Feb. 6 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Added on Feb. 12 13:20 (UTC+9))
UNDECEMBERGreetings, Rune Hunters.
Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Feb. 6 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.
Please see below for more details.
※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.
◈ Known Issues |
※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.
- Issue where when the date changes while logged into the game, the number of Solo Descent Raid attempts does not reset
ㄴ The Solo Descent Raids can be used correctly after exiting and restarting the game, or moving to the Select Character or the Select World window and entering the game again.
- Issue where effects of Skill 'Black Plague' used by other users are not visible
- Issue where the trigger is repeated only after a certain amount of time once the trigger operates after using the Frost Bomb (Unique Item Equipped) Skill
- Issue where the game crashes when summoning 'Abyss Knight' by Abyssling Fusion (Added on Feb. 6 15:50 (UTC+9))
※ The 'Enlargement' effect among Awakening options of Wrathful Rune Knight [Source] is deactivated until the issue is fixed.
We will do our best to fix the issue as soon as possible. (Added on Feb. 6 18:00 (UTC+9))
- Issue where the projectile effect does not work upon using Frost Bomb with Unique Gear 'Cold Comfort' equipped (Added on Feb. 7 11:33 (UTC+9))
- Issue where moving using the Mine Car is occasionally not possible while progressing through the Eunos Dungeon with the 'Enlargement' node of the Zodiac Specialization 'Torch' activated
※ When this issue occurs while playing the game, please note that it can be temporarily fixed using the [Settings] > [Account] > [Escape] function.
◈ Bug Fixes |
※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.
■ Gear
- Among Holy Options of Unique Gear 'Aphros's Story', 'Gear Dodge Rate +%' has been changed to 'Gear Armor +%'.
■ Skills
- The issue where the Frost Sphere of Icy Arrow [Verity] skill does not explode has been fixed.
- The issue where the Frost Ball explosion option does not work when the Frost Ball is used after equipping Unique Staff 'Sephdar's Coexistence' has been fixed.
■ Zodiacs
- The issue where the character is stuck in terrain or object when 'Giant' is activated using Specialization 'Torch' has been fixed.
- The issue where Shield skills cannot be used while equipping a Shield after Zodiac Specialization III 'Gunner Shield' Node is activated has been fixed.
■ Costume
- The issue where the game crashes when Bowgun, Shield, and Wings Costume are equipped simultaneously after Zodiac Node 'Gunner Shield' is activated has been fixed.
■ Auction House
- The issue where you could search for 'Sealed Rune (Condense Fire)' at the Auction House has been fixed.
※ You can purchase Skill Rune 'Condense Fire' at the Rune Shop or Compendium.
■ Pets
- The issue where leg textures stretch during the animations of 'Prince Coco' pet has been fixed.
■ Raid
- The issue where the reward gain chances of each nerfed run in Solo Descent Raids are incorrectly applied has been fixed.
※ Item rewards other than Rune Hunter Coin can be obtained by chance in each Mode.
We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.
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