reward will be sent to your Bag.


Reward Item



Normal Link Rune Selection Chest



[Exclusive] Random Upgrade Essence



[Exclusive] Link Rune Magic Upgrade Essence



[Exclusive] Rare Birth Essence






Standard Light Element



Rare Gear Essence Bundle I


*If you use the Rare Gear Essence Bundle I, you can collect all the items below.

  └ Rare Upgrade Essence x10, Rare Birth Essence x30

  Rare Imbue Essence x3, Rare Expansion Essence x1

  Quality Birth Essence x5

■ How to Participate in the Event

  - Press the [EVENT] button on the top-right side of the screen to participate in event.

  - Press the activated reward of the day to collect it. The reward will be sent to your Bag.

■ Precautions

※ The event period and contents may change.

※ This attendance event is attendance by date, not consecutive attendance.

Therefore, you can receive the reward 7 times for the attendances you checked during the event period.

※ This event allows 1 time participation per account. Event progress will be shared among the characters in the account.

Enjoy the event and have a blast with UNDECEMBER.

Thank you.

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