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2022.12.01 Thursday 05:03 (UTC + 9)


First of all , I have been playing UNDECEMBER for like 2 months?!? Idk, But ı have played daily and currently I am level 93 (around 400 hours). I am also payed a amount of money so I have achieved to access 5 level earlier.

I have seen where F2P players got stock with. I am helping them as much as I can but I do also know that what makes this game hard is making this game playable an equal. Because p2w players also getting stopped at the same spot. 

My Suggestion List: 


  1.  We should be able to buy usable items in the guildmap, Than people can spend their time in their guildhouse. What we actually need are;
  2.  In guildhouse(map) people should interact with eachother and to do that we need to be able to summon the npc’s to there. I mean the town npc’s including Guild contents.
  3. We need to see guild leaderboard and rewards. I  really would liked to see guild exp leaderboard, to be equal guild at the same level can race with eachother.


  1. We need pet dragon, Wings as customs , or they may be an achievement reward which is the next point
  2. There should be harder achievements to get like complate 100 unique chaos dungeon or so that gives us buffs and something
  3. I would like to see that wing content at the end game, Maybe we can get a wing piece as drop which is so rare to create some unique wings that we do get achivement when we do collect all of them

I am out of my opinions rn 

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