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[Насосочница] evrik
2024.02.24 Saturday 06:58 (UTC + 9)


Please explain on what basis you are slowing down the character's swing at a high level. At the beginning of the game, everything falls very well, a lot of entities, etc. At the beginning of the game, I only needed 15-20 amulet rarity enhancement entities to craft all 3 characteristics on 3 amulets, which is about 5 entities per 1 amulet. At the moment, I can't put my amulet for more than 50 entities on just one amulet, because I just can't make at least 2 parameters at the 9th grade level.

Why the hell are you doing this? Why does the game give more torment than pleasure? How to play it?

Why should I spend more than 50 entities to craft 1 amulet. While they need to be made 6. And in order to craft a good chaos star, you need 6 more amulets with a high discharge. Where do I get so many entities? Can you tell me?

I inserted an artifact for the appearance of Serpens, +130% chance of encountering Serpens. One day the whole day, I repeat, I play all day, I met only 1 serpent on the cards, the other day I never met him, and even if you do, it will give only 2-3 entities.

Why should I spend weeks crafting one amulet, huh?

You don't have any increase in the chance of dropping entities, no flasks, no guild buffs, nothing works to increase the chance. And many players talk about it.

I'm just tired of it, how long can I put up with it already?

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