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Director’s Letter Vol. 13

2024.07.25 Thursday 18:18 (UTC + 9)

Hello, I'm Director Sang Kwon Han.

We sincerely apologize for the frustration caused by the issues that arose after the 1st update of Season 5.

We regret that you encountered several issues in the updated version, including the abnormal Drop Chance for the new Grade Essences and Tier 35 Gear, the major changes related to Energy, and the problems with the Chaos Dungeons caused by Darkness Energy.

The development team is currently addressing urgent issues and conducting thorough internal checks to ensure nothing is overlooked.

We aim to resolve many of these problems during the Jul. 25 (Thu) scheduled maintenance and again during the Aug. 1 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.

The issues with Darkness Energy arose as demand significantly exceeded supply. To address this by Aug. 1 (Thu), we plan to increase the Daily Exchange Count for Darkness Energy, add a chance to obtain Darkness Energy when disassembling, allow the purchase of Darkness Energy from Croco’s Disassemble Exchange Shop, and include Darkness Energy Bundle Drops in Hard Mode.

To help alleviate the wait until Aug. 1 (Thu), we will be distributing 1,000 Darkness Energy every day from Jul. 25 (Thu) to Jul. 31 (Wed).

The recent improvements to Energy were intended to address the imbalance that had focused too heavily on specific types of Energy and to prevent over-reliance on some builds.

In the next season, we will introduce new Link Runes to enhance Energy effects and make additional balance adjustments as needed.

Lastly, there is still an issue with the Tier 35 ‘Arcane’ weapon gear, where the Unique Options have excessive stats that were not part of the original design.

Since some Rune Hunters already have these weapons while others do not, we will not be performing a separate balance patch.

However, because the Unique Options on the ‘Arcane’ weapon gear will have a long-term impact on balance, this gear will only be available during Season 5 and will not be obtainable in future seasons.

We understand that some Rune Hunters might be concerned about some items becoming legacies, as has happened in the past. Rest assured, we plan to address these concerns through system adjustments in upcoming seasons.

We put a lot of effort into creating enjoyable content for Season 5, but we understand that the early issues have been disappointing.

To make up for this, we have prepared some rewards, though they may not fully resolve the problems.

We hope these rewards will help Rune Hunters enjoy Season 5 a bit more.

Preparing the rewards will take some time, so they will be distributed to all Rune Hunters during the Aug. 1 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.

The rewards are as follows:

- Tier 35 Gear Selection Chest x1

- [Exclusive] Ancient and Divine Upgrade Essence Selection Chest x2

- [Exclusive] Ancient and Divine Imbue Essence Selection Chest x2

- [Exclusive] Ancient and Divine Reversion Essence Selection Chest x2

Even though Season 5 has just started, we are committed to making UNDECEMBER even better for the upcoming season.

Thank you.

Sang Kwon Han

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