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[UNDECEMBER] Game Operational Policy

2022.10.12 Wednesday 10:43 (UTC + 9)

[UNDECEMBER] Game Operational Policy

1. General Principles

① This Operational Policy is applicable to the UNDECEMBER game service.

② The Operation Policy supports the information decided in the terms. It describes the Company’s service operation standards such as sanction for violating the terms and conditions, procedures for objecting to sanctions, and recovery policy, as well as information that members need to know while using the service.

③ The Company reserves the right to revise and/or amend the Operational Policy in order to provide better services. Amendments and revisions shall be made easily available to members by way of notification.

④ Members are obligated to comply with all provisions of this Operational Policy. If one violates the Operational Policy, they shall be deemed to have also violated the Company’s Terms of Service. In such an event, the member may be subject to penalties and restrictions in accordance with the Operational Policy and Terms of Service.

⑤ Members cannot take advantage of the service for profit without prior consent from the Company.

⑥ Members shall report any problems, such as bugs, account theft or game system errors, found while using the services of the Company through the customer service center (1:1 inquiry), and shall not disseminate the problems to other members or utilize the problems for unauthorized purposes. In the event the member does not report the occurrence of such problems and uses with the intent of gaining advantages, the member may be restricted from using the services in accordance with the Operational Policy for bringing harm to other members. 

2. Restriction/Report, Appeal and Customer Service

① If one member finds out about another’s violation of terms and operational policy or have been harmed from the action, it can be reported to the Company.

② Certain amount of time may be required for investigation after reporting, and additional investigation can be carried out depending on the situation

③ If an investigation is required to determine whether or not violations of the Terms of Service took place, the Company reserves the right to temporarily restrict the use/access to the game and related services to investigate or perform follow-up procedures.

④ Members can submit appeals regarding restrictions through the Support on the website or in-game customer service about the game service of UNDECEMBER, account theft, misbehaving user reports, other inquiries, requests, suggestions and sanctions.

⑤ If the objection made by the member is deemed reasonable, the Company shall remove the restrictions imposed on the member and recover adjusted items, etc.

 Members can submit appeals regarding restrictions through the website’s Support within 15 days of being notified.

⑦ “Account theft” report and damage investigation can be made within 14 days including the date of the damage incident.


3. UNDECEMBER Operation Standard and Special Policy

① The Company shall strive to quickly address and respond to service-related issues in order to ensure a stable service.

② The Company shall keep neutrality and not engage in disputes between members. However, if the content of the dispute between the members is deemed to be a serious matter relevant to the operation of the game (such as break down of game order, violation of terms, etc.), appropriate measures may be taken in accordance with this Operational Policy.

③ The Company shall treat the member’s personal and credit information safely according to the privacy policy. The Company, staff or operator shall not request or change/disclose a member’s personal information, bank account or password unless it has been noted in the terms and privacy policy.

④ The Company shall do their best to investigate the game bug and errors that are reported through the community site or customer service center as fast as possible.

⑤ The Company may request account verifications for the purpose of member account protection and game service stabilization if necessary.

⑥ The Company or staff may provide limited response or no response at all to members about the upcoming services, including updates, development plan, and contents that are not to be disclosed due to the nature of the game.


4. Name Policy

① “Name” stands for all types of names (Character name, Guild Name, etc.) that the user sets within the game service for differentiating the characters, items and groups.

② In principle, members are free to set their name.

③ In spite of Section 2, the following names will be restricted from usage and the Company can randomly change the name. Moreover, restriction may be carried out when using the names below.

(1) Any names that can be sexually harassing or insulting to others

(2) Any names that include curse words, slang, advertisement and provocative contents

(3) Any names that discriminate against race, sex, nationality, etc.

(4) Any names that show the intention of accusing or insulting certain person, group, area, religion, etc.

(5) Any names that impersonate the Company, staff, associates or operator

(6) Any names that show the intention of an account proxy or game service by-products (items, accounts, guild, etc.) exchanged for cash or goods, proxy purchase, etc.

(7) Any names that infringe or damage a third party’s trademark or copyright

(8) Any names that are prohibited by the terms and conditions

(9) Any names that may be against the law or general social norms


5. Restriction Policy

① The restrictions types for the violation of the Terms of Service and Operational Policy are as follows. 

(1) Permanent Restriction: permanent restrictions to the use of the game UNDECEMBER and related services.

(2) Time Based Restriction: restrictions to the use of the game UNDECEMBER and related services for a certain period of time. 

(3) Warning: warnings/recommendations, chat/activity restrictions, character name changes, being forcibly exited from the game, and includes other temporary restrictions.

(4) Adjustment of Game Data: changes, deletions, and resets to the properties of any numerical data that can be obtained through the game systems, such as Character information, items, paid content, which are related to any violating acts.

