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A Director's Letter

2022.09.30 Friday 16:00 (UTC + 9)

Hello, this is In Young Koo, the director of UNDECEMBER.

First, I would like to thank you for your support and interest in UNDECEMBER.

Since its launch in Korea in January, the most frequently asked question we received was about the global launch date.

Now, it is with great pleasure that we are able to announce this news.

We've been working on stabilizing the game for the global environment and optimizing it on various platforms so that many users can enjoy playing together.

Additionally, we are planning to support up to 10 languages.

Currently, our team is facing the final testing stage ahead of the global release.

The global launch is scheduled for October 12th unless critical issues arise.

UNDECEMBER will be released on both PC and mobile simultaneously so that you can enjoy the game on your preferred platform.

Lastly, we are preparing to give you an early opportunity to play UNDECEMBER through STEAM NEXT FEST just before the official release, so please look forward to it!

Thank you again for your support. See you soon!

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