UNDECEMBER Official Service Grand Opening Announcement
UNDECEMBERGreetings. Rune Hunters.
Your journey with us will begin on Oct. 12, 2022.
At last, we announce the commencement of the official service of UNDECEMBER.
We sincerely thank everyone who has been waiting for UNDECEMBER.
The official service of UNDECEMBER will begin on Oct. 12, 2022 11:00 (UTC+9).
◆ UNDECEMBER Official Service Grand Opening Announcement
■ Official Release Date: Oct. 12, 2022 11:00 (UTC+9)
■ How to Download UNDECEMBER
* You can install and play UNDECEMBER on the FLOOR PC Client, Steam, Google Play Store and App Store.
▶ FLOOR : You can download ‘UNDECEMBER’ on the FLOOR PC Client.[Link]
▶ STEAM : You can search for ‘UNDECEMBER’ on Steam Store and download the game.[Link]
▶ iOS : You can search for ‘UNDECEMBER’ on App Store and download the game.[Link]
▶ AOS : You can search for ‘UNDECEMBER’ on Google Play Store and download the game.[Link]
◆ UNDECEMBER Pre-Registration Reward Announcement
■ Reward Period
- Oct. 12 (Wed) 2022 ~ Dec. 31 (Sat) 24:00 (UTC+9)
■ Reward Contents
- You can obtain ‘Pre-Registration Reward Chest’. from the mailbox in Town, once per account when you first access UNDECEMBER.
- Please check the table below for the rewards that you can receive from the chest.
Item | Amount |
Movement Speed Elixir | 30 |
[Exclusive] Skill Rune Magic Upgrade Essence | 1 |
Medallion Coupon [Star's Creation] | 1 |
Gold | 100,000 |
[Exclusive] Rare Upgrade Essence | 10 |
Resurrection Scroll | 15 |
■ Precautions
※ The Pre-registration reward will be given once per account, and the mail will expire after 7 days (168 hours).
※ Once the expiration date for receiving the mail ends, you cannot receive the reward.
We cannot help you with the recovery service so please collect your mail before it expires.
※ You have to collect the reward yourself and the reward will be sent to your Bag.
We thank all the Rune Hunters who have shown love and support during the Steam Next Fest period.
Download and access the game now!
We look forward to your adventures in Traum,
and we will do our best so that you can enjoy UNDECEMBER to the fullest!
Thank you!
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