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Dec. 21 Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues (Edited on Dec. 23 13:25 (UTC+9))

2023.12.21 Thursday 13:00 (UTC + 9)

Greetings, Rune Hunters.

Here is information on bug fixes and other current issues that were found after the Dec. 21 (Thu) UNDECEMBER update.

Please see below for more details.

※ The following may change or be postponed in the future.

Known Issues

※ These are the issues that have currently been found since the update.

- Issue where the end numbers of required exchange material amounts are hidden for those who own 100,000 Chaos Tickets or more on some devices

- Issue where product names are displayed in Korean when attempting to purchase products from the iOS US app store

 > We are currently looking into the issue and the undistributed rewards, and we will inform you through a notice once the rewards have been sent.

- Issue where damage skins and speech bubbles disappear from your purchase list when purchasing all weapon and attachment costumes in the Crusade of Glory Shop

 > This issue will be resolved through the Jan. 11 (Thu) 2024 maintenance. 

- Issue where incorrect options are displayed when viewing Normal Element with gear filters in place in the Auction House  

- Issue where gear that can have Authority Attributes are not dropped when God’s Resonance Stones are activated in dungeons (Added on Dec. 22 10:56 (UTC+9))

- Issue where multiple hits do not work for certain skills (Added on Dec. 22 10:56 (UTC+9))

- Issue where rewards are not given to users who enter Chaos Mission Ranking placings (Added on Dec. 22 10:56 (UTC+9))

- Issue where the consecutive attacks of Quick Slash (Verity) do not occur normally (Added on Dec. 23 13:25 (UTC+9))

Bug Fixes

※ These are the bug fixes that took place with the update.

■ Stages

- Act 1_4 / Act 7_5 

- The issue where portals appeared in areas that cannot be accessed in some stages has been fixed.

- The issue where the Prologue Skip button overlapped with skill UI on mobile environments has been fixed.

- The issue where Gift King’s Assistants sometimes appeared outside the map when playing Episodes has been fixed.

■ Chaos Dungeons

- The issue where Movement Skills could not be used properly in some Chaos Dungeons has been fixed.

- The issue where the sound effects for the activation of Abyssal Rifts did not play when reaching 100% Chaos Dungeon Exploration Rate has been fixed.

- The issue where scrolling became stuck at the top of the page when viewing Chaos Dungeon options has been fixed.

- The issue where skills for moving positions took effect in the same position when playing some stages in mobile environments has been fixed.

■ Constellation of Time

- The issue where parts of the minimap were not displayed when playing the Gem stage in Constellation of Time Creuze has been fixed.

■ Items

- The issue where the Move button became activated for stages that do not have waypoints when using Episode Skip Tickets has been fixed.

- The issue where users owned items that had been deleted in a previous update (Blue/Red/Green Elements etc.) has been fixed.

> These items will be changed into 'Earth Elements' of the same grade.

■ Beauty

- The issue where images of costumes were hidden in the Product Info of some packages has been fixed.

- The issue where text strings overlapped in item source UI in Beauty Shop categories has been fixed.

■ Rankings

- The issue where Rankings that should be deleted were still present in certain circumstances has been fixed.

■ System

- The issue where the buttons on the Episode Skip screen were displayed in Korean has been fixed.

■ Enchant

- The issue where the Candor Essence Success Count of Skill Runes was not displayed has been fixed.

■ Hack Detection System

- The issue where restrictions for the use of illegal programs were imposed when no such program was used has been fixed.

- The issue where error codes (5_NN_201) appeared has been fixed.

- The issue where an error code (5_15_201) appeared when using the Frost Strike skill has been fixed. (Edited on Oct. 21 13:05 (UTC+9))

We hope that the details on known issues will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.

Thank you.

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