(5) IP Restriction: restrict certain IP addresses from accessing/using the game service.

② The Company reserves the right to impose “Adjustment of Game Data,” “Retrieval” of benefits (items, experience points, etc.) related to the actions violating the terms of service. If the profit obtained from abnormal use of bugs, illegal programs, etc. that violate the terms cannot be calculated, the game data can be reset or contents may be restricted from using or accessing.

③ If any acts of account theft or distribution are committed by the third party, all the responsibilities regarding the violation of policy will be held by the violator and the member owning the account. Both members may be restricted from using their accounts. 

④ If two or more acts that violate the Terms are identified at the same time, the Company may impose restrictions based on each act. 

⑤ Restrictions may also be applied to members who have processed or colluded with other members to violate the Terms of Service and Operational Policy, or members who have helped to obtain unreasonable benefits from violating the terms. 

⑥ If a third party is/is not aware of the violation made by another member but acquires the item obtained by them, the Company shall retrieve this item and all related numerical data.

⑦ The reasons and contents for sanctions will be based on the ‘Penalty Criteria Table for Misconduct’ in the 6th Article. However, even if a reason for sanction is possible based on the ‘Penalty Criteria Table for Misconduct,’ sanctions may not be carried out or given lighter punishment depending on the situation or the degree of impact on the service.

⑧ Depending on the severity of violation, actions that are not listed in the ‘Penalty Criteria Table for Misconduct’ of Article 6 can also be punished.


6. Penalty Criteria Table for Misconduct






1) Inappropriate and Offensive Behavior to Others

- Slandering, using physically degrading remarks, and insulting others/guilds for no particular reason

- Any acts that are hateful or humiliating others through sexual remarks

- Causing discomfort to others by using offensive expressions or any sorts of curse words about their parents

- Promoting antagonism amongst the server, channel, community (Guild, etc.) or reproving the entire members

- Posting the same or similar contents repeatedly which disrupts other users’ from using its service (spamming)

- Stalking or any actions tormenting others

- Any other actions out of common-sense causing inconvenience

Max. 3 Days


Max. 7 Days


Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


2) Act that Cause Disruption to Game Service

- Disturbing or slandering of in-game events

- Disruptive behavior to the company, staff and/or slandering staff

- Abusive use of developers' intention thereby causing negative influence on the operation of service

- Distorting the operation direction of the game service by continuously repeating actions that go against the game

- Disrupting the gameplay of certain users continuously (Including any actions similar)

Max. 7 Days


Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months


3) Spreading of False Information and Fraud

- Spreading false information which is not published by the company or its staff

- Deceiving and scamming in attempt to unfairly gain any sorts of game items and game money

Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months




4) Impersonation

- Deceiving other users for personal information or improper gains and/or impersonating the company or staff to attempt fraud

Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months




5) Creating, Spreading or Using Unauthorized Programs

- Attempting or using illegal programs that are not authorized by the company

- Act of making and selling illegal programs that are not authorized by the company as well as a promotion of such programs

- Illegally sharing game app installation files that are being provided for a fee

* If the use of the illegal program has been found, all game data could be reset.

Attempting of Using Unauthorized Programs

Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months




Repetitive Use of Unauthorized Programs and Disrupting the Game Balance



Making, Selling and Abusing Unauthorized Programs (Abuse of multiple accounts for profit purposes, or an act of organizational or collective abuse)

Max. 12 Months




6) Hacking device, application and servers

- Attempts or sharing other's information gathered by illegal or unauthorized hackings

- Attempting to modify any code or data of applications

- Any attempt for improper gains by illegal and unauthorized hacking activity which causes unfair gameplay

- Manipulating all game-related data and taking unfair advantages

* Any gains caused by hacking will be considered as improper gains and will be confiscated

* For the cases which improper gains cannot be confiscated, all game data may be reset

Max. 12 Months




7) Misusing System Errors (Bugs) & Abusing

- Abusing systematic errors (bugs) without taking official actions towards it to acquire personal benefits or harm the game services disrupting the game balance, even leading to confusion in the game

- Abusing methods in the game to acquire game money, EXP or game information through unfair gameplay and causing harm to others or the company

- Connivance of systematic errors or abetting use of it

- Continuing to abuse the bug even after the issue was officially announced through the homepage or game by the company

* Any act of obtaining improper gains by using systematic error or abusing the system will be considered as illegal and gains from such acts will be confiscated

* If improper gains cannot be confiscated, all data may be reset

* If the abnormally obtained game money/items through bug abuse were shared to a 3rd party, such they will be confiscated

* Game access may be temporarily restricted for checking bug usage

Did not Recognize the Bug or the Effect was Minor

Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months




Abusing Methods in the Game Repeatedly to Acquire Benefits and Affect the Balance in the Game



8) Interception or Expropriation of Personal Information

- Distributing or stealing information of others such as name, address, phone number, email address, payment and etc. without consent

