Community Surprise Coupon Event
2025.02.06 12:00 ~ 03.06 09:00 (UTC + 9)
UNDECEMBER Puru's Valentine's Day Gift Event
2025.02.06 12:00 ~ 03.06 00:00 (UTC + 9)
UNDECEMBER Season Trials of Power Zodiac Pass 2
2025.02.06 12:00 ~ 03.06 00:00 (UTC + 9)
Normal/Royal Monthly Attendance
2025.02.06 12:00 ~ 03.06 09:00 (UTC + 9)
Distribution of Coco’s Lunar New Year Holiday Gift
2025.01.24 11:30 ~ 01.31 23:59 (UTC + 9)
UNDECEMBER Lunar New Year Celebration Login Event
2025.01.25 00:00 ~ 02.02 23:59 (UTC + 9)
'UNDECEMBER, How Much Do You Know About It?' Coco’s Quiz Event
2025.01.16 12:00 ~ 01.19 23:59 (UTC + 9)
3 Year Anniversary Coupon Event
2025.01.13 11:10 ~ 01.31 23:59 (UTC + 9)
UNDECEMBER 3rd Anniversary Celebration Event
2025.01.09 20:00 ~ 04.30 00:00 (UTC + 9)
3rd Anniversary Normal/Royal Attendance
2025.01.09 18:00 ~ 02.06 00:00 (UTC + 9)
Season 'Trials of Power' Update Celebration Coupon Event (Added on Feb. 7 12:30 (UTC+9))
2025.01.09 18:00 ~ 02.13 23:59 (UTC + 9)
Community Surprise Coupon Event
2025.01.09 18:00 ~ 01.31 23:59 (UTC + 9)
Move to the Login page?
Move to the login page?
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