- Signing in to other's account without consent and causing mental and/or financial damages

Max. 12 Months




9) Cash Trade

- Attempting to exchange game items and game money (character, cyber money, item) for cash as well as any actions that seem to have such purpose

- Attempting to exchange cash or any acts close to such purpose

- Exchanging gift vouchers with game items, cyber money or other products (including any acts close to such actions)

Max. 30 Days


Max. 6 Months


Max. 12 Months




10) Naming Policy Violation

- Any names that includes the names of employees or operators of the company

- Any names that are provocative or insulting to others

- Any names that are suspicious to have the intention of trading in-game money and/or character, cyber money and other types of cash for business purposes

- Any names of zones or major characters from the game or any other names that could cause confusion. (e.g. NPC, System)

- Any names that are suspicious to have the intention to disclose personal information of others

- Any names that are insulting to certain religions or religious figures, race, companies or groups

- Any names that advertise any organization or website

- Any names that are trademarked or licensed by a company or an individual

- Any above-mentioned names by using special characters, changing the name or any other ways

- Any names that are offensive and/or may be against the law

Max. 3 Days


(and a random

name change)

Max. 7 Days


(and a random

name change)

Max. 30 Days


(and a random

name change)

Max. 6 Months


(and a

random name change)

11) Invalid Purchase

- Taking advantage by abusing all processes related to registration, game use, payment, refund and others that are provided by the company or app market

* Anything gained by abusing the company or app market purchasing system will be confiscated and deleted

* If improper gains from abusing the company or app market purchasing system cannot be confiscated, all of your game data may be reset and restricted from accessing the game



12) Criminal Actions

Attempting or committing criminal actions or breaking the law during the use of the game or in-game itself

Max. 12 Months




13) Bot (Farm/Cluster)

- Taking unfair advantage of using multiple accounts on the same or adjacent IP bandwidth through similar patterns

- An act of using the game with multiple accounts or through a systematic and collective manner for the purpose of profit

- An act of using the game with unauthorized programs and others for the purpose of making profits

- Multiple accounts accumulating in-game goods for the purpose of making a profit and attempt or use gift/transfer/transaction, and others

- Multiple accounts moving or collecting in-game goods to a specific account



14) Sharing, Distributing, Promoting and Advertising

- An act of sharing, distributing, promoting, or advertising by using game chats and other ways that are not related to the game service but is for profit-making purposes



15) Abusing Trade

- Attempting trade for the purpose of cash/spot transaction through an exchange or an act of such sorts

- An act of attempting to manipulate the market price or by repeatedly registering specific items on the exchange to gain unfair profit

- All acts of abnormally moving items and currency repeatedly amongst certain accounts by using the exchange

- Assisting, disseminating or advertising cross-account transactions

- If the record of using the exchange in abnormal ways have been found

* Both seller/buyer accounts may be subject to sanctions if they have been abusing the exchange.

* All gains directly or indirectly obtained from using the exchange by abusing it will be withdrawn and deleted.



※ Apart from the policies stated above, appropriate actions such as a permanent ban may be carried out whenever necessary for the acts that repeatedly or excessively violate Terms of Service which leads to disruption to both services and order.

※ Additional ban can be applied depending on the number of violations stacked or the gravity of the situation.


7. Guest Account Policy

① Guest accounts belonging to the device and account information may be lost due to actions that may move, lose, or tamper with device data such as device loss, factory reset, and deletion of cache and data.

② If the guest account information is lost due to change of device, factory reset, deletion of cache and data, etc. or your negligence or fault, we are not responsible for this loss and cannot help with the data recovery.

③ Guest account connection can be made through the options in the menu (三) on the right-side of the screen in the game.


8. Recovery Policy

Items that are selected and deleted during game play by the member cannot be recovered.


9. Guild Policy

① A ‘Guild’ is a community used amongst the users, therefore, guild operation and maintenance responsibility are solely of the user.

However, the Guild may be deleted or restricted from using if they fall under each of the subparagraphs below.

(1) If the Guild is operated for the purpose of illegal site advertisements and commercial advertisements

(2) If the Guild is connotating profanity, vulgarity, slang or represents such meanings

(3) If the Guild is defaming or slandering a specific person or group

(4) If the Guild is impersonating the Company employee and operator

(5) If the Guild is shown to have the intention of trading cash and goods or encourage sharing them

(6) If the Guild has the purpose to provide information that hinders public morals, such as posting of pornography

(7) If the Guild is created for the purpose of defaming others

(8) If the Guild is created for the purpose of disrupting the game environment, producing/distributing/using illegal programs

(9) If the Guild is judged to be harmful according to the social norms or meets the standard for unwholesome behaviors

② Artificial replacement of Guild masters is not supported, in principle.

③ Once the Guild has disbanded, it cannot be recovered.

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